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Everything posted by 47sgs

  1. I'm not so scared about a step back with a new OC as much as I'm worried about it with Bo Nix leaving. He will be hard to replace.
  2. I agree with ths completely. A healthy Bo and I think we would have won both of those games. In addition, instead of all the complaining about the play calling, in game mistakes, poor defense, and grousing about Lanning in general, everyone would be estatic. The donors and fans would be overlooking some glaring team weaknesses due to the superior offense led by Bo.
  3. It appears Miami forum fans think Dante has removed his commitment due to that instagram, and they are likely his next choice, and have a good chance to land him.. Talk about delusional. Even if he were to leave, with all his offers, why would they thinkthey have any chance of getting Dante come to play Mari-no O ball? I think they lost Rashada for that very reason.
  4. I have no animosity towards Kenny at all, at least until the time he takes some of our recruits and coaches. It will be fun to see how he does. He helped make us fun to watch again.
  5. Up until 4 minutes left in the Washington game, I think most alums and donors were pretty happy with the season. The defense and special teams had been spotty, but the offense unstoppable. Lanning had made some gutsy calls, some worked, some didn't. Then it happened. Our all star QB went down, some questionable calls by coaches and refs occurred, we played with a wimpy QB, and lost 2 of 3 games by a total of 7 points. We could have, should have, won those two games, but our success lived and died with Bo Nix. Had Nix stayed healthy and we won those two games, the donor would not be fuming, they wouldn't be down on our new coach, everyone would be estatic. Going 9-3 , and potentially 11-1 with 9 more points scored sounds like a pretty good season to most people. No blowout losses. I still think we have a pretty good coach. He's smart, has a high football IQ, interacts with everyone well, knows how to recruit, and is a breath of fresh air as a game coach over the last 4 years. Unfortunately, the season ended poorly, but it was entertaining football, and given time, I think Lanning has the drive to succeed. Just look at the fuming in Miami if you want to see a dose of depression.
  6. I do have some concerns about Oregon next year and going forward. It seems to me, the whole success of this years team was on the back of Bo Nix. It will be pretty hard to replicate his arm, legs, and football intelligence. We've seen the results of not having him play, or play hurt. It's not pretty. Dillingham did a great job play calling for the most part this year. He was very imaginative, and adjusted well to game situations. Can we find someone that is equally as dynamic and football smart? With Dillingham leaving, what will happen to our recruiting class? Do we loose our 5 star QB and receiver? What current players follow him? I assume it would be ones not getting enough playing time, like maybe Thompson or Dollars. But finding a comparable replacement for Bo is imperative. Does the ending to this season tarnish the Oregon brand as far as the national audience and potential recruits are concerned ? We're a well known team at present, but at some point, we need to deliver the goods to stay relevant. What will happen to Oregon in conference realignment? Will we stay as a top team in a very weakened Pac 10 ? Will we be swallowed up in the Big 10? Where do we land and how will it affect us? While I'm sure these concerns I have can be overcome, I'm just not as optimistic as I'd like to be. I think Lanning is great and I love the more aggressive and unpredictable offense, but there is a lot to solve before next year.
  7. What an embarrassing game that was watched on national tv. Reminds me when Vernon Adams got hurt in a bowl game and we lost after leading by 30 at halftime. Combining that with Dillingham leaving, it will be interesting to see which recruits stick with their verbal commitment. It was a sad day for OBD
  8. Incredibly Embarrassing Game, or Very Poor Coaching
  9. The name change will ultimately get done for sure at some point, but I'm guessing avid fans of both schools aren't going to change easily. Just like words that can have different connotations, so can the name "civil war". Numerous countries have had them, not just us, and they stem from a disagreement in philosophy or power, kind of like UO and OSU in Oregon.
  10. My warm and fuzzyness factor is based on who trotts out on offense in the first series. If Bo and one of the injured OL guys are there, I'm pretty optomistic. Otherwise, not so much.
  11. I wish I could be more positive about the game with TT and not Bo, but I just can't. I've watched him in the spring game, and numerous times in games through the season. Unfortunately, he's tentative, unsure, doesn't appear to make good reads, and hasn't thrown well. I just can't get past that, but I sure hope he would surprise me. I would really like to know what's happened to Butterfield. He's been on the team quite awhile, played better than TT in the spring game, had good coaching before Oregon, and throws well. He looked much more poised to me. Why hasn't he at least got some mop up time? I think I'd prefer to see him in the game ahead of TT, if for no other reason, he's an unknown.
  12. What Whittingham said about Utah's matchup with Oregon WWW.SI.COM Kyle Whittingham said they'll be watching a lot of film to prepare for the Oregon Ducks.
  13. ASU hires outside consulting firm in search for next head football coach ARIZONASPORTS.COM Arizona State has hired outside help from an organizational consulting firm to aid the university in finding its next head football coach. Dillingham may be a candidate for the job, but he isn't necessarily THE candidate. ASU has hired a search group for candidates, and they also have the interim coach as a candidate. We'll just have to see how it plays out and if he's even offered the job.
