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Mike West

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Everything posted by Mike West

  1. That ASU loss was all Justin Herbert. He had a terrible game. Yet, they still came back. Saturday was a display of giving up ultimately. A good deal off this is on Brown. The post month, he just won't execute downfield kill shots Morehead has given him. He's a streaky guy. I thought the defense fought for awhile, then tanked from fatigue. You're not going to win many there in two matchups on the edge, and you certainly aren't going to take seven down when you're only four strong. Utah can't block that defense without those types of numbers in their advantage. But the more concerning issue is the lack of killer instinct. This team should literally Ohio State the conference with so much talent. But they don't have the will to do so. Maybe Mario is to nice too these guys. They truly don't show much fight in them, unless they get embarrassed. At least they didn't showboat last night. These kids need to be left in a junkyard with a doberman and one plate of meat. They're too comfortable.
  2. Wow. People are going to say the same thing they said after the Iowa State fiasco. Scheme won this game. It wasn't muscle. What I mean by that is you don't put four men up against six or seven. You will not win that battle. As for the offense, I've figured Brown out. He will not go through his full progressions of he is feeling pressure to make a play. And when Utah started to blitz, Morehead wouldn't Max protect ( keep a TE and RB as blockers). Oregon's WRs we're open downfield, all day. You could see it on the replays. Cristobal needs to look at tons of film. That is the best way to learn the complete game of football.
  3. Because they still are at a numerical disadvantage. They are out manned on the first level. That fact allows the offensive lineman to block and shed to the second level while double teaming the most effective defensive lineman. This is nothing more than what David Shaw did to the very best defensive front Oregon ever had. That is how you out muscle the more talented team.
  4. , I have to laugh at that. We will survive this. After all, most of us expected this performance a few games ago. This team is fair weathered. They don't have killer instinct, they don't put teams in their place. They WAIT until goods things to happen instead of making things happen. There isn't a single team in this conference good enough to beat the Ducks. The only team good enough to beat the Ducks are the Ducks.
  5. And put five men in the line of scrimmage. Utah is stacking the LOS, for easy numerical advantages. Why is this so difficult to adjust to? Stack the damn box if they're going to stank the LOS FOR INSTANCE: Inside the ten Utah has RIGHT guys on the line. We had four. If they're going to run a goal line formation, counter it. This is exactly what Stanford did to Chip the year we lost 26-20. If they want to stack it, pack it up yourself. Don't run a regular defense if they're running goal line fronts.
  6. This has been a lot demonstration of controlling the edge on defense. They put THREE TEs on a side, and we didn't have the numbers to neutralize it. Remind me of the list Stanford drive of regulation when DeRuyter kept blitzing and Stanford kept throwing slant routes. Squeeze inside from the edges and this game is over. Doesn't take a full quarter to see this. And if Sewell is going to shoot the QB in pass plays, somebody's got to cover the area he's been leaving wide open.
  7. We're possibly looking at no points for the whole half. Guess it's time to start thinking about the Rose Bowl. Anything less than a the TD victory is not going to cut it. November is showcase month, not ugly win month. We're going to win this game. This is not going to impress the committee.
  8. Well, Ohio State and Cincinnati sure put pressure on the Ducks. A skin margin of victory is out of the question. Stomp the Utes or stay home. And no, a ride Bowl against Michigan State is no silver lining. Cinci got the memo. Ohio State got the message. STYLE POINTS ARE GOING TO MATTER.
  9. Oh man, that is one of the funniest lines I've ever heard.
  10. LOL. Isn't it ironic that the Ducks' "schedule" is weaker that Cincinnati's? And when was the last time Cincinnati beat Ohio State in the Horseshoe? Does ANYBODY believe the Bearcats could pull that off this year? How about the PAC12? Does anybody truly think Cinci would win NINE PAC12 games? One team-ONE- has accomplished that feat... Yes the Oregon Ducks. And they were an elbow from taking their Natty into overtime. I've seen Cincinnati. They are not playoff caliber. But I sure will bet my entire retirement package if they play, because they are going to get their assess kicked. And I mean a 42-17 butt whooping. So it's clear politics are involved. Oregon might not be passing the eye test, but they sure didn't look like they were going to beat tOSU Buckeyes did they?
  11. Traditionally, the Spartans usually give the Buckeyes hell. Even at the Horseshoe. I like MSU to cover. Can you say money line?!!! Utah faces their first top ten foe. Cristobal seems to want it more than fearing a loss. Ducks win. Hopefully like two years ago. Clemson actually has their conference title destiny in their own hands. Defeat Wake, and they face Pitt for another shot at the ACC Title. Their offense is getting better, their defense is very good. Give those points. Take the Tigers.
