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Mike West

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Posts posted by Mike West

  1. On 10/5/2023 at 10:51 AM, Mic said:

    I know, I'm probably a minority but the CFB with NIL and mass Transfers is morphing itself into mercenary minor league for the NFL.  It's not there yet, but it seems to be heading there and gaining steam,.  I sure hope I'm wrong but amateurism seems to be dying on the vine.

    I don't think you're in the minority, and it's understandable to feel the way you do.


    I personally believe amateur football at the college level ended in the eighties.  I knew enough football players- studious and not even close - that talked about the time commitment required to excell at the college level.


    If you don't spend thirty hours a week on football, it doesn't matter how much talent you have, you will not excell.  Football is far more complex than people give it credit for. 


    Think of The Thompson.  The guy is Justin Herbert ability wise.  He doesn't have the mental aspect down.  Not until this year at least.  I can name ten things he needs to work on, and I believe those ten things would work.


    But that requires a massive time commitment. I kid you not.  He has to break habits he's developed.  The kind of drills to build muscle memory alone would take fifteen hours a week.  He has enough raw ability that it would be worth the time.


    Steve Stephens IV and Jamal Hill are two more that require removing old  habits ( they don't compensate for their lack of speed, so they are nearly always behind the "curve").  


    Imagine what coaches have to do with each player.  It's time consuming.  Stevens and Hill play too much to ignore.  They need skill building drills to overcome their physical deficiencies.  


    That all requires extra time. That's called being a pro.  If you want to be good, and I'm talking just college level good, you're going to work your butt off.  


    Coaches implement systems that require tons of time to  think through.  Repetition is required to the degree you don't think about it anymore.  Instinct arrives from experience. 


    Then you get a Chip Kelly that alters the landscape ( at present, several young coaches are changing the game), and you must adjust your thought process.  


    Coaches and Analysts have to present, then scheme those alterations midseason.  Imagine the whirlwind of thoughts kids go through each week.  Rules of engagement change, etc.  


    You are not going to play relaxed if you're not prepared.  If you're wondering if you're looking at semi pro football, you are.  These kids are damn near professionals already. 

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  2. I believe power polls say more than ranking polls.  


    I also think that despite a more diluted talent distribution in the SEC, Bama ( believe it or not) and Georgia are still the teams to beat.


    I believe Michigan matches up best with both  (tOSU just doesn't have a potent enough offense, or dominant enough defense this year).


    Out West, I believe OBD will be exposed to how good they really are.  Do we post 38 to 45 points like we should have last year?  Do we shut down Penix and company (in my eyes, have we solved covering the middle of the field on extended pass plays?).


    Last night Arizona showed it's missing a hefty enough OL, otherwise they put USC to sleep.  Was that why they couldn't take down the Fuskies?  Or is Washington better on defense?  


    We will witness whether or not OBD ( or the Fuskies) are capable of handling the likes of Michigan, Bama and Georgia come Saturday.


    As to the transition to the BIG, I believe we've only begun to see what Lanning is capable of. If things go as planned the next 18 months, OBD will be considered title contenders year to year.  


    I also happen to believe the four PAC12 additions are going to make a lot of noise in the BIG...all four. 

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  3. On 10/7/2023 at 1:07 PM, David Marsh said:

    I also completely understand why program alumni and old timers wanted Wilcox or someone with deep connections to the program. We had gone through just losing two head coaches to schools in Florida. I think we'd still have Cristobal if it was any school besides Miami calling. Taggart was only a matter of time until he could return to Florida. 


    The ultimate irony is those "dolts" both blew very realistic shots at a Natty- one each in fact.  


    In 2017 " the Snake" had Oregon's best recruiting class ever ( combining a damn good defense with world class WRs Justin Herbert would throw to), and a virtually unstoppable offense. 2018 should have been our crowning moment.


    In 2019, Crista bol had the best QB in the nation and a top 5 defense.  Mary neutered the offense, and lost to Oh No Bo, despite having a Defense that was capable of shutting down every elite offense that year( especially when they were motivated- which was when the offense shined).


