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Washington Waddler

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Everything posted by Washington Waddler

  1. Three things could contribute to an improved offense, or a returned offense or whatever you want to call it: 1) consistent accuracy from our quarterback without which Dilly’s schemes are neutralized. 2) the emergence of a reliable running back in the mold of CJ (which was why MC had any offense at all), and 3) no more panic and confusion coming from the head coach.
  2. Trap games usually work on the basis of being caught either looking ahead or being caught in a let down. I don’t see looking ahead as an issue with either Stanford or Colorado, but tough, hard wins over BYU and UCLA could make prepping for WSU and Cal a real challenge. It will be interesting to see how our new coaching staff game faces.
  3. Before the Hatfield-Dowlin Complex was built, T&F athletes were given meal compensation because the previous training table operation was to small to manage anything but team-oriented sports. As I remember from my days as a T&F volunteer, most of the athletes felt that what their compensation could purchase compared poorly with what was provided by the training table. At the H-D, this problem has disappeared because they’ve room to accommodate individual traffic.
  4. To be a successful, technique-driven underdog depends to some degree on a fan base that sees themselves in that light, and supports that image since at least half the games will be played in front of them. Being the little engine that could is embraced in Fresno, to a great degree in Berkley, and probably in Indianapolis. And, any FCS playing an FBS is always that. I’m not sure DeBoer will ever see that kind of support at the mistake on the lake where delusions of grandeur bloom eternal.
  5. Agree. With no intention of revisiting any political issues, it smacks of Bill Clinton trying to own the word ‘is’.
  6. It’s unfortunate that camp success doesn’t always translate into game day success.
  7. The difference for Kelly between recruiting to Gonzaga and Oregon has had, over the years, the appearance of having had to learn on the run how to incorporate and accommodate players into his system in terms of talent and temperament. It has been like watching a live experiment in how to adjust to the next level. The solidity of 3* players surrounding a core star that drove his Bulldog teams to multiple league championships and into 1st round NCAA games has given way to teams dominated by top 50 high school stars - with some divas - not accustomed to supporting roles or coming off the bench. Learning that he could no longer take for granted a team-oriented mentality has changed not only his roster by the disgruntled or home sick departures, but his own perceptions of what recruiting now requires to create the team atmosphere that will once again lead to success. It’s ironic that his greatest Duck success also led to the wrong impression as to what the future would require. The Sabrina years mirrored how his shooter-dominated teams at Gonzaga could group around a core player who carried the load. But, how often do you hit the lottery? Recruiting now demands mirroring what most final four teams all have: greater team speed with equal strength between post and perimeter players. His decision to go with a smaller roster should ease ego issues with more court time for all. It’s been a fascinating journey thus far, and it ain’t over by a long shot, but I trust Kelly to eventually get to where we all want our Ducks to get.
  8. Don’t really care where any Manning goes or what they do so long as they are all permanently banned from doing TV ads.
  9. Started to have my doubts when he lost Andy and Maurica Powell to the Huskies. No question they were looking and deserved a move up the ladder, but might have stayed had they been offered the right incentives. All they’ve done since is to turn a miserable T&F program into winners.
  10. Even a Fuskie whose unbelievably fortunate enough to have some sense of humor can’t help but see the dim witted idiocy of having a mascot that enjoys being chained together with it’s snout up another one’s a**.
  11. I guess what I’ve never understood about the seed pods need to distinguish themselves with the article ‘the’ is that there isn’t any other Ohio State in Ohio other than themselves that they need to distinguish themselves from.
  12. Football hurts too much not to get some enjoyment out of it. There’s always going to be those on every team with agendas, whether it’s as a platform to the pros or more NILS $ or whatever. Those people kill the joy and always will. It’s left to the rest of us as players and fans to remember: let’s have some fun! What’s really funny is you can’t take that too seriously.
  13. I think it’s easy to forget sometimes that before there was an internet and social media forums, these type of interactions were all done either face to face or on the phone where the other person could react immediately to strong opinions. And, you usually had to face the music, whether with a fist or a tongue lashing. Trolls seem to be a part of the human race that wants there cake and eat it to - the type that break windows and then run away. Responsibility for themselves is not their strong suit. They like to hide in their bedroom after they’ve made a mess. Like little kids, they giggle about the chaos they can create. All social media forums are to one degree or another an experiment in human behavior. In very basic term, there are two types with many shades of grey in between: those that exist to be a platform for utterly unfettered and uncontrolled emotional outbursts, and those that seek common ground and awareness of how we affect one another. I think we all know which one Charles is striving to create.
  14. I think any time a program starts over with new head and position coaches installing new schemes and terminology, you’re kidding yourself if you don’t see our situation as a work in progress: hope for the best, but plan for a few bumps in the road. Patience is key. That said, our line backers should be on a par with any group in the country. Losing Thibs on the outside certainly creates pass rush questions that only game time situations will answer, but is somewhat mollified by increased strength in the interior. My biggest concern is the secondary where we lost both Verone McKinley and Mykael Wright to the NFL. Verone was our field general, so it’s imperative that a new leader emerge. There are excellent prospects including Bennett Williams, and the talent level is there. But they will require time in the saddle. Same question to you - how do you think your D performs this year? l
  15. Good comments SGD - enjoyed reading them, but wouldn’t worry to much about any rabids finding our site. They’d end up in the pound before they had time to scratch a flea.
  16. Probably not better choices for playing time. Both Alabama and Ohio State show eight tight ends and Miami has six. NILS and out of state opportunity more likely.
  17. It’s good to hear a coaching staff that’s says it’s looking for the re-emergence of an Oregon Identity that use to slice through front sevens like butter, and kept secondaries on their heels and looking lost. You build that re-appearance on the sound, fundamental principles preached by DL and his staff and they will come.
  18. Sometimes things just have to run there course. Our Brand’s identification with pushing the envelope of altered appearance hopefully hit the wall with Helfrich during the 2016 season. The two games where we used the ‘Webfoot’ and the ‘Duck’ were miserable losses, and it’s always seemed to me that those losses sent a message. Enjoy and celebrate who you are, but don’t forget: substance is still more important than style. I’m happy with those two uni’s in the rear view mirror.
  19. Huge loss if she goes, but the pantry isn’t empty with Stevie Hansen entering her sophomore year.
  20. Glad to see at least a handful of states trying to address this issue; however, this one for me has to land squarely on the doorstep of the parents. I know it’s a different issue and circumstances, but something about this made me think of the Todd Marinovich story and how a parent’s influence (or lack of influence) can channel a kid down a rabbit hole that can exclude or greatly limit all the other very important things that need developing at that age. The excuse will always be the child prodigy - ‘the special talent’. But for every Carr or Marinovich, how many will there be that are left at the bottom of that rabbit hole without a ladder?
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