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Washington Waddler

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Everything posted by Washington Waddler

  1. In the past, Beavs have been pretty adept at putting the horse before the cart. The unforgettable 2008 C***l War is a case in point. But, Jonathan Smith is not Mike Riley and will have his team focused on us and not the brass ring. No way can I wish any success for the mutts.
  2. Let’s just respond from our loss to Utah how tOSU did from their loss to us and beat the Beavers!
  3. The War Between the State? While we’re on the topic of rodent riddance week, might as well be time to trot out an old joke or two that all you oldies probably know, but some new comers may have yet to hear (read?). Should resist the urge, but I can’t help myself. Question: What’s the only sign of intelligence in Corvallis? Answer: Eugene 42 mi
  4. Mario’s opportunity to learn and grow in Eugene would all but disappear in his home state. That’s why you leave home in the first place.
  5. One of the possible way of seeing the potential in DA’s front court is by looking at what’s happened to Kelly’s team. Without Te-Hina or Endyia Rogers to run the show, his bigs are like a gear box without a clutch. Just think of how Sabrina drove the car!
  6. Agree with the learning curve. Anyone paying the slightest attention can see MC is a determined learner. You have to thrive on your mistakes to become a skilled and highly capable head coach, and he checks that box. A great HC? To many variables and unknowns to venture there. The flip side to this coin remains the same: Can Mario’s Miami-bred sense of the game ever embrace the spirit and energy that is at the heart of Duck football? That river flows all around him, but he has yet to jump in. Until then, it may continue to feel like a kid with a shiny new car who keeps adding neat new parts to, but has yet to move it out of the drive way.
  7. There is a pretty good reason you don’t start at the top. The only direction you have to go is down. Winning teaches you one thing: you like it. Loosing teaches you everything else. So, the paradox is tOSU really won that game, and we lost.
  8. ‘Tried and true’ makes for a poor guiding offensive philosophy in football simply because the circumstances that allowed for success in the past game are not necessarily going to be the there in the following. I’m a Mario fan. However, one thing that makes me nervous anytime an OL guy takes the reins is that his force of habit seeking consistency that was forged over time in the trenches will blind him to the more volatile and fluid reality happening behind him.
  9. Well stated JJ. So long as the mythical NC was decided by a vote, competition remained between conferences: you didn’t know who, but you knew where they’d be going. With the advent of the BCS morphed into BCS x 2 — a Wall Street dream come true — we now have combined conferences (SEC ACC) dueling not so much for championships as the emerging right to view western high school athletes as a ‘farm system’ feeding their newly minted franchise championship system. Where does that leave the PAC 12? We’ve always been isolated by geography. Proximity in the east has always had a competitive advantage for them, but now with corporate greed involved, it has become a game changer with the NCAA becoming the big loser. Under the vote system we were just isolated on the west coast. Now, we might as well be somewhere in the Mariana Trench. In time, corporate greed often is it’s own undoing, but for now ESPN/Disney is running the show. Where o where NCAA have you gone?
  10. Great analysis DM. Wazzu’s bringing the house strategy got me to wondering if JM’s practices had AB working screens a bit more this week. I’d also say that the addition of Cardwell’s speed after C.J. went down, and the addition of TJ Bass’s down field blocking ability has helped ignite this resurgence of interest.
  11. What troubles me about MP’s move is the shortsighted nature of it. New WRs not only have to make the team, they have to develop chemistry with a QB — their evolution is unique among players. That’s why his move doesn’t make sense. Assuming he wants to land at a D1 program, he must reestablish both those relationships. For me, that’s sad because I saw his body type and skill set stepping into the position next year vacated by JJ and JR. We’ve a way to go yet to reach that built-in cultural understanding that seems to exist at other long time elite programs that you stay with it no matter what. But, it’s situations just like this that move us towards that goal.
  12. Think Nike is giving a nod to grumbling traditionalists who want to see some yellow along the green. Great helmet!
  13. Yeah, if things keep going the way they’ve been, the PAC 12 IS toast!
  14. Yes, especially Leach who up until his final year had had our number.
  15. u-DUH-b — still peeing on the carpet after all these years!
  16. Agreed. JM is very aware of AB’s twice repaired left knee, and is only going to put him in harms way when the odds are in his favor, much as he did with a Coug defense that lacked a QB spy and reliable corner containment. Smart guys like AB heed the injury lesson, and learn to ‘unlearn’ specific running habits that led to the problem in the first place. I put my money on him to make it to the finish line.
  17. Assuming both win out, any chance of the Ducks staying 3rd would rely on them dominating opponents, and tosu requiring fourth quarter come backs.
  18. With the way this season has gone, the opportunities to give live reps to AB’s back ups have been few and far between. There’s as many QB use theories out there as there are loose wires in Jimmy Lake’s head, but I still buy into the idea that the best thing for the team is one guy runs the show. The closer we get to the brass ring, the more ridiculous the worrying becomes. I just try to remember how much more relaxed I felt in August about AB running the show than I tend to now. Hey! What me worry?
  19. Yes. Was there once back when Urban Meyer coach. Like being in Pullman, only divinely inspired.
  20. Agreed. There needs to be instilled a pre-agreement review by the PAC 12 on coverage arrangements by any network that contracts them to specific viewing requirements. But then, what did we expect? It was ESPN.
  21. Anyone else notice how many times he was also dealing with hands to the face?
  22. Love the way O lines responds to having a back with Cardwell’s patients and timing. It’s a trust you can’t buy.
  23. Think KT put it best with his comments regarding the D’s show of resilience, and how they train for sudden change — it’s all about the next play. 1-0 Baby!
  24. Yes, after yet another magic act win over us it felt good to see the rodents put the clamps on the stumps at clam dip stadium. And besides, it will give them a false sense of confidence coming into Autzen.
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