    Mary reverted to form last night ( despite mocking him I was actually rooting for the Canes to reemerge- that would be great for college football).  


    Lanning, in my opinion would have two titles just keeping that Jet Flow offense ( and just think of what he could have done with that defense).


    And yes, life matters a whole lot more than football.  But I'm taking Lanning any day of the week as our coach. After all, football is life for him, and he is already ahead of the curve in Eugene. 

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  4. Pretty wild to me to be a fan for decades, and expect to defeat your heated rivals every year.  


    Sure, some questioned Lanning's decision making, but did Dan decide that Nix would miss a wide open TE, then tell his punter to fumble to make the game interesting?


    I personally thought Nix didn't look the Safety off before he ran the ball-he just ran the play everyone had scouted.  In my mind, he freezes that Safety- we go to the playoffs (to get obliterated again because let's be honest- last year's defense wasn't going to stop Sheldon or Marist last year).  


    To win ten games with that defense... remarkable.  


    Every loss stings.  Let's be real though.  Two teams in college finished the regular season undefeated last year.  Out of 130.  It takes NFL caliber talent, and a very deep roster of elite college football players to pull off an an unbeaten season.  DL did not have anything close to that- and lost to our rivals by three points despite several mistakes in both games.


    That, my friends is called damn good coaching.  If I could take Churchill's defense (lol), and win ten games I'd be called a genius.  And yes, I think the defense was that horrible.  After all, Georgia made it look like OBD were pulling a Chinese Fire Drill all game.  

    • Haha 1
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  5. Radio Silence is actually a good thing.  


    Egos emerge when ignored-especially when one is actually excellent.


    I hope the hype is directed away from OBD all damn year.  Nothing would be better than to be discounted.  If I could shadow ban all things Oregon Football this year everywhere, I would.  Those players would play so angry they'd hurt people.  I want that anger.  I want that fire.   


    I mentioned how intense Lanning looked the week of the Colorado game.  He didn't say anything, but he looked steamed.  Not even angry.  Just pure fire in his eyes.  Media silence and Colorado trolling resulted in the only time I've seen a Lanning Team dismantle a team they way they should have.  


    I hope the Media keeps paying attention to Caleb Williams and Michael Penix all year (great motivation for Nix).  I hope Alabama's defense gets so much credit, OBD start shooting for shut outs every week.  I hope Ohio State and Michigan drown out everybody else. 


    Nothing was more satisfying to me than hearing Brandon Dorlus talk about being overshadowed.  I have never seen OBD as motivated since then.  



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  6. A close loss won't be all that bad.


    It is difficult to see a win in this spot.  I do like, however, that Dan Lanning is our HC.  One thing I have noted the past two weeks is Lanning and Company are great when they face the expected, and struggle with the unexpected.  I doubt UW has shown their complete offense.  I do believe OBD can handle that offense this year-the CBs are really that good.  Its the Safeties and LBs I am concerned about.  


    We will score...about 31-38.  Again, I believe the Fuskies will throw some new wrinkles that will take a quarter or a half to adjust to.  After that its curtains for the UW defense. But what will the score be at that point?


    I have always been of the belief that an awesome coach can take what you've thrown at them and obliterate it.  In drive (not a quarter later, not a half later-but right in the middle of the drive you are in on the field).  I believe that because I believe you already know what they know, the respective talent you each have, and that there is only so many things you can do to said talent on either side of the ball.  So in essence-whoever can play street ball better is the better coach.


    That sounds completely ridiculous to coaches, but I guarantee you-the best coaches are the best suckers when it comes to taking what they do and ruining it.  


    So enough with my rant, because neither coach is going to see something weird about their opponent-figure it out- and just nuke it.


    That said, I believe this is going to look a lot like last year.  Down to the last second.  These teams are just too good to stop, and to beat long enough to run away from.  Mistakes will make the difference in the game (Coaches, Players and in the minute decisions).  


