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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Very cool! Thanks to you all for reporting it.
  2. I am going to have quite a rebuttal to his article on Monday....so he shames the fans for wanting more? I am as sick of his self-righteous indignation as I am with receivers and DBs showboating after every little play. And thanks 30Duck for bringing this article to us!
  3. It is hard to imagine, because the team does not look good enough on offense to beat many teams...but what IF the nature of this team is "just enough to win" and that also applies to our tougher games as well? What if they somehow stay in the game with UCLA and win in a fluke...and similar things happen with other games? It is a low probability, but some teams are like that. Is this one of those strange teams that does that and can still pull it off? Can you figure it out?
  4. Unfortunately the article is correct; Cristobal has left the door, the opportunity wide open for USC, Arizona State...any of them.
  5. A big positive? We got to see the Inside Blitzes that I wrote about before the season, and the best one was the last play!
  6. That is an interesting subject that we rarely have to deal with at Oregon, and I am going to delve into it for my Monday article. (Nearly a page of bullet-points for writing already) I may not agree with you. (Wait for the context...) (And I was at that 0-0 game too)
  7. Yep....I am at that age. That is actually what happened....as I had to get up to go to the rest-room. Since I've been dealing with this guy lately and knowing that he will post at night--I decided to check on my phone and see if he had. Then I read it, groaned and went downstairs to deal with it. (AFTER I went to the head!)
  8. That is a great description of how I've felt at those sites after I post a strong opinion. Get the flak jacket on!
  9. Count Our Blessings, Our Beloved Ducks Forum Members...because this is the only place right now that is SAFE to post, regardless of your opinion. At other sites right now? People over there on both sides judging the Ducks' performance are being ridiculed and belittled for their opinions. Sure...there are many here on the OBD forum that I don't agree with, but I am glad they have a safe place to post...as I do. It is times like these is when you want to discuss it all, but dealing with the topic and not each other. Sorry to keep belaboring it, but when you have had 97 disparaging posts about you on another site as I have....you come to appreciate safety all that much more. And all the more reason to disagree and debate here, because regardless of how you feel? People still have to be nice to you! Love-it! Isn't it lovely we can all coexist? Buddy-hug!
  10. Yep. I was at his introductory press conference and he promised to continue playing "the style of entertaining football that Oregon fans have grown to love."
  11. His predicted score of 31-24 nailed the spread and was not far off in actual score. Thanks to all for playing... It is amazing how far off I am each week!
  12. Maybe I will turn into an Oregon version of Kansas fans...."look at the bright side....Basketball season begins in just a little over three weeks is all!"
  13. I am beginning to accept that this is not a great team, and we will have a fair amount of losses ahead of us. If Helfrich, Chip or Bellotti were in charge of the offense--we would be a good, bordering on being a great overall team, as this defense is not quite what I hoped, although it made great strides tonight. This team feels like an NFL team that barely wins...not the quality, but the style. But in college football it feels like a 7-6 or 8-5 team... I am going to have to accept it and be a loyal fan no matter what. I am getting past being angry about Cristobal dumping two high-scoring offenses at Oregon over an entire decade and four coaches preceding him--this is what he is, and it isn't going to change. So I, Mr. FishDuck have to change. (The fans booing did not get the memo yet) \ Scoring 24 points at home after a bye against Cal is a disgrace, but I have to get over it. (Because Cristobal isn't going to change)
  14. We have to keep in mind that the Cal offense only scored six points at home against Washington State....
  15. The best humor is based upon the truth...and T-Bone...you get the best of the week award for innovative selection of a GIF and caption. I laughed my head off... It is breath-taking to me how much the offense has declined under Cristobal when the decade of coaches before him did so well.
  16. I am encouraged by some blitzes on defense, and setting the edge better on some plays. Play Rich Brooks style..."win it with defense?"
  17. GameDay Thread! JJ III.... super-senior making a dumb penalty like that. Are there any consequences to him?
  18. Only the Huskies would celebrate a NC arrived at by massive cheating. You would think they would ashamed and never mention it...but no, they celebrate it!
  19. To me the character and resolve of this Oregon team is on display in the first quarter of this game tonight. If they come out flat--it is quite an indictment of the "Culture" that is being built at Oregon. They have every reason to come out ticked off...they lost to this Cal team last year, should not have and should badly want revenge. They lost a game at Stanford they should not have and they know it. And they know that everyone is watching for what I am writing about right now.... What are they made of? If the reasons above are not enough incentive....what is?
  20. Great point. If he needed a year, then so would a ton of other young QBs. This is a great example again of this community coming up with points I hadn't thought of--and appreciate.
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