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Everything posted by shawnski

  1. Uff-dah That stunk They'll be back. Hopefully Micah has qualified for the US meet and maybe the World's?
  2. Glad to have him back. He was a solid performer. Also one of the "high-lights" of an otherwise dismal special teams performance under Mari
  3. We shall see The back end as a group is Oregons weak link. Mostly based on experience, which is HUGE for DBs. I don't put too much stock into the Spring Game, as split squads hurt the D most. But we'll see. It's a concern
  4. Blount always has been a stand-up guy in my view. Great Duck Great Pro Nice punch too. Some people just need to get whacked in the mouth
  5. Hope Micah can bring it home He's been amazing and dominant in finals races
  6. Completely agree I was totally luke-warm on his transfer, but after watching the Spring Game, I'm sold. He's Maehl 2.0 and will lead this offense
  7. I could list: Cam Mccormick, Patrick Herbert, Steven Jones (Mari was always raving about him), Sean Dollars, Steve Stephens, the kicker (any of them)... But DJ is a great pick
  8. It was a little different back then. Sure they knew they were getting $$$, but each ones total was on the down low. Now it's all in the open and astronomically high. Really in your face. Can't be good
  9. Isn't that the truth. They aren't USC The one thing they won't be lacking is EFFORT
  10. Why!!!!! I had buried that soooooo deep. Down there with all the other monsters and heartbreak. I'll never forgive you
  11. This is just greasy What went from "total cost of attendance" To a Bentley? Come' on man
  12. QB play Injuries Turn overs Maybe (could have hit ceiling) Probably won't be as lucky Unlikely to duplicate production losing starters Likely trending down
  13. Yes And it's a win-win for the Ducks. Athlete stays longer, team goes to the Final Four! We all win
  14. Not even in my younger days was that possible
  15. I hope they bring some attitude. The best teams had swag and dudes who would throw some elbows. Lately it's been boring and their record reflects that
  16. By talent alone, Oregon and USC (blech) are really the only contenders. Oregon if it can stop losing to teams it has no business losing to USC if it can get out of its own way. No one else has done it and probably won't. Utah hopes lighting strikes twice? It doesn't - except in The Great Outdoors Sure you can be a "dark-horse" in June, but can you be a horse at Thanksgiving?
  17. NO purple colors on the Forum Front Page Mr. Stalin! Ha Huck the Fuskies
  18. I thought this article was crap. Totally agree with the first 3, duh. The rest is an advertisement for the SEC. Plus, they have whatever jobbers are under center for the Beavs and Fuskies ahead of Nix? Nope
  19. One of my favorites was Braylon Addison. He played WR and returner, but if you remember, he took a few snaps under center and threw a couple TD passes. He would have had a great senior year with Marcus I believe if he hadn't hurt his knee (hence Byron Marshall to WR). Enjoying success in Canada
  20. We don't know if they have or haven't found one. Maybe they have one and we just don't know what it is yet? Chippers first game at Boise St. gave no clues as to what we were going to see.
  21. This article is missing some players. 1) Chris Boucher won championship (s) with Toronto Seems like there were others, but maybe they just got to the conference finals? Terrell Brandon w/ Cleveland Freddie Jones w/ Indiana
  22. Yes QB IS the position that will define their season (as it did last year). As it's doubtful Nix (or anyone) will be #8 or #10, it will require a TEAM effort to excell. Everyone plays their part. As Nix will throw better than Brown ever did, and the offense is allowed to do more, they should improve. More O, healthy D - can't wait! Look how close they were last year, and now... We'll see Go Ducks
  23. To those, and those like us. Damn few left. Sua Sponte Happy Memorial Day everyone
  24. Absolutely awesome!!! New PR New U of O record 2nd fastest NCAA time ever Tied for fastest in the world this year Way to go young man
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