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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Sherman, I've wrote a few times about how there is no discernable system, but a mish-mash of what Cristobal will allow. Moorhead had a system at Fordham and Penn State made up entirely of shotgun plays, but at Oregon...
  2. Well, that was a question that everyone has been asking, and the real off-putting aspect is how it is a question that should be asked at all of our coaches. Whew!
  3. The worst part of that game was listening to Bill Walton go into irrelevant topics while a real game was going on. Very little analysis or commentary beyond what we could see ourselves, and for the first time ever--I muted it. Chris Duarte was on fire when we needed it!
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  5. We can't complain too much as we are the Pac-12 Champions and eleven other teams would love to have that title; when you consider all the sports--we do a lot of winning!
  6. We have a ways to go with all that I wish to add and implement, but we are off to a good start and are on our way!
  7. Is that at 7:00 PM on ESPNU the Ducks play Stanford in Mens Basketball! Flush out the football for tonight and enjoy more Oregon winning...because Our Beloved Ducks won!
  8. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  9. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  10. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  11. With Iowa State taking a half of the entire first quarter their first scoring drive--it means that Oregon will have far fewer possessions in this game than normal, thus you have to make the most of every possession on offense and the defense has to make some stops! The big play by Dye effectively had a slice block by our TE, but not on the edge defender, but on an Inside Linebacker, and THAT is an interesting variation!
  12. My FishDuck Friends, Let's discuss the game in this thread and have fun with it! Here's hoping for a big game from Johnny Johnson III!
  13. Very cool Ryan, and I hope we continue our winning ways when you are in the Press Box as in prior years!
  14. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  15. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  16. The motivational video for today's game!
  17. The most frustrating part to me is that the schmucks who actually pay the bills for everyone making the decisions? (Us) We got no say in the decisions?
  18. I like this comparison, but to me ... Ernie would have a good year, then a .500 year, and then a losing year and that is what got him fired. Mario has coaching faults, but not as deep as Ernie, IMHO. What is so frustrating is how all the tools are there, and whether Mario can allow it to happen? Jon...I am not Eeyore; I state the issues, but always am going to look for the bright-side in the end. It might be ''how I'm spinning it in my mind," such as in this article, or it simply might be that be that he will learn after a few more painful losses. But I do not give up hope, as I am a devoted Duck fan who wants to cheer it all and ponder the fine points as you and so many do here. This is the kind of run-defense we need today!
  19. Defense: Austin Faoliu (No. 99) has been replaced in the starting line-up at defensive tackle by Brandon Dorlus, No. 97. (I do not know why....) Not good for a senior in his last game! Offense: As we feared, the Mountain-of-a-Man, Malaesala Aumavae-Laulu No. 71 is not in the starting line-up. The guards are No. 56 TJ Bass and No. 53 Ryan Walk, and the tackles are No. 74 Steven Jones and No. 77 George Moore. While all are good--Mala was responsible for a lot of crushing blocks this season, and I hope he is still able to play! And now just before game-time we hear that CJ Verdell is out! We need great defense like this day!
  20. Men: I loved how they posted up Eugene "O" and even at a half-foot shorter-he is hard to stop. I am concerned about rebounding versus the great teams with this small line-up, but love the energy and flow they bring. The win over Cal was such a deceptive final score as it was only a three point lead with 5:22 left, yet won by 12. Duarte hitting some big threes pushed us over, but it indicated to me that Oregon is not a superior team, but one that will have to scrap for their victories. Women: Isn't it fun to watch the growth of the freshmen? To see Watson getting better due to the minutes with Sabally out, (foul trouble) was great to see. An explosive second quarter built a lead that remained through the game...
  21. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  22. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  23. I'm sorry OD...we cannot have two picks, otherwise we would all give two predictions. Please select one-thanks.
  24. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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