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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Big brother Utah is already ashamed of him... Glad to be moving on to the B1G!
  2. Beaver fans are now getting it, but still cling to the hope of everyone returning, and yet place no responsibility on their own administrators. (You know, like Oregon fans are doing with Mullens right now?) Reading below from their message board started to make me feel sorry for them until I thought of the 30 million being stolen from Oregon Athletics. Naw! By divesting their interest? They speed up the rate of the decline.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Call me a bad fan. Call me a quitter. Call me whatever. I've deleted Twitter the last couple weeks, Facebook, etc. Twitter is where I get 95% of my sports news. I just cannot do it anymore. I can't continue to follow OSU athletics to the same extent I have the last 10 or so years. It hurts too much. It kills me seeing literally all of our athletes programs slowly die." "I could never fully disconnect. But I've cut my sports consumption down by a good 80%. It's the only way to stop the constant hurt. To any of you who are still as invested as ever, I applaud you. I really do. I just can't do it anymore." "I know it is extreme but I can understand where he is coming from. From someone who grew up in Corvallis, both parents worked for the university, having graduated from OSU, went to practically every OSU related sporting event since I could walk, it feels like the death of something you truly love". "No this has nothing to do with men's basketball. I figured most likely everyone would transfer out, Tinkle is a horrible coach. This has everything to do with WBB and now the reality setting in of what's to come for OSU in general these next 2 years. We all had this idea that the wbb team really had a genuine love for OSU, the coaching staff, and Corvallis. That they would stay together and try to pursue a national title, the pieces were there. Then TVO announces yesterday she is leaving and then the rumors of TG, and Beers leaving and we are back to square one. It feels like if they are leaving and giving up on that then it is really hopeless." "Don’t tell other folks how to be a fan. It’s a personal choice. After 25 plus years following every move of the football program, I feel myself disconnecting slowly with all of this… I’m very interested in how this all shakes out because I think it’s the beginning of the end for college athletics. But am I going to go absolutely bonkers over our two deep, or am I going to cancel other activities to watch every second of our games (which i would do as recently as 2023)…I don’t think so." "I’ll never quit the Beavs, but I can certainly see how they’ll be less important to me as we move through this next phase of relegation. Each additional piece of bad news and a lack of progress back into relevance is just another paper cut…eventually I’ll bleed it all out. Go Beavs." "Exactly. I'm planning on paying not much attention to fall camp. (Vs reading every single practice report in prior years). I'll still likely watch every game. But I just have to disconnect myself. It just sucks too much." "Wait until the transfer portal hits our baseball team this off season as well. Wouldn't surprise me if several key players left for "Greener" pastures or the MLB draft at their earliest. I'm done with any paid sports at this point. Much better use of time and money spent elsewhere. Enjoy life and not this crap! It goes by all too quickly." After 60 years of living and dying with Beaver basketball, I am finished. I cannot continue to invest that much mental energy or money into something that no longer resembles college basketball in its heyday. It is no longer a community. It is all about the individual, money and attention. I will not attend, I will not watch on tv, and I will not care. If the remainder of the womens basketball players move on and destroy a beautiful thing that they have built, then I will do that same with that team. I am now a baseball and football fan only.... and we shall see about football." "I used to try to comfort myself by thinking that all of this portal/NIL business was going to kill the golden goose and that fans would quickly be turned off by the whole thing. I have come to realize that, at least for the near future, the only two programs that will be gutted by the system is ours and Wazzu. Look at the numbers, college sports have never been so popular, we are just not going to be part of the discussion going forward. This is about the affiliation, it has little or nothing to do with 'business as usual' transfers out. The only thing that will save us in the coming years is the recognition that the realignment idea was a bust, and regionalism returns in some form. Short of that, we are slipping away towards mediocrity. My enthusiasm level is slipping away along with it."
  3. Locklyn was quoting Martin Luther King Jr. to a white coach? Huh, do you really want to go there Lock? (See full quote by clicking on the Twitter/X post above) Maybe it was not meant that way...
  4. Now keep in mind...that Coach Lanning always says we will improve the position when a coach leaves. I think there is a TON behind the scenes that we do not know about, and it is Lanning's call to make. Too bad Mullens gave away 30 million...so now we cannot match tOSU's offer, or buyout Kelly Graves? (You might want to click on the Twitter/X post to see all that was written by Coach Lock)
  5. As you may know, we play at one LA school, and the other comes to PK Park. This year Oregon (20-7) travels to UCLA, and due to injuries--the Bruins started out badly and sit at 11-15 on the year. But they are really coming on in the last three weeks, as beat Washington State and USC in their series (remember that USC just beat Oregon State in two games) and the Bruins swept Arizona. Crap. So they are a team of great momentum, and at home. Like the other series, this Pac-12 series promises to be very tough and close. History to be aware of... --UCLA won two of three games in Eugene last year...when they were struggling and Oregon had their Super-Regional year. --UCLA swept the Ducks each of their last three visits to California. --In Oregon's last visit to UCLA, the Ducks lost all three games by one run. (Please pass the razor blades) The series starts tonight at 7:05 PM, and you can watch on Live Stream; go to GoDucks.com, then Sports, then Baseball, then Schedule, and scroll down to the first UCLA game and click on "Pac-12 Networks" and watch some great college Baseball!