    Trends suggest UW comes out with the win.  Let's hope OBD buck the trend.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. On 9/28/2023 at 9:05 PM, Steven A said:

    After this upcoming sc beatdown, fewer eyes will be watching CU the rest of the year.


    In the meantime, sc will be out to prove "anything the Ducks can do, we can do better".  Buffs, keep it close.

    I apologize in advance Steven.  Colorado will not disappear this year.  They have a new, built in audience that is now paying attention to college football more.  I suspect they will maintain that audience, and if they start signing elite lineman on both sides of the ball, they will no longer be our problem, but they will be a fixture for awhile. 


    People already know USC will beat them.  That is not stopping celebrities from going up to Boulder this week to catch some of the "excitement".   Colorado is this year's version of Pete Carroll's Trojan media juggernaut.  Not to mention, they actually have enough talent to earn themselves a bowl berth this year.  They get Stanford, Arizona and ASU, all with about the same level of talent and a slightly more talented Cal.  That's four games up for grabs.  


    I think TCU just expected to show up and win.  They got surprised, despite knowing exactly what we knew when they came to Eugene.  Colorado lacks depth, and has weak lineman on both offense and defense.  I suspect they will go back to moving QB Sanders out of the pocket like they did to TCU (who didn't adjust, nor expected very good WR play from the Buffs). 


    I also suspect the Buffs' players started reading their press clippings.  They truly underestimated how good OBD are (and they are pretty damn good).  I believe the Colorado players stopped working their butts off.  Meanwhile, only a tad bit of noise came from the players.  I think OBD lulled Colorado into thinking OBD would take them lightly like TCU had.


    Not to mention, I don't think many people picked up on how intense Lanning was in the Hawaii presser, and the following Monday.  He looked like he was going to play himself.  I could feel his intensity.  And that was before the Buff players started talking smack.  


    As much as we in the forum felt about the Colorado media train, the players were seething about being overlooked.  On a different note, in closing, I hope the UW, Utah and USC media hype motivates them even more.  OBD are being overlooked.  Almost like they're a foregone conclusion.  I believe Lanning is fueling some pretty volcanic fires right now. 


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  8. Apparently, any change to the 6+6 format must be unanimous , meaning all 11 conferences must approve the change under the contract ( which lasts till 2026).  The AAC says they will not approve any changes.


    The PAC2 has two years to garner eight members, and of course they more than likely drop to G5 status.


    A looming threat would be the SEC and the BIG moving on.  Kind of like creating an AFC and NFC.  That would be an earthquake for sure ( but the backlash may be huge outside their respective footprints).  


    Hopefully, common sense will return, and regional divisions in any format will return to the game.  TV does hold massive sway, and like it or not, the WSUs and Oregon States of college football must dramatically improve their brand value.  

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  9. On 9/19/2023 at 12:48 PM, Charles Fischer said:

    And you can tell how he relishes the combat....the hitting.


    The portal recruiting of defensive backs allowed two safeties in Boettcher and Jamal Hill to move to MONEY linebacker and these moves have been a spectacular success already.  Hill forced a fumble versus Texas Tech, and has been in on many QB hurries, while Boettcher has a sack, some TFLs and great pursuit?


    I did NOT see these moves coming by Lanning and Lupoi, and they should be commended for the moves.


    Oregon Ducks' defense struggled in 2022. Offseason overhaul improved depth,  talent; will results follow? - oregonlive.com

    Hill is definitely better at LB, where limited space compensates for his lack of speed.


    I still think he gets caught in the toaster, but he is around the ball more consistently.  


    I would prefer he were limited to the Ted zone, where I think he would impose some serious damage ( I think he uses boundaries very well when he can). 


    BB is a natural.  He anticipates well, closes well in pursuit, and is a very good tackler.  


    I'm hoping the defense grows every week.

    • Applause 1
  10. On 9/12/2023 at 12:03 AM, fred flintstone said:

    Smith at Oregon St would make a lot of sense. After building a power at Or St he will be playing in the mw. He also deserves the kind of $$$$ or st cannot afford. 



