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Everything posted by EastBayDuckDad

  1. Hayward, if we could boil down tomorrow's game, and hopefully the P12 champ game that follows against U$C to the essentials, your statement should be Oregon's mantra.
  2. This young man at 6'5" 280 with wrestler agility has zero bad weight. In a Klemm system and Oregon weight program he'll add 25# of solid mass to an already impressive frame. Great get for the Ducks.
  3. Although it is tempting to sink down to the level of renaming the civil war: War of the Woke or Micro-Aggression Bowl I would vote for: Beatdown on the Pond or Fur and Feather Flyway or Dam-Fowl War Better yet, start a movement to keep the name 'Civil War' and accept no substitute.
  4. Nix was 50/50, maybe 60/40 to go in the Utah game and needed most of Saturday to get right. Like DL said, about the only good thing about the 7:30 start was giving Bo those extra hours to rest then test that gimpy leg. From my view in the stands not too far behind the Oregon bench his right ankle was taped up heavier than King Tut. And he was about as mobile. Yet we saw the results. I believe Bo will be 80/20 or maybe 90/10 with another week of rehab and will take most of the 1st team practice snaps. Dilly will devise a game plan that utilizes what Nix can do even if not yet 100% and find something to exploit in the Beaver scheme. OSU is a really good team this year with a decent run oriented offense and solid defense. Don't fear the Beavus, but do respect it.
  5. In spite of one perplexing On3 classification, everything about Dante Moore screams success at the Power 5 level. Watch the film and then look at the intangibles of leadership, judgement and character. Here's a couple of factoids to chew on when assessing rating service accuracy, recruiting scoring and future potential. Marcus Mariota High 3☆ 24/7 composite 0.8631 National rank #491 Dual QB rank. #18 Hawaii rank. #5 Justin Herbert 3☆ 24/7 composite. 0.8584 National rank. #659 Pro QB rank. #26 Oregon rank. #5
  6. It was apparent that Lanning was more involved with in game coaching of the defense than we've seen previously. There were more pre play adjustments and personnel shifts then I remember seeing in other games. Whether he had reduced Lupoi's role as some have suggested, or just took more active formation and play calling input, the effect was significant. I personally don't think Lupoi was demoted. A few post game analysts noted that the defense limited Utah to 17 points. Not true. It was better than that. The Oregon D allowed only 10 points. The offense gifted them the other 7.
  7. Thanks to Jordan for putting calmly into words what we were all screaming at high volume and with words our mothers would have found worthy of a full bar of Ivory soap. The location and timing of that "trick" play failed on so many levels, most of which were well stated in the FD article. I've watched it a few times on replay and the fault is not all TT's as Thornton got happy hands and was too close for a clean toss. But wrong idea, wrong situation, wrong execution and wrong personnel. That is on the coaches. After stopping Utah's critical 1st drive of the second half, all the momentum was in Oregon's favor. Autzen was buzzing and ready for the Ducks to respond with a score that would put the Utes down by 17. One play later the buzz was gone and Utah was back in the game. The shock lasted the entire 3rd quarter. Even "Shout" started off tepid until picking up a little steam when everyone sang "now waa-ii-tt a minute!". The blunder may well have cost Oregon the game if the defense hadn't been as stiff as it was. Bo Nix as much said so post game. It was just so unnecessary given that the offense was already doing it's thing even with Bo less than 100%. It's time to retire most of the tricky gadget stuff as Oregon has found that you can live, and die by it. Especially when the opponent is well coached and sound fundamentally. By all means, run the J-14 jumbo package (which I don't recall seeing at all last night) which has been largely utilized at the right times with the right personnel. But please, no more high wire acts without a safety net.
  8. Not fully weighing in on the wisdom of throwing the bank at DL this soon but here is a bit of perspective on his salary progression over the past few years. Lanning's current contract with Oregon is for $29.1M over 6 years with a first year salary of $4.6M. As McDuck stated, there are a boatload of incentives for bowl games and NY6 bowls specifically. He made $1.75M his last year at UGA. He was given a half a million dollar boost that season to keep him there after he was recruited to be the DC for Texas. Even with that raise, there were still four defensive coordinators in the SEC that were better compensated. None outcoached him. I don't really have a specific point, but here's my take. Lanning's compensation has already more than doubled his first year with Oregon over his last year at Georgia. That's a lot to process and a lot of damn zeros to factor in. This is a guy who was angling for a grad assistant job not all that long ago. I believe he has a humble and modest midwest mentality and wants to earn his raise, any agent ear whispering notwithstanding. He has a young family and wants stability and as much time with them as his job will allow. He feels blessed and honored that Oregon and Uncle Phil have entrusted him with the keys to the kingdom. With his early success, his tenure at Oregon will have a two to three year grace period. That's the time frame for DL to bring continued success to Oregon before the cash wagon needs to get rolled out. Other programs will come a-callin', but I believe he stays put. Dilly likely gets lured away in two years regardless of the dollars offered to keep him in Eugene but Lanning is here for the next several years.