  6. Google and GoDucks.com are places to search of those who wish to pursue this,
  7. From that time period....another good one! A good analogy for Oregon State? The beer, and the OSU Athletics driving off and fading away?
  8. OK.... How could I forget about their propensity to mess things up? (And then blame everyone else for it...)
  9. And you will note the stark contrast between Oregon and Oregon State fans, as Beavers ignore the incompetence of their leaders in the past, while Oregon fans are clearly sticking the results right on Mullens where it belongs. We are not blind, and we are willing to take the medicine to solve the illness. I did not think that people are that different, but there sure seems to be quite a difference between Oregon and Oregon State fans concerning the actions of their athletic directors. Whew!
  10. Wow. Oram continues the narrative of Beaver fans; the world is not fair, and OSU is being treated poorly. Nowhere in that nonsense he wrote is there any taking accountability for the actions and incompetence by prior Oregon state sports administrations that brought them to this point. The fault is with UO, the Sports Landscape, money, and on and on and on. It is never their own fault. Will accountability EVER set in?
  11. One thing about joining the B1G is how so many writers are exposed for knowing NOTHING about Oregon. The time difference is real, and we could be on the MOON for all they know.
  12. He can't afford to because he gave Oregon State 30 million, and took away a home game from us and gave it to the Beavers.
  13. What could the plan be? They are still a Group-5 team no matter how much they spend of the 300 million on lipstick. They are bound to their fate, and extracting a major pound of flesh from everyone else to try to assuage their pain.
  14. Mike...this was fun going down memory lane. In the process of finding images for your article--I ran into this video which featured many of their other great TV ads that were quite entertaining. About the time these ads aired is when OSU could have hired Rich Brooks, but passed and went with Craig Fertig. All of Oregon's history could have been theirs, and so it seems that both the beer and the university in Corvallis went off the rails at the same time.
  15. Gee, would this explain recruiting? What is being said? And by who?
  16. Okay, it is not really a pencil, but it sure looks like one! For the Arizona State trip--these bats were tried by players, and currently--only Jeffrey Heard is the only one still using it. But they should too, because he is the No. 1 hitter on the team! (Batting .368) It even has the eraser!
  17. The real joke is on Beavis fans. Oh, how they wish! Beavis was beginning to believe...
  18. I just heard this while driving on local sports radio, and just about plowed into a parked car. Five years? Mullens...WTH? Oh well, I'm sure Graves knows where he is taking the program.
  19. Wow. What a gut punch. He will not be able to replace those players; Grace VanSlooten, Chance Gray and Kennedy Basham? I don't even think Oregon State players would transfer here!
  20. Remember...you can always find the latest depth chart right here on this site. Go up to the menu under the logo and click on "Repository" and then click on "ChileDuck Depth Chart," and bingo...it is there all the time for you. For now you can click right here, or or try to read it below! The link is better...but boy, the battle on the defensive line is going to be intense. A ton of young talent there!
  21. Below is not the full article, but you get the idea. And keep in mind that the Pig-2 are stealing 255 million + over 60 million of this year's conference revenue. And no amount of stealing is going to change their G5 status... ----------------------------------------------------------------- So why does the aftermath of Oregon State’s run to the women’s NCAA Tournament Elite Eight feel so blasted sobering? Talia von Oelhoffen slid into the transfer portal on Tuesday, offering in a written statement: “I will always and forever be a Beav.” Oregon State is on high alert this week. Insiders expect at least three other Beavers players — and as many as six — could entertain entry into the transfer portal. Also, there’s growing concern that coach Scott Rueck will become the target of a high-profile coaching search in the coming days. Tennessee fired coach Kellie Harper. Duke coach Kara Lawson, who played her college ball for the Volunteers, is expected to be among the candidates considered. The worst-case scenario for OSU involves a half dozen scholarship players in the portal and Rueck being introduced as the new coach at Tennessee, Duke, or someplace else. Oregon State is doing what it can to retain players and keep Rueck in the fold. But reality bites. Ask football coach Jonathan Smith, who stopped at Goodwill to dump his black and orange gear on his way out of Corvallis. Washington State lost athletic director Pat Chun to Washington. Also, it lost successful men’s basketball coach Kyle Smith to Stanford. A half dozen of Smith’s players promptly jumped into the transfer portal. Oregon State assistant Eric Reveno is set to join Smith’s staff on the farm. It’s a no-brainer move by Reveno, who played at Stanford. Also, on Tuesday, OSU guard Jordan Pope did what a lot of us expected. The star guard told a reporter he plans to enter the transfer portal himself. (He has not yet completed the paperwork.) A couple of weeks ago, just a few minutes after the season-ending loss in the conference tournament, Pope told me: “I’m all in for them — for the time being.” ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yep, Power-5 talent will leave the Group-of-5 teams; it is the way of the world. And when complete, the remaining player, coaching and administrative talent will be aligned at their proper levels... I feel so SORRY for the Pig-2! Good thing I never said I was noble...
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