    I hope Oregon State can keep Smith.  He is perfect for the Beavers!  They would instantly become the Gonzaga of the G5, and they would probably go to the playoffs consistently.


    I would hope that would be enough to fund Oregon State for a long time.  

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  11. One of the things I really appreciate about Dan Lanning is he is never satisfied.  That guy is all business. He is more intense than he was Saturday.  He is hungry.


    I certainly hope that level of intensity and focus rubs off on the players.  If they match that level of energy, this team is could be scary.


    The last time I saw that kind of quiet ferocity, college football changed forever because this underated defense backed an offense nobody had ever seen before, which made Oregon a media darling.  


    Look at the players the next few weeks.  If you see less hotdogging, and more intensity on the playing field, we are going to see some of the best football we've ever seen from OBD. 


    Fingers crossed!



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  12. The "growth" I've seen in this kid in six months is encouraging.  If TT beats out Novosad that will be highly encouraging.  It would mean we're have two outstanding Qbs.


    I've seen comfort I've never observed out of him this fall.  He's more decisive, throws with much more authority, and he is making better decisions.


    He did show progress in the second half of the Spring game, but that first half was so awful I believe everyone was ready to move on. 


    I want to see him when guys are in his face-and he has to make the correct decision.  It's easy when guys are open.  Now we need to see if he can throw guys open, run through his progressions under duress and pull that trigger accurately.  


    We actually need him now.  Nothing like having a capable backup.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. On 9/18/2023 at 11:38 AM, Lrod said:

    Texas Tech elected to stop the run first.  They stacked the box.  Hawaii copied, but to less results.


    difference between last year and this year is that Bo no longer is that much of a threat to keep it on a RPO.  Im not going to worry about it that much right now.  

    I've thought the same thing about Nix running.  Not a priority, as such I believe will hurt OBD later.


    I believe Nix has to be part of the running scheme.  If course, it could very well be this OL unit needs time figuring it all out.  Running Nix risks injury.


    This is a wait and see deal.  Stopping this offense is on film now.  Adjustments will absolutely be necessary. 

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  14. On 9/16/2023 at 3:11 PM, Log Haulin said:

    Buffs haven't played a conference game yet. Gunna have to set the brakes on that one for a sec 


    I have given Deon his due. Stated plainly what I think of his talents in another thread. 


    It's clear you are a fan. I get it, a lot of people are. Dude is super polarizing. He was one of a few players that sewered me on NFL. The arrogance that showed up in the league around 2k was a huge turn off for me.


    It's  no secret I don't like the guy. His accomplishment are impressive though. 

    And thats the bottom line. All about the Benjamins. And thats why he is here for awhile. Every media outlet out there will pump this untill the last dime.


    Many of the same people overjoyed about the cash generated also groaned over the cash controling realignment. 


    The play Deon is getting on OBDF alone is crazy. Doesn't make sense the love the guy gets after beating 2 weak teams. But he will get one more then 2 straight losses. That should quiet the noise till next year 


    You basically called Deion Sanders a clown.  He is anything but.  Jay Norvell knows.  He's black.  From a traditional background.  Sanders is from the Ghetto.  I respect Sanders because he isn't trying to bring the Ghetto mainstream.  He, like Norvell respects traditional life, but Sanders isn't going to compromise his core because people expect him to.  He doesn't bring all that excess baggage the ghetto leaves people with.  A clown show is what the HBCU schools continue to do.


    That is why I respect Sanders.  He tried to make the HBCU ranks more professional.  They weren't having it, so he left.  That is the background you don't know about.  A lot of people want to take a country boy out of the country. Well, the same thing applies to ghetto folk.  I am fortunate enough to know how hard it is to navigate those unrealistic expectations of being yourself and dealing with a main culture that doesn't want you to be who you are.  And I'm not from the ghetto.  