  14. This isn't very encouaging. Oregon OC Kenny Dillingham's candidacy for ASU job picking up steam | SuperWest Sports SUPERWESTSPORTS.COM SuperWest Sports News Feed: Oregon OC Kenny Dillingham's candidacy for ASU's head coaching job picking up steam
  15. I revert back to our last head coach. Despite some questionable calls, Lanning is such a breathe of fresh air, and is unquestionably a better in game coach. We were tired of the conservative approach, and we're now getting what we wanted. If the gambles had worked, he'd be a hero. Chip made some questionable calls during his time as well. If you're going to be aggressive, you also need to be prepared for the failures when they occur. I'm sure he'll learn quickly how to fine tune it to increase his chances for success. If Bo hadn't got hurt and we scored on that possession, I don't know that Lanning would have been considered as outcoached.
  16. One potential factor could be how badly he was injured Saturday. If it's significant enough that he misses many games, by draft time, he could be forgotten. Also, he still has that bad history of Good Bo / bad Bo from previous years. Another year may be to his benefit, but if he's able to finish this year, I think he's gone. If that's the case, we could be in big trouble next year with no QB that has any experience.
  17. Love to see him stay, but I just don't see it happening. Short of an injury, I'm sure he'll finish strong this season. Being married, older, with lots of experience, I think he'll head for the pros. When he came, it appeared he planned on only one year. Next year could be pretty scary without him here. We'll have no experienced QB unless we hit the transfer portal.
  18. I'll agree Lanning made coaching errors, but we had this game won until the play Bo got hurt. If they'd been able to score, it would have been a 10 point lead The biggest error I saw was with TT in, 4th down, Bo jumping up and down on the sidelines to get in, and Lanning saw him, but didn't call time out to get him in. If he had, it might have been Bo and Oregon driving to get the winning field goal instead of UW.
  19. I don't think it's too harsh, though he isn't what lost the game from my perspectives. There were so many errors and bad calls in the first half that accounted for lost points, or points for UW. Regardless, we had that game in the bag right up until Bo got hurt. Then Bo jumping up and down on the sidelines on 4th down, and Lanning not calling timeout to get him in was the coop de gras. I just can't even imagine what our offense would look like without Bo at the helm in a full game. It concerns me for the rest of the year, and for next year as well. Locke and Burmeister comes to mind.
  20. One 15 yd penalty cost us a touchdown, settled for a field goal One fumble on the two yard line cost us a touchdown An interception that wasn't allowed them to get a touchdown Don't understand the onside kick which gave them a field goal. Also don't understand going on 4th down with 45 seconds in the half which gained nothing.
  21. Thank you for that perspective. Some really good points. As I said it's been more than entertaining checking their forums a couple times a month. They are not happy campers.
  22. Since Mario left for Miami I have quickly scanned through some of Miami's forums once or twice a month just to see what's going on. Seeing what they have had to say from his hiring, to staff hires, recruiting, pre season expectations, to lack of success, and now loss of a star recruit has been nothing short of hilarious. While this holds absolutely no relevance to our beloved Ducks, it's been great entertainment. Put in a nutshell, most of the posts seem delusional. Why wouldn't any coach or any player want to be anywhere but at Miami? Why hasn't our team lived up to our preseason expectations of being a potential playoff team? How can our star QB be this bad? Why would a recruit decommit from our program, and how could this or that 5 star recruit pick anywhere else but Miami? As things have unravelled, they are looking where to place blame. We knew Mario couldn't run an offense, but can he ever recruit, Gettis has to go as he's a terrible OC, Mario's lost the locker room, the players have no talent, the blame just keeps spreading. I know this is a small sample of their fan base , but it has just been hilarious to read some of the most off the wall posts I've ever seen. I just can't help myself looking occasionally.
  23. In addition to the salary our coach makes, and the cost to reward the success he's had, there is also on the flip side the cost and the uncertainty of replacing what we have. It's expensive to do a search ,go through the process of a new hire for the coach and assistants, and based on the success we've had, the character of our present coach and staff, if I were the administration, I'd do whatever it takes to keep the coach we have as happy as we can and as much of the staff we have based on how the season has gone. I would think Mullens will do whatever it takes to keep Dan Lannings happy and motivated to stay here. I'm sure there are many schools that would be more than happy to have him.
  24. Lanning has the huge advantage this year of having Bo for his QB. Whether Bo is so successful due to his talent, due to seriously coaching him to success, or both, he's a huge part of Oregons success. It would be interesting to know how the team would do with a different QB, or how they'll do next year without Bo. I have a lot of confidence in our coach and expect him to succeed, but to throw the kitchen sink at him financially this early in his tenure might be a mistake. Do it gradually over time at least until his body of work justifies a salary up with the big boys.
  25. I love to pile on the Huskies. I grew up in E. Washington, but my dad went to Oregon, as did I, as well as my son. It will feel great if Oregon is able to win. I have a lot of friends in Washington, and they're being pretty tame as far as pre game trash talk goes. I've been the same as I don't want to have to live with the abuse if we were to loose. I think this will be a really tough game, with the only one similar being UCLA. If our offense hums like usual, Bo stats healthy, and we can keep scoring, we'll be fine. If it falters at all, it will be tough. If and when we win, I'll be all over them about it, but until then, I'm keeping my head down, except maybe here on this site.
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