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Everything posted by shawnski

  1. The past was awesome! But it's just that, the past. You can't go home (according to Jon bon Jovi)
  2. No Not even sure how much or what Helfrich actually did Stay gone
  3. I received a Bio-chem degree from UofO. All of my coworkers MUST have a science degree just to start. They come from all over the US from all schools. Trust me, these "academic ratings" are make believe. But reality on the football field will set in Saturday for Lake.
  4. Maybe all games started after 1700 should be played with a running clock?
  5. Night games stink. Pac12 games have already become a 4+ hour stinkfest due to moronic officiating. Game will be over at midnight Sheesh
  6. I think MC again sort of listened to us at Fishduck. He's been getting grief over NOT being able to just grind the clock out and win the game by not giving the ball back. Well, there was 6 minutes? left in the game so he sent the ones back out and said "go kill the clock and win the game ( insert Cuban accent). Which they then did A teaching moment for players and coaches
  7. It was second down! On the 24 yrd line! Plus they had one TO left. Make them burn it. Sheesh Brown is very black and white - throw the long, I throw the ball long. Run the ball, I Run the ball. Coaches have to take his limitations into account and call plays accordingly, which they did until the last drive. But, it was an improvement however small. Remember, MC said at half to not let the refs decide the game and coached accordingly.
  8. He also had Dye to the right leaking out of the backfield, also open. As for the last INT, I got nothing
  9. Their biggest opponent is themselves. With KT back and others, hopefully the leadership part will even out
  10. Any disappearance of Williams has been due to play calling and/or QB play. He's constantly open and his effort is without question. His reaction to things that don't go his way however....
  11. Some as said by others: 1) Thibs is the best player on the field at any position 2) D really playing well, especially with all the new players 3) Bassa at MLB coming on 4) tackling and swarming to the ball have been really good 5) Effort! Man, those guys never gave up. 6) recieivers are starting to gain separation now, either by effort or scheme 7) I like the DBs aggressiveness, even if the refs call bs, they're going to anyway, so might as well play tough if we can keep Thibs, Dorlus, Swinson, and whomever, together on the Dline, they'll be great 9) Mario not only played Freshman on O, he gave them the ball, huh.
  12. Everything from the Helfritch Era is dust bin material
  13. He mentions tackling, but I think tackling has actually been pretty darn good. I'm not worried about the D in the least. Especially with Thibs playing
  14. Blount was a good dude Watched him interact with little kids after practice (when they were still open), big teddy bear
  15. It's not difficult and it's not an all or nothing game. Could have and SHOULD have played Thompson for a series or two in the 3rd Quarter. SHOULD have run Cardwell once or twice instead of only at the end, twice. Just show some signs of change/improvement is all we're asking. Nope, he refuses
  16. We already are Student section was full High dollar donor seats on the 50 under the cover weren't half full at the end As a season ticket holder, we're done
  17. Lastly, sorry: D is really building for the future having to play all of these young guys, and doing pretty well. Offense, not so much
  18. Man, you really nailed it on those. 1) KT is awesome and made a huge impact. Immediately Cal even changed their play calling with him in. 2) #33 Bassa, Freshman safety, playing MLB for the first time, did pretty darn well 3) Dorlus made some great plays 4) D tackling has been pretty darn good all season, #2 Wright specifically as he gives up 20 lbs yet still brings the wood. 5) T. Dye was reading the holes and hitting them like a man possessed. Say what you want about Cal, but he made it happen. 6) screen pass call to Dye in 4th quarter was perfect, should do that more. 7) #21 Cardwell looked excellent on his only 2 touches. Kid needs to have the ball in his hand There are some really GREAT things out there. It's just that poor or mediocre QB play is driving this bus
  19. When do we celebrate the Tyrone Willingham 0-12 season?
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