    Style and character are two very different aspects of a person.  It sounds like you mistake style for lack of character.  Willie Taggart lacks character.  Deion Sanders does not.  There is nothing wrong with you criticizing Sanders' style.  Please don't disparage his character when you don't know what he is really about.  Sanders is a role model for tons of young men that have been told they can't be who they are-and also been fed in an insidious manner that they can't succeed because they are black.  Sanders is an excellent example of exposing that lie.   


    That is why Sanders is important.  That is why some in the media give him a wider audience.  Not to mention Colorado State is finally exploiting Colorado's weaknesses.  Sanders wasn't supposed to win early and he did.  Josh Pate at Late Kick said it best: moving the goalposts after the fact is hater material.  And that is directed at people that aren't necessarily hating on Sanders' style.  Norvell hasn't defeated teams with more talent at Colorado State until today.  Sanders has done it twice.  Media be damned, Sanders deserves respect for being professional enough to pull that off. 



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  15. On 9/16/2023 at 11:56 AM, Log Haulin said:

    I said as much in another post. The problem is... this isn't pro wrestling. This is college football. The use of kayfabe and "your mama" jokes has no place here.


    Sanders is bad for college football as a whole. The bill will come due and Sanders will dine and dash. 


    College football is changed forever due to NIL and realignment. Now we have the clown show that is Colorado. 


    Again... be careful what you celebrate. The cost of admission could end up being more than you are willing to pay.


    This isn't the Simpsons upstaging the Cosby Show.  This isn't Beavis and Butthead.  


    You are seriously underestimating Coach Sanders.  The HBCU coaches did the same thing.  You do know Jackson State immediately went back to being the dog with fleas Sanders inherited don't you?  He immediately turned that program around. Sound familiar?  And don't think for a second Sanders didn't get the same welcoming committee in the HBCU ranks. You know, like what Norvell said about earning his job.  Norvell is 36-35 in FBS ranks.  Sanders is 2-0, and counting.  Norvell inherited a 3-9 team...and went 3-9.  Sanders has doubled the record of the homeless dog he inherited in two games.  In a tougher conference, Sanders is going to exceed Norvell's three wins. 


    You are witnessing the building of a program.  It isn't a popularity contest, it isn't American Idol. It is serious business and a serious businessman is running a program the way he is supposed to: marketing it, growing it, and attracting the talent it needs to succeed.  He is not in the business of running it like the staid Presidents ran the Conference formally known as the PAC12.


    People called him out. Still are.  He said he was coming.  He is here.  The cost of admission has risen.  There are far more ways than one to skin a cat.  The status of College Football is not going to the dumps because one Deion Sanders is running his program his way.  It didn't when Miami football players walked into South Bend Indiana wearing fatigues to provoke Touchdown Gosh.  It won't as realignment continues.  This is just part of the tapestry called College Football.  

    • Go Ducks! 1
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  16. I don't think many people picked up on this (it really is a cultural thing however).  There is a cultural phenomenon in the Black Community called the dirty dozens.  It usually goes by "your Mama is so fat, she has her own zip code".


    So when Sanders said "he just brough my mama in this" (my interpretation), I started busting up.  


    I've got to hand it to Norvell, he actually did a good job of bringing attention to his program using those dirty dozens, and using coach speak at the same time.  The comedy in all this is hysterical to me.  So many people are taking it "personal", when it really is hype and marketing at its finest-using those dirty dozens at that.  


    I've always thought the WWE and WWF did a great job of promoting their product.  It obviously never gets old.  That old adage "any publicity is better than no publicity" is definitely in play.



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  17. On 9/15/2023 at 1:38 PM, DrJacksPlaidPants said:

    If he rolls into Oregon week with the “it’s personal” schtick then we’ll know for sure that he’s reaching. In my opinion, he won’t do that. He’s too smart. He knows people will see right through it and he doesn’t want to give the  Autzen crowd a reason to be louder than they’re going to be. My guess is he will be very complimentary and call it a “business trip”. 

    Not sure about taking the "high road".  Sanders is going to say something people will comment on so the game will be a channel switcher until it is  decided.  


    I'd say Lanning will keep it "PG" and privately post chalkboard material.  


