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Everything posted by OregonDucks

  1. Two terrible calls on this OSU drive - a missed false start by the RB and that PI call in the endzone. TD Pac-12 refs!!! Perhaps they are auditioning for the BIG?
  2. TCU answers with a touchdown! LOL. I love the camera showing the Michigan fans after TCU makes a play. Should be a good end...
  3. It's a fun bowl but they need to do something about the field conditions. Looks like they really took care of the teams with visits to Sea World, the U.S. naval base, etc. The Vegas bowl should be higher on the Pac pecking order, IMO.
  4. Sark should be embarrassed for himself and should apologize. No one should act like that.
  5. TCU looks real good early and hungry. Perhaps Michigan was overconfident heading into the game?
  6. I was rooting for Michigan but am now going for TCU. Can't root for the overrated BIG anymore... Hope Georgia smashes Ohio State later too.
  7. Below are some things that I was surprised by: 1) Linebackers Brown, Funa and Bassa played around the same number of snaps 65-68. I would have expected two to have more snaps than the third. 2) Irving and Whittingham having an even split of snaps. I love Whittingham as a change of pace back but believe that Irving has earned to be the featured back given his production. He should also be a better pass protector given his size. I was disappointed he didn’t get the carry late in the game. 3) Kris Hudson didn’t get more snaps. I would have though that with all of Oregon’s 3 receiver sets that Hudson and Cota would have almost as many snaps as Franklin.
  8. I would be more excited about Nyckoles at defensive end vs. tight end or receiver. Watching the top teams play in their bowl games, particularly the SEC, makes me realize how far Oregon has to go to be able to field a team capable of competing in the college football playoffs. They just look different, especially in the front 7 on defense. We need more dudes on that side of the ball and Nyckoles’s athleticism is off the charts for someone his size. Even if he were just a pass rush specialist, I think he could really help our defense. Oregon has plenty, perhaps too many, tight ends and there is no shortage of top TE talent interested in Oregon (we are in the running for another 5 star TE this year). Top defensive line talent is harder to find.
  9. If Bo Nix, can match his production next year, where would he rank on Oregon’s all time QB list?
  10. At least Oregon will never have to worry about Moore...
  11. If the Holiday Bowl can't improve the field then I wouldn't mind Oregon declining an invitation to play in the game, in the future. Athlete safety is more important.
  12. Oklahoma and Florida State are among the most obnoxious fans that I have encountered attending a game. One of the most satisfying things about beating Florida State in the Rose Bowl is to knock the smug look off those fans' faces. If you want to get Oklahoma fans going just remind them about the game against Oregon in Autzen. Can they both lose?
  13. I also think that Bridges would be a great safety with his open field tackling ability. However, top cornerbacks make more $$$ in the NFL.
  14. I agree with other posters. San Diego State seems like a no brainer. I like the idea of adding UNLV to lock up the Las Vegas market but if we only go with San Diego State, I would be good with that. No thank you to the other schools mentioned. They just don't add enough to the table.
  15. I agree. If the Huskies win, it's good for the Pac-12, but I can't bring myself to root for that classless program in the north.
  16. Thanks for sharing. I could only imagine how proud Chad was last night.
  17. As I mentioned yesterday, you could make the argument that Bridges is Oregon's most improved player this year on either side of the ball. TB didn't look great in coverage earlier in the year but looked like a lock down corner yesterday! If he works hard in the off season, continues to refine his craft and carries over his performance last night into next season, he could be looking at a very high draft pick in the 2024 NFL Draft. NFL scouts are going to love his length.
  18. I'm not getting too excited about the performance in the Holiday Bowl. The announcers kept saying how bad the North Carolina offensive line was this year.
  19. As I mentioned in my post yesterday, I hope that they at least look at Anthony Newman (assuming that he would be interested in the position).
  20. As Joey Harrington pointed out on Talkin' Ducks, 10 wins is not the same as it used to be with teams now playing 13 games in the regular season. Some of the teams in the playoffs will have a chance to play up to 15 games this season! With the talent on Oregon's roster, anything less than a spot in the conference championship game should be considered disappointment. The Ducks were close but didn't get it done. They should be proud of the bowl victory and hopefully have motivation going into the off season.
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