  12. Amen. This is a tough assignment. Title teams execute. This game is similar to the 2010 Oregon at Cal game. That team got it done. Now if we want to look like the elite teams, we drop 50 and leave the Utes in the dust. But I don't see Cristobal going for the throat. This is his battle in a phone booth game. I'd be orbiting the North Star - showing the world what Superman is totally capable of. As the World Turns is what we'll get though. One question though: didn't TV execs get rid of soap operas for a reason?
  13. Interesting that this site brought up the subject before the WSU game. One of the things I'm proud to be part of. So many contributors here have the kind of vision to see trends well before other sites. I hadn't given much thought to the subject until last week. I'm hoping Morehead stays (I didn't it), but next year will be another opportunity to stretch the field-with another set of QBs capable of performing well. As far as this year, Brown is going to be forced to make plays throwing the ball the rest of the year. Let's hope he's "money" often enough to win games.
  14. Oh there are several others... Josh, Darren, "30", to name a few. And the comments were even better when we didn't agree. This site is unique because the opinions are supported by so much tactical analysis. Why do you think the site was ahead of the herd ( recognizing Cristobal wasn't going to win a title "fighting in a phone booth"). And you my friend have the best pulse on what our beloved Ducks would face in a playoff scenario.
  15. The only record that matters to me is the score... Post a 42-14 victory. Starts with celebrating a statement victory instead of a routine play.
  16. I think you guys are thinking that I believe tOSU is overrated. I'm saying MSU and Michigan are overrated.
  17. Depends... MSU has certainly peaked. Can't say enough about Mel Tucker. He got this team to dominate the middle of the conference. But they aren't talented enough to handle the cream of the crop. Michigan? Do you really think Harbaugh can handle Ohio State? I smell bloodbath in that game. Now I recognize the committee has both ranked high, but if Ohio State blows them out, in my mind they're overrated
  18. I believe this was for the sake of argument only, but it was mentioned. From Saturday Down South : "Look, Bennett is a great story. He’s fun to watch. But does Georgia beat Alabama or Ohio State or Oregon – teams that can score points on the Georgia defense — with Bennett?" The lead story is about Lane Kiffin (think he'd go back to USC?), with some after thought discussion. In any event, My take? If Brown can complete passes like he did against Ohio State ( to loosen things up for a very strong running game), we'll be able to run the ball on playoff teams (if we reach the playoffs). Now I imagine Morehead will install plenty of screens if he faced the Bulldogs ( inside, and those dreaded bubble screens), and I sure hope he uses plenty of jet motion against Georgia. But let's get past Utah first. Again, loosen up the box, ground and pound. And if Brown can hit a couple of deep shots....
  19. After the performance in Columbus, I started to think this defense might be elite. I think they are. They did a hell of a job controlling WSU in spurts. The Cougars are dangerous, and they completely shut them down most of the game. I am greedy. So I'm not satisfied yet. But they're heading the right direction. I want to see more dominance. I want to instill fear (that is not happening in the PAC12-only hate and disrespect). To be the best, you have to match the best. That starts with total dominance in your conference. Leave no doubt dominance. We are competing with the nation's best. They dominate their conference. The elite keep coaches up late at night. We don't get media love, so we must obliterate teams. The national consensus was we squeaked by Saturday- despite a well played performance on defense. High standards breed high performance. They've got some work to do.
  20. He's concerned about his NFL prospects. Kids need to get real. If he's NFL caliber they know. And it always gets solidified on Pro Day.
  21. IDK They have a frosh QB that is as good as, if not better than our talent. The kid is dynamite. Sorry guys. I'd take that job in a heartbeat. They have talent. The right coach will stabilize the program, them turn on the jets. The right coach will put them in contention year two.
  22. Or pushed at 14 (depending on when you put the money down). lol
  23. While I agree the adjustments and execution of those adjustments were very good, this game was OVER if the Ducks execute in the second quarter. Travis Dye, of all players fumbled. On the drive to ice the game for all intense purposes. It is absolutely essential this team learns to extend 14 point leads when they are in position to do so. Every game I mentioned earlier were similar situations. Almost all of them resulted in turnovers- which are momentum changes. Your job Mr. Phelps is to ice the game early. This comment will self destruct in fifteen seconds.
  24. The running game is such a strength that I'm puzzled Morehead passes so often. I'd personally like to see him roll Brown out. Or play action featuring roll out ( like Herbert got from Arroyo). Also, now is the time for some deep out and up plays. And where are those crossing patterns? Teams are going to start sitting on the out routes and curls. Those are Brown's strengths.
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