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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. Darren, complete homer perhaps, but an L to Georgia is reasonable. Could Oregon finally become the first Pac-12 team to run the table? In the North DeLaura leaves, but it hasn't mattered who they have at QB, he'll be good. OSU at Corvallis this time, with the bulldozers pushed to the side for games. Cal, Stanford and that other team can't see any reason to predict an L in any of those games. Down South, DTR is back at QB, will Chip be back at Coach? AZ is improving, most of it on offense, and still has a steep climb to get to good. Utah at home this time looks to be the biggest test,
  2. It really came together perfectly. Georgia's D, scorched by Alabama a month ago, holds the Tide to FG after FG. Alabama finally takes the lead, but Georgia takes it back, and ends it all with a Pick-6!!!Now the DC of that defense is the head coach at Oregon, and his first game is Oregon vs. Georgia!
  3. A big win, unlike those two losses earlier to ASU and Stanford, with the missed free throws we can't even say the Ducks nailed it down at the end. But a win is a win, and maybe we are seeing the Ducks do what we've come to expect from Altman's teams; get it together later in the season?
  4. Exactly what happened at the end of the 1st half. The Raiders had gone out to a 10-0 lead, but Herbert had got the lead back, 14-10, and would get the ball to start the 2nd half. But, unfortunately, the Chargers do not have the defense you described.
  5. Another game of great injustices, the PI on the uncatchable pass. It really seemed like the Raiders were fine with the tie that would have sent both teams to the Playoffs, but Chargers call time out? To get their run defense in? Where was the run defense the whole game? The Chargers go down 10-0, not a problem. But, wait, that run defense that let the Chargers get a 3rd and 23, yeah. Problem. Herbert had yet another fantastic game, shedding tacklers, throwing lightning bolts, yet it's Carr who game managed the Raiders to the win.
  6. It sure seems that will happen, sorry Eastern Michigan.
  7. It wasn't a coaching error per se, but giving up a 3rd and 23, when the Raiders did the conventional run up the middle to get some yards, at the end of the half after the Chargers had just come back from down 10-0. Then a PI in the end zone and end up trailing 17-14. Then of course the TO in OT. I don't know if it can ever be explained.
  8. Adding more pain to the Huskies, Washington has been producing talent in basketball and football, JTT last season, Josh Connerly this season.
  9. Raiders win in overtime to make NFL Playoffs: Did the Chargers blow it? Should the teams have Played for a tie? That Wild Ending Explained
  10. The Chargers are WORSE than the Ducks on 3rd and long!!!
  11. Please Chargers defense, at least give the offense a chance!!!
  12. Two minute drive for a touchdown, no problem for Justin.
  13. Chargers convert on 4th and 10. :15 to go, Raiders 31yard line. :05 left, 12 yard line. Touchdown Chargers!!!!! It's overtime!!!
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