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The Kamikaze Kid

Are We Even Sure Things Are That Bad?

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As we pour over every scrap of information we can find and every possible merger and realignment, scenario gets discussed, are we sure everything is even that bad? I think the worst aspect of all of this is more about viewership in the LA market and TV revenue dipping than anything else.


If the UO just stays at the top of whatever conference they find themselves in, they will still command attention. How excited will recruits be to join up with 7-5 USC or 5-7 UCLA when 11-1 #5 UO is battling to get into the playoffs year after year. The LA schools locking themselves into super conference mediocrity may be the best thing that's ever happened to the Ducks.


Even as the Pac 12 has been down the last few years, the UO has still been recruiting like mad all over the country. Maybe the best thing to do is keep on keeping on as we always have. If the Ducks keep hovering around the top 10 they will be added into some super conference at some point and we can still cheer on a top 20 team in the hunt for a playoff spot until then.

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I agree.  Perhaps I am now just in the “acceptance” phase. 

If Oregon continues to win, we’ll attract recruits and be in the playoff conversation. We may need to schedule at least one top out of conference opponent per year (this is where the alliance with the ACC could help) and we could schedule games against lower tier Southern California schools, if playing near home is that important to recruits. 

The boosters and collective might need to step up to new heights to make up for the shortfall in TV revenue and bring in the blue chip recruits. 

Unless the B1G adds some more West coast schools that travel to cold weather destinations is going to get old real fast. Word will spread, as recruits will see Oregon playing in Arizona, the Bay Area and perhaps the SE (Miami, South Carolina).

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I believe we have to get SD St and Fresno State in the PAC so we still have a recruiting footprint in SoCal otherwise I agree with your view. 

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On 7/6/2022 at 5:16 PM, Duck 1972 said:

I believe we have to get SD St and Fresno State in the PAC so we still have a recruiting footprint in SoCal otherwise I agree with your view. 

Oregon could just schedule out of conference games against these teams. That way we don’t have to dilute the pitiful TV revenue further and we still get to play in SoCal. 

Another, bolder, move would be to schedule big neutral site games in LA or SD!  Alabama vs. Oregon in SoFi?

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On 7/6/2022 at 5:22 PM, OregonDucks said:

Another, bolder, move would be to schedule big neutral site games in LA or SD!  Alabama vs. Oregon in SoFi?

This one wins the internet!

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Then if we partner with the other 2 P5 leagues in just marketing to our fanbases and population centers for fan support to help us in the fight for traditional amateur CFB against the greedy big money minor leagues of Fox and the B1G; ESPN and SEC. It's a fight I believe we can win. So much better for all of college football and the other sports including women's it supports.

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I spend most of saturdays watching college football. Sometimes from 9am to 11pm. I look for the closest well matched teams to watch. Not necessarily the best teams in the country.


Sometimes i find those games on Root or espn 23. Not usually watching tOSU v. Rutgers.  I like well matched competitive football. HBC's or SEC doesn't matter.


I have other things to do if they cut football in half. I have her and she is amazing. I have guitar and playing music with friends. So much more. Maybe football doesn't need me but I don't need it either.


Love watching Duck football and always will. I can substitute the rest.

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This move could absolutely blow up in the LA school’s faces (and I hope it does). USC is worried about keeping Oregon out, but they okay to let in Michigan, tOSU, Iowa, Penn State, and Wisconsin?  

Make no mistake, the other BIG members are going to have better access to the LA recruiting bed and are licking their chops.  We are not the only ones that are going to suffer a little.   

UCLA is going to end up in the basement of that league.  I guarantee it.  However, their main goal was just to keep sports I guess. 

USC may be okay, if they finally decide to recruit some linemen. Even so, conference championships will be hard to come by with increased travel, weather, early games, increased competition, etc. 

We have a young and aggressive coaching staff. Keeping that in place is the most important thing we can do right now.  If we can keep pulling Top-25 classes, we will be just fine no matter which conference we land in. 

Edited by GeotechDuck
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The funny thing is that since 2011 an LA school hasn't been the cause of Oregon not making a bigger and better post season game. You could even argue that as in 2011 that Oregon already had one loss and weren't natty bound. 


Otherwise if Oregon didn't make a better post season game it was because Oregon tripped up on some other team along the way. 

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The more I think about OegonDucks plan of a neutral site game in LA, the more I like it. I could see Uncle Phil sponsoring some sort of yearly challenge to the best of the best against the Ducks at So Fi Field. Like the pre season NIT in NYC for basketball. Turn it into a monster LA recruiting event and USuCk and the bumbling bruins would really regret their BIG decision and the Ducks would own that town.

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