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Steven A

Ohio State AD Lobbying for Notre Dame to Join Big 10/12/14+

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After adding USC and UCLA from the Pac-12, the Big Ten Conference is hoping to add a prized school that's much closer to their home base: Notre Dame. One person who is a strong voice...


Is this good news for the Ducks?


P.S. So sue me for not using your copyrighted initials buckeyes.

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Geographically NO  

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Steven A, thanks for posting this article. The OBD Forum has been smokin hot since the piss ant traitors announced their magnanamous move to the BIG.


This article and the topic of ND just adds jet fire to the discussion table.


You asked if this is good news for Oregon. Hec, i am not sure Oregon knows whats the best move now. Afterall bad decision making for years has led us to this critical athletic department moment. (The Larry decision comes to mind)


Had the 12 brain trust presidents even invited 4 or more BIG 12 members into the PAC then the current situation may have been different. I know many on this Forum were against expansion also. Well how is that decision working out now?


As for ND........They collaborated with the ACC (Not the BIG) and joined the ACC in all sports except football and ice hockey. They must have had their reasons.


Currently they have a clear path to the CFP. Win 10 games get a NY6 game. Win 11 get an invite to the CFP. Keep all the money and share with no one else.


$80 to $100 million dollars is a much bigger number. A different pill to not swallow.


ND is a proud school with proud traditions. They dont need the money. ND usually plays a strong schedule. But having to go thru tOSU, Penn State, usc (%/#???? Traitors) Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, MSU and ucla(i need a big welfare check traitor) in some fashion? Tougher road to CFP? Maybe.


ND is a big fish in their own pond. They are a big dog.... tOSU is a big dog and they dont like to share....


If you add Oregon to the BIG then it gets tougher for all. As well as it does for Oregon. Seriously, in their current state of affairs, usc, ucla and the butt sniffers are not ready for the BIG. Is Oregon?


The money would be great but 10-2, 11-1 seasons may be awhile in the making. Not to cast a shadow on any program. Its hard to do in the PAC. Add extra travel and brutal weather? Who knows....


No answers from me just more questions.....

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Rumors flying that the ACC has countered the BIG and the offer includes their own network. Wonder if that is enough to keep them?  I doubt it.  

Also, rumors flying that the BIG has informed ND that if they do not join, they will not be scheduling any more games with BIG schools.  That seems crazy, but if it is true, it may have some pull. 

Granted, these are all twitter rumors right now, so who knows what is true. 

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The ACC doesn't seem to be rolling over, they are fighting back. It would be nice to see the Pac ?# do the same. Strong men and bold actions. 



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Good for the ACC.  Someone has to stand up to the bullies and draw the line in the sand!

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The BIG10 is in a very strong position.  They can force ND to pay more to schedule their teams, they can expand East or West and add massive value to the brand.


Keep in mind, the ACC started this mess when they effectively killed the Big East.  Now marque members Miami and FSU are mediocre.  Will they stay as the BIG10 and SEC strangle football?


What value can the ACC add to ND?  Without siphoning money from their members?  


ESPN has their marquee conference.  Will they raid the ACC and leave ND hanging?  After all, they have the TV rights to the remaining marquee programs from the South and the East.


Fox has the Southwest and leverage against "the Conference of Champions".  Optically, the nation is split with two regions dominating the financial picture.  By a massive amount.  


Oregon versus Cincinnati is no more compelling than USC versus Rutgers.  But Washington versus Baylor will not draw TV dollars the way USC versus Iowa  will(a former Rose Bowl game by the way).  


So imagine this:  half of USC and UCLA games will feature former Rose Bowl games.  As in NY6 games before January.  Neither the ACC nor the Big12 can match that.  And the BIG10 and SEC could effectively end the bowl structure and have playoffs themselves.  


And there aren't  enough eyeballs left to really counter a move like that.  Because outside of Miami and FSU, fans don't follow their schools to all points of the globe like they do in the SEC and the BIG10.   


That's what scares me.  USC and UCLA may as well be Hawaii geographically, but they are so much more valuable than what our region can provide financially.  Deciding not to expand after Luxury Box Larry crashed and burned on the OU and Texas grab was fait accompli for our neighborhood.  




In essence, Colorado and Utah wasn't enough.  It makes total sense to me why ESPN made the best of things by featuring their stranded market at night.  Even USC and UCLA couldn't save us.  

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ND TV deal is through 2025.  It currently is for 15 mil a year.  That is the lowest out of any P5 conference school.  Being independent is not cost effective.  It looks like ND gets about 1/3 the amount of money as other ACC teams for the rest of their money.  They made 10.8 mil from the ACC in 2021.  So, 25 mil.  Still not keeping up with the rest of the P5 conferences.  However, their TV deal with NBC did start in 1991, so 15 mil was crazy high at the time.  It will be interesting to see what NBC is willing to offer this time around.

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