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Everything posted by DUCati855

  1. I was thinking the same thing... and move the Outlet Mall to Coburg (from Woodburn). You know the moms and girlfriends would be appreciative of that.
  2. Maybe Harbor didn't want to play second fiddle to Pleasant on the track.
  3. How's that Converse retirement plan working out? Ha!
  4. Completely agree. Like it or not streaming will be HUGE in the future. In my industry (motorcycle racing) the US series (MotoAmerica) owns its own streaming service. When the pandemic hit it was the only racing available worldwide. Viewership exploded. Over half of the growth was outside of the US. We have a whole new fan base. Even now that the all the other (more prestigious) series are back the MotoAmerica series has maintained its foreign fans. This tells me it would be great for the Pac? to be the first conference on the streaming front. Once you gain fans/followers you typically do not lose them. As college football fans we need to think globally. I feel many are only worried about how it affects them.
  5. Good for Justin! What also is truly amazing is it likely will not change his personality much. So proud of this Duck!
  6. I'm sure much of the country agrees with this. Yet, in a playground pick... I would take Penix and Nix over Williams. Just like I would take Herbert and Purdy over Mahomes. I'm not saying Williams and Mahomes are not great quarterbacks. I'm just saying their egos are to big for me to want on my team. I feel the team as a whole is better served with a leader more like Nix or Penix.
  7. Thank you for the great article David. I feel you were spot on. I also liked this point by Duck Fan 76. I to feel Tosh came to the Ducks to learn from Dan Lanning. Tosh knows there are small things needed for him to be a great DC. Why not learn from one of (if not) the best DC in the college game. To me it feels like Tosh is great at being a teacher. But, not necessarily great at plan development. This is what he is working on. To me it appears that Chris Hampton may have a step up on Tosh in this regard. I do not know enough about Hampton to speak of his teaching skills. Perhaps this is something Tosh has a leg up on him. Dan Lanning being the mastermind I believe him to be may be putting both of these coaches into great positions for both to learn and develop their coach acumen further. With this coaching change and the roster moves I'm not sure how the defense can not take a step forward. Lanning is building something in special Eugene. Let's enjoy the ride.
  8. Definitely sounds like premature excuses. Like they have already conceded that their going to SUCK. But, like always true Trojan fans can't admit that they SUCK... even though they know they typically SUCK.
  9. I see things a bit differently. Anyone on the east coast pretty much ONLY sees the Pac schools on weekly highlight shows anyway. I travel the east coast on occasion and unless the Ducks are playing a top tier team their games are nearly impossible to find in ANY sports bar. Even national chains like Buffalo Wild Wings, Hooters, and Twin Peaks do not get the Pac12 network or most network west coast feeds. At least with a streaming service those who want to follow the Pac would be able to.
  10. For those of you glued to cable. I'll tell you my story. I have cable to all my TVs in the house except one. All bedrooms and living room have coax cable to them with cable boxes in each room. I had an addition added a couple years ago. A family room/ man cave. I never pulled coax to it. It only has wi-fi so my TV in there only has streaming services easily accessible. I have found I spend the weekends glued to my living room TV with cable to watch football. But, 99% of the time outside of football I'm in streaming something (Netflix, Amazon, or RokuTV). My point is. Once you get used to streaming. You will not miss cable TV much (if at all). Soon most sports will be broadcast via both medias. I for one am looking forward to this happening as I will then be able to drop my $200+/month cable subscription and apply that to my scotch collection.
  11. A lot can change in two years. Especially for a 15 year old. I'm very happy he is a Duck fan... But, I'll believe this in Dec of 2024 when it officially is announced.
  12. Maybe MC can help him with a NIL deal. There seems to be more money in Miami than brains.
  13. Just another SEC guy talking down about the Pac. All Oregon needs to do is win. If Oregon wins it creates it's own destiny. This is especially true once the expanded playoffs arrive. With this writers logic Gonzaga would have never be seeded well in March Madness. But, Gonzaga kept winning. Kept creating their own path in college basketball. I feel Oregon and Clemson will stay relevant regardless of what their conferences do. I also do not feel UW is going away soon... Unfortunately.
  14. Thanks for the great info Darren. Our Ducks schedule is manageable. But, not simple. As the article states playing both USC and Utah (from the former south division) is a tough task. Add that to the now formidable Beavers and Huskies increases competition levels and our Ducks have some true tests on the schedule. Opening the season against Coach Prime and the national media circus that comes with it may prove to be more difficult than anticipated. Lastly, traveling to Texas to play Shough and the Red Raiders adds another twist to a competitive 2023 calendar. I'm excited to see what our 2023 roster can do with this season. I feel it will be a step forward. But, everyone on the schedule seems to have made steps forward as well. It's gonna be fun!
  15. I want that GIANT receiver that ran over us in game one. Number zero I believe. Him and his cloned twin. Oh, and anyone who has the 5 traits Smitth72 brought out.
  16. Charger's front office meeting went something like this: Spanos: "Our defense sucks!" Telesco: "I may be able to find some new offensive coaches." Spanos: "Does that help our defense?" Telesco: "No. But no one wants to coach our defense." Spanos: "That's true. Let's try it! We have to do something... I'm tired of being the laughing stock of the NFL."
  17. Who is to say that Lanning didn't forecast the future for Coach Hampton. If we weren't overly impressed with this years defense... Do you think DL was?
  18. This to me is the problem with recruiting rankings. The academy's on these circuits act basically as agents for their players. Many of the highly hyped up 7 on 7 plays are flops. 7 on 7 does not truly translate to the real game. One of my favorite quotes from Dan Lanning when being asked about other teams recruiting (last year) was (something like) "We'll see. We're not playing 7 on 7 in this league as far as I know."
  19. I've been a Charger fan my whole life. This collapse was no surprise to me. It seems it is in Charger DNA regardless of what city the are currently representing. I was hoping for a different outcome. But, fully expecting something like this.
  20. You need guys like this to have an effective scout team. This will help the defense when preparing for any team with a running QB. It also can give special teams options on field goals with him as a holder. He will be a true role player for the team on a daily basis. I'm happy for the kid and his family. He will likely be living a lifetime goal of playing for the Ducks. Welcome Brock Thomas!
  21. I said this from day 1. I felt the Rose Bowl should have been our focus in 2022. Very few seemed to agreed.
  22. Dan Lanning and Mario Cristobal couldn't be on farther ends of the spectrum on this. I'm glad DL allows freedom for his staff. But, he definitely could learn to reel it in a little in key moments.
  23. 'A silent killer with great hair': How Justin Herbert helped turn the L.A. Chargers around WWW.ESPN.COM He has always had the strength, but the third-year quarterback had to find another gear to help push a middling team to the playoffs for the first time in five years.
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