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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Ducks possesed the ball 11:14 in Q1. Beaves are going to struggle scoring. Can I change my prediction to 30-10 Ducks
  2. Cheated on third play of the game. Wow. Better give them this completion.
  3. He is averaging 6 yrds a carry. Not afraid to take a hit. O line has protected Ty well, no sacks but only 31 pass attempts.
  4. I have no doubts Oregon will grab another 1%. They have gotten better every game since TT game. That was 2nd game if you count PSU. They played like giants in Mont lake. Ducks where the better team that day. The whole country saw it. Should have won that game. Since fusky game Ducks have grabbed 2% week to week. These guys are good, really good. No doubt in my mind Ducks will play to the standard. Every week standard levels are raised. Love the way Lanning coaches.
  5. Ty's stats look great. Both camps have a good argument as far as TT goes. If anything it's an interesting story. I would love to see him start a game with the ones. Rooting for the guy for sure. 4 tds in 31 attempt. Cmp% is pretty high. Int at ASU was his first.
  6. Revenge tour... I think that fits. Listed in order. 1. Beavus 2. Fusky 3. Buckeyes for 2014 4. Bulldogs for 2022 I see four great wins in Oregons future.
  7. I don't always tie a grown mans shoes. But when I do its for the fat man in the middle. Stay salty Ducks
  8. I think the pic Ty threw also was on Ty. His arm was hit sure. But Ty has to have pocket awareness. Something he has struggled with a bit but has shown vast improvements. This comes with experience and snaps. Ty looks a ton more comfortable than last year. The deer in the headlights look is gone. Thats a great revelation. 80% of Bo with this D would take Ducks to 10 wins imo. This Defense with a 2nd year senior starter and who knows what can happen. Skys the limit
  9. This stuff cost time and money. Hope everyone who loves the OBDF can help Charles out here. Everything helps. Click the link. Scroll to the bottom of the page and help this community thrive. Contact FishDuck.com FISHDUCK.COM Contact FishDuck.com
  10. "Note to self, first day of fall camp, Shoe Tying 101..."
  11. Oregon played fourth quarter of 2022 loss to Oregon State on a loop in team facilities SATURDAYOUTWEST.COM Oregon has been preaching 'finish' as it prepares for Oregon State. To make sure the... I woke up this morning feeling a little ornery and mean. I watched this game "...in 60" on the Pac-12 network last night. I recorded it so I can watch it again today. Everything is at stake today. The entire season comes down to this one game. Win and it moves the Ducks in position for the next phase of a title hunt. Lose and it all comes crashing down. Life changing decisions were made with this one game in mind. This is as big as it gets. Players, coaches, fans and... well... every football fan with a pulse has this game circled today. The Ducks are a very good, the Beavus is the opposite of suck. Sorry, I refuse to directly say anything positive about Beavus today. So for today it is my hope that Beavus gets absolutely destroyed. That the beating gives pause to the Mountain Wests consideration to let these chumps in their proud conference. I hope these slimy vessels of the Black Plague get incinerated today in epic fashion. Agressive, violent, abused, battered will be the adjectives used when describing this beating the Beavus will take at the hands of the Ducks. Today is the day Beavus looks back on and says. "This is where the story ended". May the name Beavus be stricken from the record never to uttered in public again. Thats all I got to say about that... for now.
  12. Stephens was on the Coaches show a few weeks back. Dude is gifted and a great interview. One of my favorite interviews on the show this year
  13. Oregon and LSU are in completely different situation. LSU is playing for pride and the Ducks are playing for a chance at the post season CFP. Nix has been used strategically to withstand a long grueling season. His rushing has been almost completely shut down and he has played 2/3 the minutes Daniels has. The way coach Lanning has managed his team and Nix specifically has been intentional. And as a result the team is healthy and fresh across the board. I challenge that if Nix used his legs more, his numbers would be untouchable in both passing and rushing. A running Bo Nix changes everything. But here we are with a healthy team and a QB starting to peak just at the right time. I will take where this team is at over the Heisman any day. JD is a great player and fun to watch. If he wins the Heisman it is well deserved. I will applaud him.
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