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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Sorry--did not read it as bracketing stuff is boring-as-heck to me. If anyone has a summary of it--please share.....
  2. How many Baseball fans of Oregon are there out there in this audience? I am looking forward to some threads about the team this spring and hope to watch them in action if possible. At FishDuck, we used to do articles about the team back in the day, but they are "lightly-read" compared to Football. Thus we had to focus efforts on the sport most are into...but I was REALLY looking forward to having a forum someday to be able to discuss Baseball and Softball in topics, even though we don't have articles. This is going to be another new FUN thing for me to enjoy about the forum! Ha! Got that Husky LONG before he got to the base!
  3. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  4. I did not know that Keith Heyward constructed the USC defensive game-plans and I doubt anyone else did either... That article in the Twitter is about USC keeping an eye on Heyward and Oregon.... (All news to me!)
  5. I hardly watch any NFL during the season, but must admit that there are quite a few compelling games this weekend, and since there won't be any Duck Basketball....
  6. This is an article that is national in scope, but the Ducks are in it! And it is so interesting in how we now have a "rep" in an area that we never had before!
  7. It’s hard to overstate how impactful Oregon’s starting quarterback in 2021 will be — for better or for worse. Despite an underwhelming 2020 season, it remains true that the Ducks have a good-enough roster to compete for a Pac-12 title and College Football Playoff berth. Oregon has its flaws, but most of them aren’t detrimental. Elite quarterback play is the ... Read the full article here...
  8. And for college football fans! Let's celebrate!
  9. Amen. You have to be able to run the ball, especially inside the five yard line. They keep doing things to shoot themselves in the foot, and I'm delighted!
  10. You want to play THAT game? You got ugly uniforms? I got uglier yet! This (above) is from 2015, and I knew I did not like them from the moment I saw them... Is there a pattern here? Grey uniforms are LOSERS!
  11. I will say that it is longer than five minutes now with an adjustment today, but then I thought I would check for opinions and design it for the needs of the community. Hence this thread...
  12. OK....I have very little impulse control with this topic. I just love so many of the uniforms!
  13. I can't resist, as I had to show another...as I liked the wings on the shoulders...
  14. My Friends, we are working at the fine points of the forum, to decide on how we want to do things. The time set for editing a post after you started it was five minutes, and many wrote that it was not enough time to make the changes. The challenge I have are people adding bad stuff to their post after they think a moderator has looked at it, and then all the new readers of that thread are exposed to the Troll's nonsense. But Jon Sousa asked, and ICamel answered that we can help the community by reporting any inappropriate content in a post by clicking on the three dots in the corner of a post you are reading, and then click on "Report" (As you see above) and write a brief report of the issue in the window that comes up. All reporting is confidential and it helps keep our community clean in a much faster way. So if people are reporting the occasional post that has bad stuff stuck in later, the question is..."how long should the editing window be for members who just posted." For me--I do proofreading and editing immediately, and I would hope most people do that. Realistically, we cannot leave the editing open longer than an hour, and I am not sure that amount of time is needed. A half hour has been suggested the most often, but let me know your thoughts because I feel that the more I know...the better I can set it up to serve everyone the best. Feedback please! I know...I'm going crazy on the GIFs. It is new and fun and I'll tone it down. (Later)
  15. I would love to see their list come to fruition in this article!
  16. You know...they have a lot of cool uniforms in this article, but not all the best ones, IMHO. The reason is that there are so many! Which is your favorite? This is one of my favorites, the "Confederate" of yellow, silver and grey. BTW...that Nevada uniform looked better than what they wore last year with a grey helmet...uuggh.
  17. Now I get it....after his analysis of Justin Herbert...this could be the kiss of drafting death!
  18. I am really rooting for this to get him out of all the discussions of college coaching openings such as USC! I do not want to even picture him with the Trojans....
  19. Perfect choice...I was thinking the same when watching him.
  20. She is going to be a very popular female athlete before she is done!
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