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Everything posted by GODUCKS15

  1. The Ducks have had poor 3rd qtrs all year. Fresno St=0 tOSU=14 St Brook=14 AZ=0 Stanford=10 Cal=0 UCLA=13 CO=14 WA=7 UT=7 Ost=0 4 blanks and two 7 pointers. Something that needs addressed IMO.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/report-pair-4-star-oregon-194636072.html No doubt recruiting will change.
  3. Outside of the tOSU game it was the best game of the season for me.
  4. Ducks miss USC for 2022 so maybe a match in the P12 Conf game? USC at Ore in 2023. Tough road ahead for the Ducks. Tough enough without a Riley coached USC on the agenda. If JM does leave the OC hire to replace him needs to be top notch.
  5. Who would be on your list if in fact JM does leave? Tedford?
  6. I like to focus on the 10-2 record. Theyve only lost one close game and it had outlying circumstances.
  7. It's quite possible that barring the injuries the Ducks had that they could've come close to those wishes of 40-O, 20-D.
  8. Interesting how close OSU and OR yet the Ducks manhandled them yesterday. Seems that points per game is not a direct barometer to success. OR has the best overall W/L record in the P12.
  9. Big question is can he repeat it two games in a row? Has he ever done that at Oregon against teams with winning records? We'll find out Friday in Vegas. If he does repeat and beats UT then goes on to win the Rose, he'll be the most under appreciated QB I can remember. Lot's of if's to overcome though.
  10. Watching WSU's de Laura last night made me go Hmmm. He seemed more accurate and had better down field passing than AB. Both are gamers but de Laura seemed to have a better grasp of the game. Maybe WA helped IDK.
  11. The Ducks are just a good team in a weak conference. Guessing they'd be 7-5 or 8-4 in the SEC and BIG1. They have not learned how to walk the talk. It's easy to say physicality, it's another thing to be it. One thing I will note though is in many of the games the D has held their opponents to very few points in the 2nd half. That IMO has kept the team in the game allowing the Sloth of an offense to score. I'm hoping they come out fired up as for some it's their last game in Autzen. OT a little but why so many injuries? Do they need a different trainer?
  12. Geesh the cars still running and people are trying to shove the driver out.
  13. Up until last Saturdays loss to UT I would've picked Oregon over OSU by a slim margin. It's usually a tough game regardless unless either team's having a really bad year. I'm not sure the Ducks have enough healthy players in the right mindset to overcome a peaking OSU team. Beaves 34 Ducks 31 1 TO 3 Sacks 195 passing
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