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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. Tyner was amazing. He had, size and speed. But, from what I read, he didn't bleed football. It's hard for us to imagine. But I know we all have family and friends who could not care less about the Ducks, sports in general.
  2. Coach, if expressing doubt as to their NFL's futures is disrespectful, I'm guilty. But it seems to me that Dye in particular this season has been overwhelmingly admired and respected for the way he played.
  3. It would have been great to get him, at least he didn't go to USC.
  4. Yeah, the basketball game should start at right around halftime of the football game, with all the commercials that get added to the Championship Game, it will be interesting to see which ends first.
  5. I feel like this is a great sign. He wants to make it even better, and built his staff with that in mind, and I'm confident that this attitude will carry over to an emphasis on player development and in-game coaching. A while back we discussed momentum; I feel it building at Oregon.
  6. As Brock Huard says about Oregon, it's a more attractive job. Yes, overall, Washington does lead the series, 60-48-5. But since 1971, 50 years, half a century, Oregon is in front, 25-23, no games were played in 2001, or 2020. So, while the Huskies were piling up the wins when results were sent by telegraph, Oregon has been the more attractive job for a long time.
  7. Not as familiar with Bryant's connection, but McKay & Robinson would go on to great success at USC, and coach in the NFL, after playing and coaching at Oregon. Frei was the head coach of the Ducks when I started watching.
  8. Moss, along with a bunch of other top recruits will announce where he's going to play sometime during the All-American Bowl, tomorrow, 10:00 AM PT on NBC
  9. Pac-12 Women's basketball and Softball are as strong conference wise as any in the country, baseball is getting there.
  10. A 4-4 schedule, along with scrapping the divisions should have been the first think GK did.
  11. Cute how the Trojans writer told us that Riley would make things better.
  12. My lasting image of the Chip years are the running backs. LMJ gets the ball, makes a cut, and he's gone! Barner, or Tyner, are we ever going to forget his spin move?
  13. Thanks for the great article, Annie, and appropriately it's from Forbes, a magazine that deals with finance. The problem with the NCAA is that it sat around doing nothing about the issues that the players were talking about. When it finally did take action, it's to get rid of the transfer rule about players having to sit out a year? Now the NIL has resulted in chaos that needs to have some kind of structure and its past record doesn't indicate that the NCAA is up to the task.
  14. It has never in any sport, at any level, been based on "performance". It's much more on potential. KT isn't being talked about being the No. 1 or No.2 pick in the NFL Draft because of his injury laden performance at Oregon. I don't think anybody believes that Williams is going to take Eastern Michigan's offer, but do teams know where the floor is now?
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