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  1. I feel for ducks fans here. Liberty? Talk about a no-win situation. However, that does beat not going to a bowl game.
  2. BYU's past viewing ranks were only due to those games with G5's that dragged our numbers down. When we played P5's, our numbers were much higher. For example our late night game vs Baylor was the highest in that time slot since 2016 at 2.2mm.
  3. I think much of that has to do with the bursting media rights bubble. Networks are cutting costs and now people realize that programs are at risk of decreased exposure which effects other things.
  4. Not at all, Oregon will be fine regardless, because they'll have a good landing spot one way or another. And I'm not trolling, just pointing out why a media deal is crucial to a conference and its programs.
  5. It's a big deal because a conference/program's exposure is on the line. Exposure is the lifeblood of a program. It's the reason Oregon has thrived the past 2+ decades and was a boost to our program.
  6. I live in the Dallas area and pretty much nobody follows SMU here. That death penalty in the 80s really did a number on their program.
  7. He's orders of magnitude better then George Kliavkoff.
  8. Turning their noses up at (and snubbing) BYU didn't help either.
  9. #8 is about as good as a scenario as could have been hoped for. Gives plenty of time to rise 4 spots should things shake up enough in the coming weeks.
  10. I think much of it will come down to whether the P12 does equal or unequal shares of the revenue. If UO and UW each take a much bigger slice of the pie in a tiered system, then the four corner schools will be making much less and will have every incentive to either 1. not sign a GOR with the P12 or 2. bolt for the B12. Never discount the value of exposure. Sure, revenue is great to hang your hat on, but thinking long term, exposure is how you build your brand and value and is every bit as important (if not more important than) revenue.
  11. BYU has a bigger brand then Utah (and a much bigger and national fanbase), Utah's fanbase is mostly around SLC, so its fairly regional. One could argue we have as big or bigger (or shall I say, more national of) a brand then UW given the national reach and spread of the sponsoring institution. And when it comes to Oregon, one can argue that lately Oregon has the bigger brand, but historically might be a different matter, so it may be a tossup. Oregon draws viewers, but all three of those schools fanbases are mostly regional.
  12. Yeah there were!
  13. I was in section 27 row 50
  14. I arrived in Eugene yesterday and I absolutely love it here. What a great town! Anyways I just wanted to wish y'all a good, fun, injury-free game and a good. fun, safe afternoon, regardless of the result of the game (please wish me the same, I'm having to triple my dosage of Prozac for this game, lol)! I'll be at Rennies Landing this morning if any of y'all want to join me?
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