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Posts posted by GODUCKS15

  1. On 7/4/2022 at 8:31 AM, The Kamikaze Kid said:

    I think the biggest problem here is that there is no long term vision for what's best for the sport, teams, players or even fans. Everybody has been put into a chaotic frenzy scrambling to figure out the best options for themselves with no real understanding how any of this will effect themselves or everybody else in the long term. It's like a panicked crowd trying to escape a burning building at night during a major earthquake.


    If it were possible to slow down and think things through and get outside of the box, there could be a possible solution. Maybe something along the lines of the B12, Pac and Mountain West all realigning themselves into a couple 16-18 team conferences. The teams that want to keep up with the BIG and SEC join one, and the ones that don't form the other.


    If you took the best athletic schools and combined them, you could get something like UO, fuskies, Stanford, Utah, CU, UA, ASU, SD St, Boise St, Fresno St, UNLV, Ok St, Baylor, TTU, Kansas, Houston, Cincy. A new conference along those lines would still have many top 20 basketball and football schools and could remain competitive in the new super conference era.


    The rest could form their own conference which could still produce a couple top 20 ish teams every year without having to go all in on extreme sports spending and breaking the bank. It's just an out of the box thought.



    Nailed it.

  2. Is there a way Oregon could be the Clemson of the west?


    Seems to me it would be righteous of Oregon to try and hold the Pac together and raid the B12 or other quality schools and help create a semi super conference on the west coast.

    Not that USC or UCLA were pushovers but Oregon has mostly dominated them the last 10 years.


    Now that they're gone it gives Oregon a shot at winning it all and making it to the CFP. 


    Back in the Chip days Oregon made it to the CFP when the Pac was down. Now it's down for good. 


    Eventually the CFP will expand and Oregon won't be fighting B10 schools every year trying to make it to the CFP. 

    Too far out in left field? Just pondering. 


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  3. In the end I wonder what the players think? Imagine committing to Oregon and getting to play OSU, MI, Neb , USC, UCLA, etc on a semi regular basis.

    Seems to me it would be a big bonus to offer recruits. 


    As P12 fans it's rough since travel would be a big downer, but the home games would be much better for the most part. 

    Sad situation but at the same time it's what fans have always wanted. How often do Big10 schools come to Oregon? Hardly ever so I think the quality or at least the excitement of the game will be better. 


    Assuming Oregon joins the Big10.


  4. The coaching staff is stellar but Lanning's never been an HC. Even so I still think he'll be fine because he's surrounded himself with quality assistants and seems to be the kind of coach that is not a micro manager. That and the teams loaded with talent. 

    Success for me is to win the north and play for the P12 championship. Anything after that is icing on the cake.

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  5. Get rid of the CFP committee so who goes doesn't have a human factor involved. But then what would ESPN have to do on Sunday afternoons if they weren't trying to make money from their reveal shows?

    Bust up the football conferences and make 4 conferences and the winner of those goes to the CFP.



    We don't need 8-12 teams vying for the title. There would be plenty of action with 4 conferences having divisional playoff games to determine who goes to the CFP.

    Getting rid of the human decision making factor would go a long way towards more fairness as to who does or doesn't go.

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  6. HD is spot on. I get the "Lets expand" idea but what that really does is say "Hey my teams not good enough to make it on their own". Expanding the playoffs only allows those that wouldn't make it to make it and still lose. Should a 9-3 P12 team deserve to be there?

    No 10-2, 9-3 P12 Champ will ever win the CFP. 

    Money would be the only reason for expansion right now concerning the P12


    For the most part the P12 has stunk up the bowl season for quite a few years. It's hard to argue for expansion when P12 teams lose so many mediocre bowl games. 



    IMO it boils down to win your conference with 1 loss and you should be in. Unfortunately in the P12 that doesn't happen very often because there simply just aren't any teams good enough to do that on a regular basis. 



    Win your games and you earn the right to get there.

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  7. I always liked the look of a stadium filled with fans wearing the same colors. Even though Oregon has designated colors for each game it still looks like a kaleidoscope in the stands. There's so many options that people seem to just wear what they feel like. All subjective of course. 


    On the other side I have no problem with most styles/color combos and really like the white/grey/chrome look which is not even close to school colors. I can handle the black look as well. 


    The uni choices are so far ingrained as part of who the Ducks are that there's probably no turning back at this point.



  8. Any wins over 8 would be great. Like mentioned above patience is needed this year. Should Oregon win the north? Probably but that's as far as I go for this year. What I would like to see is some blow out games. I'm okay with tight games against quality teams but unlike in the MC years, I hope Lanning puts the pedal down and throttles weaker teams. That right there will show which way the program is headed. 

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