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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. My FishDuck Friends, while I am easily amused with humor, and impressed with the smallest items by OBD...Oregon's offensive attack for the Sun Devils was pretty impressive. So many times we fans will evaluate matchups based on talent, but ignore or are unaware of the differences in coaching and preparation. ASU had a robust defensive front, and even the Oregon insiders on the radio spoke of how the Sun Devils had problems on offense, but had a stout defense. Yet, the Oregon offense put 42 up on them in the first half? Whew! Like the Texas Tech game where they had strong huge defensive tackles...the game plan was run outside of them. So you saw a ton of Toss plays, Outside Zone Reads, and flair passes to our running backs in the flat after the WRs took the corners downfield. Oregon knew that ASU would focus on our favorite TE Terrance Ferguson, thus used him and those outside plays later as a decoy to open up Patrick Herbert. Wowsa. Once Arizona State got opened up in all directions--then what happens? The inside plays now become more open as the linebackers, and edge defenders have become hyper-vigilant towards the perimeter. It was a masterful GamePlan my friends, so... We Gotta Savor it!
  2. It is honorable to cheer for the Huskies...when it benefits Oregon. Like tonight.
  3. Oh no, I've turned a new leaf. I will not enjoy the grief of USC fans anymore....
  4. Anybody need breakfast? I’ve got plenty of egg on my face that I can share…
  5. Arizona up on Utah by a 28-7 score in the late second quarter? Whoa!
  6. Here we are my Duck-Buddies, the thread for pondering the actual game as it happens. Let's discuss before, and during the game! The vast majority of you are GREAT in this thread, but you must remember that this forum is different, as we require civilized discourse. Discussion of negative is fine, but don't vent on us! Rule No. 31d covers GameDay Thread Conduct, and it is not hard for the vast majority of us--just a tiny few who need to reign it in when things don't go well for Our Beloved Ducks. Let's Have Fun Posting During the Game! Let's hope it does not take another miracle as in 2015!
  7. There are times that we learn from each other, whether we like it or not! But it is nice to be able to assert strong views, without being personally attacked, as it occurs on all the other sites. Hug a Moderator today!
  8. It is honorable to cheer for the Huskies if it helps Our Beloved Ducks.
  9. I was at the coaches clinics with a ton of High School coaches who hung onto every word from Steve Greatwood who explained every step, the hip angle, hand placement and where the eyes should be looking by offensive lineman. The detail was astounding…not a gimmick!
  10. This sounds similar to what we faced against Texas Tech. They had two really big, strong, stout defenders in the middle, which made inside zone read plays difficult. To wear them out and play to the weaknesses, we threw a ton of plays of passes to running backs out of the backfield, after sending the wide receivers down the field to open up a hole in the zone pass defense.
  11. The likelihood of Chip Kelly, turning 180° with his efforts in recruiting and dealing with boosters, is about as likely as Mario Cristobal having an offense scoring over 40 points a game… They ain’t gonna change.
  12. A great example of not settling for less than what he could get in another year or two. Be patient, Coach, Stein!
  13. While I am not a big Ty Thompson fan, I cannot deny the massive improvement of him on the field this season in his limited opportunities. Doesn’t Stein get credit for that? Everyone, please keep in mind that every play that Coach Stein runs are common in the coaching world. He has no advantage of springing tempo on the opposition, because they are all prepared for it. He does not have the surprise element of his own perfected spread office as Chip Kelly did, because again, his plays are standard ones out there in the football world. He does not have the element of surprise at all, thus his success is that much more remarkable. Greatness and weakness, emerge early, and he is certainly a great example of it. It is not without some growing pains, but again it is growing from a very high level to begin with. I would agree, that having a Bo Nix would make anyone look good, and that next year will be a real test,. But I have seen enough already to be completely confident in knowing that we will still have a very high scoring office. And as a reminder as we will be going into the money portion of the schedule? I do not believe we have seen all of Will Steins surprises yet…
  14. Then you have missed what has been written in the forum many times in the recent past. Stein has recruited three, 4-Star quarterbacks between 2024 and 2025, and this was done last spring and summer before he ever called a single play at Oregon! That, my friend, is selling in anticipation…
  15. I cannot politely disagree with this opinion anymore than what is possible over a message board. Chip introduced fast tempo to college football, and revolutionized the game at that time, and everyone had a difficult time adjusting. It gave us a big edge for about a five year period. The fundamentals of the Chip Kelly offense still work today, as my article today shows, and I have video proof. Will Stein runs the basic plays of the Chip Kelly offense right now, very successfully. Football is football, and if you block it well, the play will work. The difference? The assistant coaches on our offense at the time of Chip Kelly coordinated every tiny detail down to the hand placement, and every single step of the offensive linemen and running back with perfect coordination. They had that offense down cold, and whereas we block those plays well now, it is not with the same precision as when Gary Campbell and Steve Greatwood ran the offense as assistants. I know this, because I created 50 instructional videos 12 years ago, that have been viewed over 2 million times, and at one point I was told that there wasn’t a single assistant high school coach in the northwest that have not watched my videos. Why? Because they were learning from Chip Kelly. I received emails from across the United States of college and high school coaches, and club teams around the world, and even published articles from coaches in Scotland and England at that time. All those coaches would not take the time to learn a gimmick, but they would for an offensive system, coupled with tempo, that would give them an advantage. Chip Kelly failed after Oregon, because of his own hubris in the NFL, and because at UCLA, he could not select and recruit the same quality of assistant coaches that he had at Oregon. Add to that his disdain for recruiting, and it goes to show how his time at Oregon was the perfect storm for college football.
  16. You know the drill, as I need: —Winner —Score —Turnovers Oregon creates —No. of sacks for Ducks —Oregon’s passing yardage Predictions on other threads don’t count, and entries without all the information that is needed for tiebreakers are ineligible. Mr. FishDuck Predictions: Oregon 41-20 3 5 278
  17. You misunderstand. I would rather have three of the 1 year Will Steins, than a dud OC, for three years.
  18. Yep! I would put the Eeyore image in, but I am on my phone at the coast for a few days celebrating my divorce.
  19. You asked for feedback and you got it. What do you think Nick Saban deals with every year? It is the biggest revolving door of coaches ever, and he survives and prospers. Thank goodness Lanning knows better than the fans…
  20. Good grief. Yes! What a great way to discourage great coaches from joining us! I’d rather have three one-year STARS, than a dud for three years. Whew!
  21. I agree with you David. Not ready. He is on the rise, and will have his pick of programs if he waits for the right fit.
  22. Good topic, as yours-truly has a FishDuck article coming out tomorrow morning about Stein that will give you something to ponder!
  23. I am so bad. I saw the title and was both entertained, and sad. It is really happening, no matter what assets the grab from the PAC-12 this year.
  24. As I see it, our primary problem is if Texas wins out. Both they and Oregon would be conference champions, but the Longhorns resume is better. We could do it all correctly and still get hosed…
  25. In all my years of watching Oregon football, I have never seen a rotation or substitution pattern like this at Oregon before. Part of it is, the strategy is unfamiliar with us out here in the west, but the other, is simply we did not have the recruited depth to make it work. It is amazing…
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