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Posts posted by Drake

  1. Targeting rules in many cases will always be somewhat difficult. Safety and concussions are a real problem. Targeting just scratches the surface with player safety. 


    The problem with concussion protocol in football is that most concussions are not diagnosed. Many players have a team first mentality and will continue to play through a concussion. It’s only a headache, or I only blacked out a short time is “just part of the game.” 

    Perhaps when sensors are installed in helmets and then properly monitored will concussions be properly diagnosed. It may end up being rather alarming the number of players that sit out games under those circumstances. 

  2. I don’t have enough knowledge to comment intelligently about NIL. However, it seems to me that a college education is still going to be more important to the largest percentage of “student athletes” in the long run. 

    This subject reflects just one problem with the current structure of NIL payments. There are certainly many more scenarios that can potentially derail a “team” that has highly paid vs. non-paid athletes. 

    Currently NIL is in it’s infancy and money is going to be thrown around haphazardly. Sustainability of NIL cash flows is probably going to be much more important than a one time lump sum payment to an individual. 

    As it stands now, only a few teams are competitive for a National title. That is not going to change. However, some of the contenders might. 




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  3. My thought is that he may prove to be a very solid Head Coach.

    I don’t believe he is describing this year as a growing year at all. I believe that part of his philosophy is that every day provides an opportunity for everyone to learn and grow. That is a solid premise for success in life. 

    Molding personal growth into solid team play is never an easy task for coaches. So many personalities and egos on a football team. Some are better at it than others. 

    I am hopeful we have a very good one. 

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  4. The only way to decrease injuries is to play less. What the definition of less looks like for college football will in large part be decided by the litigating attorneys. 

    When you have 200 to 300 lbs bodies colliding at full speed it’s not if you will get injured, it’s when. 


    I know that parents are more apprehensive about allowing their kids to play contact sports as kids get bigger and stronger as they specialize their bodies for a particular sport. 

    Looking at the size and strength of many recruits coming out of High School I can fully understand why. 



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  5. Anyone ever go to the rock slides by Triangle Lake? A hot spring day was always a good excuse to grab some beer, skip that afternoon sociology class, and head to the slides. Always crowded on a hot day, but still a lot of fun. (Denim cut offs recommended vs. a normal swim suit)

    Fishing, hiking, and camping are by far the best ways to experience Oregon. 

  6. Chargers allowed an average of 138 yards rushing which ranked 30th in the NFL. Their pass defense allowed 221 yards per game, and ranked 10th in the NFL. 

    They need to identify the problems with their rush defense. 

    If they can address those problems, then they will be capable of beating anyone. 

    • Thumbs Up 4
  7. Ignoring information (established rules/guidelines) gives someone an easy excuse for actions that are harmful. Whether the claim is true, or false is really not the problem.

    The problem is not enforcing the rules and guidelines that were ignored. Without enforcement chaos quickly follows. 

    Thanks for your concerns, and to all that help maintain the civil nature of your website……Please keep up the good work. 


  8. I believe that all 3 of our backup QBs last year were capable of leading our offense. Perhaps better than AB. Playing tOSU early in the season ultimately sealed the QB rooms fate.

    MC’s grind it out offensive style is built around the idea that his OL will wear out the opposing DL by the end of the game (yawn). Not what I would call innovative by any means.


    AB fit into the grinder mold. With that style Oregon had one or two games where we had a comfortable lead, therefore nobody was able to let AB sit on the sidelines late in a game….that’s Cow Poo with the schedule we had. 

    MC knew he was a prime candidate for the Miami job, and ultimately did enough to take his family back to Florida with a nice healthy raise. 

    I am hopeful that the “pistol plunge” for a 2 yard loss has gone with him. 



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  9. The strength of our new offense might be somewhat difficult to determine. We do have talent throughout the offense, and should be capable of stretching opposing defenses. 

    Last year we were not capable of stretching defenses and suffered against teams that could stop our running game, and short passing attack.


    QB1 is the wildcard that ultimately determines the success of this years team. Our receivers, and TEs are both solid, and if QB1 plays big boy football…..well….we will find out this fall how far they can go. 

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  10. Our linebackers will be among the best in the country. If they stay healthy I expect to see balls dislodged, inaccurate passes, sacks, and opposing QB’s trying to figure out where pressure Is coming from next. The havoc meter should be pretty active. 

    Having an explosive offense that puts pressure on an opposing team to score is also important to allow the defense to be aggressive. I would love to watch the havoc meter constantly ticking upward because teams are forced to keep pace with us on offense. 

    This is the type of football that I want to watch. 

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  11. The revenue generated from sports entertainment in general is enormous. However, so are the bills. 

     NIL is now part of the college sports landscape (bills)to compete at the highest levels. The management of NIL donations will now create important jobs at many Universities, and it will be interesting to watch this play out over the next several years. 

    This could easily be mismanaged. 

    Creating ways to generate revenues that can be used for NIL expenditures now becomes important. I would say the the support from Nike helps put Oregon in a very strong long-term position. They compete at the highest levels to sign players to endorse their products.

    They know very well the pitfalls of throwing around money without some long-term plan, or vision. 

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  12. The most electrifying tandem for sure. Either could take it to the house from anywhere on the field. When LaMichael broke free it was rare to see him tackled from behind. 

    Great memory watching Barner have his epic game at USC. I sat in the middle of the USC alumni, and watched a +300 yd rushing, 5 TD effort. USC fans were totally upset that I had tickets in their section. Got to watch some of the more obnoxious USC fans in that section go home early…


    Absolutely loved it. 

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  13. I am cautiously optimistic that the Ducks will play an uptempo offense that is effective. Quickly running three plays and then punting obviously doesn’t get it done.


    Proclaiming the intent to run 80 offensive plays per game may be somewhat optimistic. His FSU offense averaged 65.5 plays per game, and the Ducks average was 67.6. last year. (I didn’t check time of possession).

    When hired at FSU Dillingham stated that he would run a fast paced pro-style offense focused on getting playmakers open.

    I hope that his playmakers get open more often this year. 

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  14. The coaches will definitely need to refresh the Oregon offense to continue to have Oregon on the “radar”. Many top recruits still remember Oregon having an explosive offense. 

    You get Oregon’s defensive scheme creating problems, coupled with an offense that can score….then we got something cooking in Eugene. 

    “Build it, and they will come”.

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