  9. I can't imagine a better way to integrate a 5☆ kid into the program than to get him on the field for significant reps as a true freshman, name an offensive alignment for him then throw him a touchdown pass out of that alignment. They don't do that at Al-a-bama! What a great inducement for other high talent kids to come to Eugene. I think it is the excitement and creativity that Lanning & Co have brought back to Oregon football that has so many excited for the future.
  10. Yep. Everything else is just cogitation, rumination, speculation and gesticulation.
  11. Like the old Gary Larson cartoon said (and I paraphrase), "I'm going to Eugene to get tutored!"
  12. Some had erected the narrative that before he brought Williams along with him to U$C, Riley considered Penix as a good fit for the Trojans. Several other sources, citing impotently flaccid reporting lacking journalistic rigidity, poked holes in that.
  13. Lanning's statement was pretty definitive. Nothing mealy-mouthed about it. Works on a lot of levels: What he is building with this Oregon team. What he is saying to current and future recruits. What he is saying to the OBD fan base and UO administration. What he is telling other programs that will come head hunting for him. What he is saying to other PAC programs (I'm here to stay, boys). Most importantly, what he wants for his family. And the sweet bit of trolling on the fortunes of those who bail for their dream job elsewhere.
  14. Next time they play "Shout" at the start of the 4th at Autzen, they need to show Miami and FSU emblems superimposed on a big outline of the state of Florida when Otis Day sings: "You've been so good to me, You've been so good to me!"
  15. Justin was a generational talent and combined with the other players on that 2019 roster, should have had Oregon in the playoffs. A variation of Dilly's offense, tailored to Herbert running the ball less than Nix and throwing more, even with the somewhat limited talent level he had at WR and TE, would not have lost to ASU. And probably not to Auburn with Lanning at the helm managing the clock. LSU would have likely still won the title but IMHO, Oregon would have been in the CFP.
  16. I think Lanning would have had significantly better results this year with Miami than MC has had. It's not all recruiting to your own program. DL and Dilly took Mario's O-line and has them moving incredibly well, pulling all over heaven's creation and protecting Nix like he was Fort Knox. I'm sure they wouldn't say it out loud but I'll bet they are having a boatload more fun in the current offense than they had under the previous regime.
  17. Someone should have asked him: "Coach, how much of your multimillion dollar Oregon contract buyout involved the rights to your offensive strategy?"
  18. In my dark matter alternate universe crystal ball, MC stays at Oregon. He hires another "sure, I'll let you run your offense" OC not named Dillingham. Dye, CJ, Pittman all bolt as per our universe. No Bo, no Cota. No Gonzo for that matter. No decent transfer QB wants to touch this stuck in molasses offense. The O-line hangs in there even in the dark matter universe, but due to weaker quantum mechanical and subatomic bond forces, seems to lack the same physicality. Oregon gets blown out by UGA, takes losses to Wazzu and UCLA. Maybe, just maybe, ekes out wins against the fuskies and beavs but gets another woodshed whuppin' (this time at home) by the Utes. Watches Utah and USC square off in Vegas on TV. Finishes with a minor bowl game loss to Southern Backwater State for a 7-5 record. Oregon fans are treated repeatedly to the above cited post game interview scenario, but in green and yellow backdrop. Then the U comes for him. No Lanning or Dilly available to pick up the pieces. Or even worse, MC stays. Then it's another Groundhog Day rinse and repeat season. I did say it was a dark matter universe.
  19. Mic, I kinda got carried away on that one. My actual OBD prediction was 3 1/2 touchdowns or so. Six would way more cover the spread. I do think Oregon either covers or gets pretty close if Lanning takes the foot off the gas with the twos and threes in the game in the 4th qtr. I'm don't think he wants to embarrass Colorado just to make style points for the CFP. Too much of a decent guy for that.
  20. Oh, most revered former Axel, thank you, thank you for the walk down memory lane with the bisons. I was in the stands, freezing my glutes off at that 1996 Cotton Bowl debacle. How it could be 70° and sunny in Dallas the day before, then 40° with wind chill lower than a Norwegian fiord at game time was a polar vortex mystery that swore me off central Texas forever. Add to that the miserable experience of watching OBD get beat badly and Neuweasel pull one of the crappiest low stunts of sportsmanship in the history of college football. Some revenge was extracted by Joey and company in the 2002 Fiesta Bowl which I was blessed to attend. But a little revenge never seems to be enough. Thus every bad thing that ever happens to Colorado, Neuweasel, and the fuskies for that matter, is well deserved. Our karma runs over your dogma, indeed (woof, woof, fuskies, that includes you). As Roger Miller once sang, 'You can't roller skate in a Buffalo herd, but you be happy if you beat the snot out of them by six touchdowns and take the over'.
  21. I posted this on a previous thread when Harsin got canned. Seems pertinent to this discussion as well.
  22. Thanks for the analysis, Coach Boles. Love how DL and Dilly exploit that cover 2 alignment now that Oregon has legit deep threats with Franklin, Hutson and Cota (may he return soon). The opposing secondary has to respect them and the TE as well. If the slower LBs are just slightly out of position on a good Nix play action fake, the speedier RB gets to a wide open spot on the wheel or Texas route and an explosion play results.
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