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Everything posted by 47sgs

  1. What concerns me also about the pathetic offense is how it will play with future recruiting. How many times have we seen top recruits say Oregon was their dream school. They grew up watching DAT, Mariota, etc.. That combined with the uniforms, fast paced offense, and facilities gave us an edge in recruiting. We'd be in their top 6-8 schools right out of the gate. The kids growing up now, potential future Oregon players, will no longer see Oregon as exciting, innovative and a name brand, instead just another ordinary school with a plodding offense, decent defense, and playing physical football.
  2. It was an incredibly sad and embarrassing day for Oregon and the Pac 12 in front of a national audience. We laid an egg on national tv. We were outmanned, outcoached, and outplayed in every facet of the game. We've given Helton a lot of verbal abuse over the years for abundance of talent with poor coaching, and it's becoming apparent to me that we're no better. We've lost players to covid, injuries and opt outs, but so have all the other schools. I'm so glad we didn't play Ohio State, and to even think we're anywhere near the elite teams is ludicrous.
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