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Everything posted by GODUCKS15

  1. Pair him with a $2.5M a year DC and OC and I'm in. Chip was a good DC away from beating the Ducks this year.
  2. Hard to feel sad or happy when you have very little action to go off.
  3. We have no idea except for what's been made public as to who Mullens has talked to. We have no idea how many NO's or YES's he's received. Looks to me like he's exploring all options.
  4. UCLA for 2021 had more PTS, PTS/G, YDS/G, passing yrds and rushing yrds than Oregon did. All with transfers and lower ranked players than Oregon. D was the issue. Azzinaro did him no favors.
  5. I would expect JM to start AB but I don't expect AB to finish the game.
  6. I was all in on Kiffin until I heard a rant by Big Suke yesterday concerning 2 of Kiffins hires at Ole Miss. One being Lebby. From what Suke said Lebby was involved in the coverup or just turning his back to it, of all the rape allegations when Art Briles was the coach. I don't remember the other guys name or what he was involved with. Sukes point was is Kiffin going to hire assistants like those and how does that look to parents of the kids he's recruiting. This is Sukes opinion none the less if true then I'm not on the Kiffin train anymore.
  7. Hasn't it been said that he knew about this several weeks before MC left? Only so much you can do. Did he call the search company and tell them to start working on this weeks before MC left? I bet he did. We only know what they want us to know. What if in fact Fickle is the guy. He's got Cincy in the playoffs and a distraction would be terrible for his team. Keeping things hush hush would be paramount. FWIW I was listening to The Fan 1080 and Suke was saying the longer it takes the better it will be. Just his opinion of course. RB could have a hire right now if he wanted but would it be the right guy? Waiting and playing the long game with the new HC hire is more important I would think.
  8. A lot can be tolerated if the Ducks are in the CFP
  9. There's something about 'Lane' County that just sounds right.
  10. If he can get us on "Prime Time" TV then I'm down.
  11. When hasn't there been drama at Oregon? MC seemed to have it under control until the air gun fiasco. His coaching was mediocre at best. Taggert left with drama. So much for "Do something". Helfich lost control of team and brought the Ducks their 1st losing season years. Chip had several players who got into trouble and he turned off some fans with his snarky attitude. But he got the wins. Then there was the Luke Bellotti/Colleen Bellotti situation. Not Mike's fault but it's on his watch as they say. Thing is there's always been drama at Oregon in one form or another. With that being said if Meyer did come to Oregon that would be a shocker. On the other hand it would seem like a demotion like JM leaving for Akron. I just don't see it happening. Plus the NFL is still in full swing and unless he's fired today I highly doubt he'd drop everything and run to Oregon. No coach is perfect so why not get one thats a proven winner? It doesn't have to be Mr Perfect as it's been shown that Mr Perfect doesn't always stay Mr Perfect.
  12. I don't know the pecking order but he seems pretty far down on the list. Is there even enough staff left to conduct practices and manage a game plan?
  13. You would think so as was Moorehead. I'm actually surprised at how the OrSt game turned out considering that this all went down at the time of that game.
  14. And after 2-3 years they'll go back to the NFL as an HC. The only coach that will stay long term is one thats older and who is looking at Oregon as a last hurrah or a home grown alumn. In between those are splashy hires that'll say they're super excited to be here and want to make Oregon the face of college football on the west coast and plan to be here forever, but just like Tag and MC or even Chip when the dream job comes calling they're gone.
  15. Per this article https://www.oregonlive.com/ducks/2021/12/live-updates-oregon-athletic-director-rob-mullens-addresses-departure-of-mario-cristobal-ducks-coaching-search.html On who will serve as interim coach: “The priority is absolutely the student-athletes and that’s what I’ve been spending my morning doing. I met with Mario early this morning to hear his final decision. We spoke throughout the night actually, but to hear the final decision. We had the team meeting. I’ve met with the staff. I’ve reached out to the coaches that are on the road and talked to them directly or left a voicemail. That is the priority is maintain the support structure around these student-athletes. They’ve done everything requested of them to have a great season, win 10 wins, win the North division and have a tremendous opportunity to go to (the) Alamo Bowl and play Oklahoma. That is our absolutely priority today is to make sure we set that up. I’m trying to get an understanding of who’s going with Mario immediately and once I have that then we will have an interim coach in place and I shared that with both the student-athletes and the support staff.” Looks to me like he talked to the players.
  16. Chip doesn't have to run the same blur surprise offence as he did when at Oregon. He went 8-4 this year with much less talent than Oregon has. Take away the P12 Champ game and thats only two less wins that MC got the Ducks. Chips NFL tour was a bust. Where else would he need to go? Certainly not back to NH. Yeah he sucks at recruiting but some of that can be fixed with really good recruiting assistant coaches.
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