    In any event, Lanning's coaching chops will definitely be tested.  Colorado doesn't have as much talent, so a close game will be scrutinized, because the Ducks have enough physical ability to take it to the Buffs.


    "You can out your hat on" comes to mind (The Full Monty), because there will be nothing to hide next week.  

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  18. I actually didn't.  I feel the same now, but this year's team isn't as familiar with each other like last year's unit was.


    I didn't think WSU was as good as"they played".  That bore out as correct.  I think TTU is as good as they played, and is a dangerous team this year.  We'll see.




    I believe that applies given the raw ability this team has.  It's the mental aspect that matters at this point- for players and coaches.  


    I wish I had time to write analysis articles again.  I see so much that requires research to determine just how good this team really is.


    I see signs that look good.  I've seen every conference contender- and I believe UCLA is a spoiler ( and can actually play for the title).  It is going to take excellence we've only see from Chip's Natty group, but the components are there.  


    And we have a much better QB at the reins.  If the defense steps up to that 2019 or 2010 level of play, we have a Natty contender on our hands.  



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  19. On 9/15/2023 at 3:55 PM, Log Haulin said:

    Buffs aren't rising through merit. This is money motivated plain and sinple. Beating a very bad Neb and a weak TCU does not justify a top 25 ranking.


    WSU beat Colorado state 50-24 and beat Wisky 31-21. WSU is a better team imo. We will find out tomorrow when Buffs play CSU.


    Can we just skip Hawaii and go slap Colorado around instead. Don't know how much more of this I can handle.

    Quick question: how many people had Colorado undefeated today, and at 3-0 after tomorrow?


    Especially against a "weak" TCU team ( who arguably could lose to Houston tomorrow)?


    How many people had Colorado ranked AT ANY TIME THIS YEAR?


    Anybody see Colorado maintain their poise as much as Sanders' team has maintained theirs? After going 1-11 the previous year?


    In other words, why is everyone criticizing a team that is currently ranked (and should be if they beat a national runner up in their house, and routed a Nebraska team most teams in their own division didn't rout last year?)


    Yeah, Sanders is brash. He backs it up, and quite frankly will have a chance to beat OBD if they play like they did in Lubbock.


    Mess around with Colorado now, and we risk losing.  And at present, we don't look like we'd smoke any conference team on our schedule outside of Stanford.  


    OBD have work to do.  Any talk of crushing a conference opponent is highly premature.  


    I watched the TTU game again carefully.  OBD look solid, but they aren't top ten material right now. They are a serious work in progress.  Potential, as they say, will get you losses.  


    Everyone in the PAC12 wants to humble OBD.  They saw the tape ( the analysts have).  They know what to attack.  And all but Cal and Stanford have the means to succeed.


    I hope our boys are out for blood now.  I hope they are starving.  I hope the play like they face last year's Georgia team, and it's like a battle for their very lives.  Because then, and only then, do they have a chance to obliterate Colorado.  


    Win the Day.  Fast Hard Finish.  That mantra is real.  That is what it takes to meet the very standard we want from Our Beloved Ducks.  And they are waaaay below that standard.  


    Right now it's "I hope we humble Colorado".  We seriously do not look like we can take the Buffaloes down a notch playing like we did last weekend.  They are much better than just about everyone is giving them credit for.  That is a recipe for an upset.


    I said it in August, how we play Portland State (pass) and TTU (fail) will show if we have a conference contender.  Elite teams take the will out of teams early and often.  That is not OBD right now.  


    You don't have to believe Colorado can beat us,  they do.. Their QB is better than Shough, and so are their skill players.  They minimize their weaknesses on the OL.  You have to outcoach them to beat them.  They will not go away early in the game.  TCU found out the will of Colorado.  Do not take them lightly.  That is a huge mistake.  


    I could go on, but as usual I've written too much.  Yet I see the trap OBD better not fall into.  Standard has defeated us several times because we took them for granted.  

