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Canzano: Pac-12--and the Rest of Us--Caught in Battle Over Your Television

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We're stuck in college football television hell.  On-field performance and tradition don't matter nearly as much as the television footprint of your team.  It's a network war and universities are going to be the casualties.



Silver-lining playbook unveiled.


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Important information in that article about TV market size...

Mr. FishDuck

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Unfortunately, it is part of the new era, and this is our reality. Poor PAC 12 leadership led us to this situation, and we certainly can’t rely on it’s leadership to save us. The future health of sports at Oregon relies on our next move.


Because of the work of Phil Knight, and other generous donors, we have a National presence that can’t be overlooked. However, the most important negotiating chip at the table when selling TV rights are these numbers being presented. 

Some traditional rivalries are going to be replaced with contrived rivalries that the networks will force feed fans.


The new era now includes Universities, coaches, and players chasing the mighty dollar. It is a revolving door watching the coaches, and players switching teams. The game is quickly changing, and not for the better. Will fans stay tuned to their teams who are constantly losing the top players and coaches to the highest bidders? 

I doubt it. 


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On 7/7/2022 at 9:01 AM, Charles Fischer said:

Important information in that article about TV market size...

And I'll just jump up and down and say this one more time (then I'll stop I promise!) Oregon is not a direct corilation to it's media market footprint. Yeah the state of Oregon isn't that big but Oregon is national. 


Also Oregon has averaged more views for the last ten years over any other PAC team, including the LA teams and last year Oregon surpassed all other PAC teams by a wide margin. 


Oregon is, as always, different. The ratings don't lie, Oregon stretches beyond it's footprint. 

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David, yes Oregons brand definitely stretches beyond its footprint. It is, as you mention "National".


ESPN, FOX and all others, i believe, recognize this. They just don't want to pay for. Get it on the cheap........


If strength comes in numbers, well Oregon simply has no one to bring with them. Washington is not a glamour name anymore. Since Don James retired they have made just one good coaching hire. 


And what have the other PAC members done to improve their product? Other than late night Saturday games what does the PAC offer the networks? Just games....


Oregon cant go it alone and deal from a position of strength. Even with Phil and Penny.


Ask yourselves would you invest in the PAC brand? Hec it was weak even with usc and ucla.


Going to take some innovation and solid negotiations by the PAC. They dont hold enough cards. Hec Oregon is their only card.

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I know a new rival!  To quote Axel…”You can’t spell SUCK without USC in it!”

Mr. FishDuck

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I do like when Canzano asked Biggins if USC/UCLA departure will hurt Oregon's recruiting in Southern California?.  He thinks it will not close any doors.  He said those kids were choosing Oregon because they loved Oregon, the coaching, etc.


Not sure if this is possible, but maybe the Pac 12 should try and poach some of the Big12 schools that will bring in the most viewerships/cities?  loosely contract with ACC.  Maybe that might be the best option if Oregon can't get into the BIG or SEC at this time.



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On 7/7/2022 at 10:30 AM, David Marsh said:

Oregon is not a direct corilation to it's media market footprint. Yeah the state of Oregon isn't that big but Oregon is national. 

Sorry, only Norte Dame gets to play this card. 

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Those numbers are really rough for the PAC.  Makes us the proverbial sick man of Europe. 

I know I’ve harped on this elsewhere but short sighted greed is getting in the way of a workable solution. 

In the PAC, the valuable brands are Oregon, UW, Furd, Utah, pick ‘em Arizona school, and possibly the Buffs.  That’s 6 schools.  No idea on the BXII to get the media markets you need.  ACC is likely Virginia, UNC, Clemson, Miami, FSU, Pitt, and maybe GT to get the Atlanta market. 

That gets you to 18 assuming the BXII can find 6 teams (BYU, FIU, WV, one TX school, Kansas, and Iowa State can be dropped as their media value is either duplicated by the PAC or ACC, or is too low). 

Where greed gets in the way is any desire for asymmetrical revenue sharing.  Does anyone think the Detroit Lions (Buffalo, Jax, etc…bring in more revenue than Dallas or the NYG?  But the league works because a rising tide raises all ships.  

The long game is the collective win.  But greed has a way of making people short sighted which is why I think this madness drags on far longer than it should 

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We need a PAC telethon to raise $$$ to offset our smaller market!!😅

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On 7/7/2022 at 12:35 PM, 1Ducker1 said:

We need a PAC telethon to raise $$$ to offset our smaller market!!😅

Yeah, it’s called Phil Knight’s cell phone 

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On 7/7/2022 at 4:34 PM, CalBear95 said:

Yeah, it’s called Phil Knight’s cell phone 

Well theres other teams that need to step up too

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On 7/7/2022 at 5:04 PM, 1Ducker1 said:

Well theres other teams that need to step up too

I suspect UW has license to use that number in the right situations 

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