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Posts posted by GODUCKS15

  1. If the Ducks were scoring 40+ pts a game and winning by 14 pts but still lost to Stanford I doubt fans would be complaining much. 


    Problem is they look anemic when winning. Style of play is boring. Some concerns about whether MC has a grip on game management, like


    when he calls a TO after a commercial break. 


    The difference between CK's teams and MC's teams are that with CK you were surprised if they lost. With MC you have know idea if they'll


    win or lose. Only when the Ducks made it to a big bowl game or BCS game did the thought of losing become concerning. 


    Fans have been spoiled. MM, Herbert, CK, NA, two playoff games, Game Day regulars, etc. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. The same fans who booed AB's crappy passes were the same ones cheering when he ran in for a TD. Too many IPA's? Maybe. Or do they feel just arrogant enough to think they know more than the coaches?

    I was in the stands in row 43 sec 12 and I guaranty the players and coaches heard the boo's followed by the "Put in TY" yells going on around me. So they knew what the boo's were for.


    I'm not a big fan of booing at players. From what I saw most played their guts out. AB's in the game trying his hardest because MC wants him there. It's not fair to him to hear the TY chants. He's just doing what he's asked to do with the best of his ability.  


    This is all on the coaches and all displeasure should be directed at the coaches. 

    I doubt if booing will make a difference in the long run. Low attendance at games will.

  3. Game day should fire up the Bruin players and fans. Lots of players from Cali so they should be fired up too. 

    What's the Ducks record when they're the away team when "Game Day" is there? Not that it maters or maybe it does. 

    I would like to see some new names on the field next Sat but I'm betting it'll be the SOS again. 

    Will MC be outcoached? Probably. 

    Will the Ducks that beat Ohio St please show up.


  4. It could be worse. Ducks could be 1-5 and boring. I don't know if I'd call it boring. For me it was more frustrating than boring. Being at the game I got the sense that at least the fans around me were more pumped when the D was on the field. 

    Clean up the penalties and it would've been a different game.

    It was clear though that what we're seeing is what we'll get for the rest of the season unless AB gets hurt.

  5. At what point does Mario insert TT? If the Ducks are in a close game into the 3rd qtr and get up but 10-14 I highly doubt Mario puts TT in.

    Only way I see TT getting time is if the Ducks are up by 21 in the middle of the 4th qtr or AB gets hurt.

    Now if for some miracle TT starts then all bets are off.

    I'm just using TT as the example. 

    I'm actually thinking our run game will improve to night. 

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