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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. We remember the misses, naturally, and not the makes. But last year at the end of the bowl game--we score with almost no time remaining and it is 27-27 with the PAT to go. Now keep in mind that Lewis has been kicking the PATs right down the middle. But this was a game-winner, and he got the yips. He kicked it, and it bounced off the upright, but went in. Remember the "Chunk" sound?
  2. When I am coming out of the Mo Center...I am focused on getting into Autzen and into my seat. So, as a 37 year ticket holder....and I did not know. Very cool, Annie!
  3. "Lanning is full of swag and confidence, whereas Mario always looks confused and scared. Oregon would beat us by 40." You cannot imagine how happy this makes me. You would not believe the emails I received from Miami fans who were so much smarter than Oregon fans...
  4. I had not thought of it that way, and it is an astute observation. Thanks, as I need to add that to my B1G perception. (I am new at thinking about us and B1G!) Yet, Oregon could mess that strategy up when Danimal stacks great recruiting classes up, and can play toe-to-toe with those two. Oh yeah. B1G still wins, as they got us at a discount.
  5. This. It started with Cam's first game at Auburn when Bo was the Tiger QB.
  6. I am blown away by their season. They started the season with QB depth that I drooled at...three QBs! Now they are left with scoring only seven points on ASU? Whew!
  7. It is like every 4-5 games...the Ducks need a wake-up call to remind them that progress is not automatic. This is the biggest alert since the UW game, and it came at a good time. We won the game, but are better prepared for our final three contests. And we have to remember that human behavior, like the stock market, do not go up as a steady graph. You will have some dips downward, while the overall trend is upward. (It makes sense to call USC the dip...)
  8. The LA schools meet next week, and they are a combined 8-7 in conference play? Really? The B1G wanted that? The PAC-12 is being dissolved over that? Yes, audience size, but aren’t most of them bandwagon fans in LA? Are there that many eyes on two .500 teams? But they are going to do a lot better in the B1G…right?
  9. My Duck-Brother, I think your reasoning is quite sound. It is such a shame, and the crazy part is… I do think the Oregon State game will get more eyeballs than James Madison, which makes it even more crazy. It goes to show how going to the Big Ten is going to prevent those kinds of episodes from happening to OBD.
  10. I really think that USC played like the team that we, and everyone else thought they would be at the beginning of the season. They played like a ranked team, and showed great improvement on defense as they had hoped for. We did not catch them in a “show-up” mode, as they are for many games. The Trojans played inspired against us, and is an example of how we will get everyone’s best shot. You know, the way it used to be for them!
  11. He might be the only man in history to be paid 100 million (between Florida State and TAMU) to go away! I wish I could be paid to go away, but instead with me....
  12. Losing both starting corners in a game would normally have been a killer in the past--especially against a Caleb Williams. But we have depth that survived it, and kept USC well below their 45 point average per game. The problem was the Trojan defense playing inspired to hold Oregon 11 points below their average.
  13. It is bad enough to have the worst brand in the conference, where NOBODY among any of the Power-5 conferences want you. (Even at a massive Stanford/Cal discount) But your huge highly ranked matchup with Washington...(which should be a shoe-in for ESPN GameDay coming to Corvallis) is ignored? To go to James Madison instead? Whew!
  14. The final score was 36-27, and Autzen Magic predicted 43-31, of which is only 11 total off. Most all of us were pretty high in our point expectations, but Autzen Magic zagged when the rest of us zigged. Congrats to him, and thanks to all who played!
  15. In Eugene, it is on the regular Fox channel, for those on Comcast.
  16. They just announced that west coast fans will be switched to the Oregon-USC game at 7:45 PM PST.
  17. Here we are my Duck-Buddies, the thread for pondering the actual game as it happens. Let's discuss before, and during the game! The vast majority of you are GREAT in this thread, but you must remember that this forum is different, as we require civilized discourse. Discussion of negative is fine, but don't vent on us! Rule No. 31d covers GameDay Thread Conduct, and it is not hard for the vast majority of us--just a tiny few who need to reign it in when things don't go well for Our Beloved Ducks. Let's Have Fun Posting During the Game!
  18. And....the difference in home fields makes the comparative scores even wider...
  19. Or...take the good-or-good approach. If Utah wins good; if Washington wins, it helps Oregon, so good.
  20. There were some interesting quotes from the video below--some that dropped my jaw...that I'd thought I'd never hear from USC faithful. They feel the best way to win is ball control and shorten the number of possessions, and stay close to Oregon until the fourth quarter. Then win it with their passing precision. They view the Washington game different than we do, as they think they should have won it. "A fumble, and one sustained drive by SC that did not result in points. That was the difference, is all, against Washington. If those two drives end differently, then the game end differently." Going into this game: "Getting to the Pac-12 Championship is conceivable." They do get realistic about their chances in the video, but feel the new DCs at USC can, "make Oregon earn it. They will try to not give up the wide open stuff on the LOS. The new DCs can make it so Oregon will have to block us." My head just about twisted off hearing that. They acknowledge how defenders are not even there at the LOS at times, and their goal is to make Oregon have to block them? Whew! "Lanning is going for the jugular; he is going to try to score 100 points to make a recruiting statement." Yeah...it is gonna suck to be you. I enjoyed this way-too-much!
  21. The only negative about seeing you and your family....is that it had to end. So fantastic and enjoyable. Thanks so much for all you do for the forum!
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