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  20. Man,


    What a set of excellence comments!!!  I had to calm myself down last night, hence the humor of watching Jim Mora and Dennis Green meltdown.  I felt like that because I expected an elite performance.


    I did come to the conclusion DL is on a learning curve.  Not with just the players, but also the coaches.  There are so many details and nuances involved in managing a game, and I believe DL is struggling a bit there.


    It takes knowing exactly what you want, then effectively expressing that not only in the moment, but the heat of the moment to both staff and players.  I think DL will get there, but I think he hasn't figured out how to change momentum quickly.  He did get the win though, which is telling.


    If Stein isn't giving Nix some autonomy, that is a huge mistake.  Nix knows the system, his boys, and he does an excellent job of reading defense and defensive strategies. 


    I thought it took way too long to involve Nix in the run game.  By mid third quarter, I was wondering why we stuck with pistol formations exclusively- TTU was all over the plays from that formation.


    I was impressed that Stein did adjust late in the third, put his thinking cap on, and designed a drive that segued out of his game plan.  Nix looked serious all game.  He played well for what looked like a guy that didn't feel relaxed.


    I'm not sure why the players came out so disoriented.  I wish I had time to review the film. Might explain some of the roller coaster ride we experienced.  


    Overall, I think the defense is trying to do too much, and the offense is too simple ( if you've got 247 plays in your playbook, use more than 30 please- analysts pour all over film- and I'm talking former head coach and coordinator talent- make them work their rear-ends off trying to figure out what type of play caller you are).  


    Last night proved how many moving parts there are to putting together an elite team.  Elite players are only part of it.  After all, Coach Willingham has an B+ level of talent taking it to A+ talent all the time.  I think Lanning gets there, but he is still learning how to be the chief executive (not just upper management).  


    Lastly, if there ever was a fan base to listen to, this forum is it.  Far more analysis than just an outpour of emotion.

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  21. One of my thoughts through all my frustration was intuitively, it seemed the team didn't know each other yet ( on defense).


    I get frustrated with safety play because the main rule for safeties is no one EVER gets behind you on your side of the field.


    That happened too much.  Safeties tend to lock onto one receiver, much like a QB does.  His focus must be cover outside in.  It's a little complicated, but if we go back to the Spring Game, the first play of the game was a misread by the safety ( that's really an analysis article in the making).


    It makes sense, therefore, that the defense was out of sync because they looked out of position last week ( in my eyes) as well.


    It may be time for the coaching staff to dial back the whole set, and utilize what the players have mastered first, then introduce the concepts in practice until the players master the entire defense ( difficult to do given the conference has like ten thousand offenses lol).  


    Texas Tech probably played into the scene as well, as it was difficult to determine what their strategy really was ( unlike several plays we continued to run all game despite Tech adjusting well to what Stein was trying to do).


    Again, I hate defensive sets that only place four men at the line of scrimmage against Spread Formations.  Makes it nearly impossible to seal the edges.  Also makes it somewhat easier to identify who is blitzing in my opinion.  


    But that is too much detail.  In general, the defense made plays more often than not. They also were pretty clutch on a consistent basis.  If the gel as a unit, maybe they'll start imposing their will like we saw Miami do to A&M (gasp- Cristobal's team actually looked pretty good).

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  22. On 9/9/2023 at 9:08 PM, cartm25 said:

    My thoughts, positive, negative, and general musings:


    - Got the W in a hostile environment.

    - Defense created more havoc.

    - I miss Kenny Dillingham already

    - Offense seems lethargic and less multiple compared to last year.

    - OL concerns?

    - Bo Nix is not a pure pocket passer, as such, for the offense to be most effective, Bo Nix needs to be used in the run game.

    - 2022 Oregon vs. WSU version 2.0?

    - Even the best years have a game or two like this.

    - Dorlus + Bassa = Awesome pick 6

    - Colorado, Deion, and DL’s comments are looming large; I think Colorado is better than Texas Tech.

    Very good assessment.  Though I don't believe Colorado is better than Texas Tech, they just make fewer mistakes.

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  23.  Glass half full...


    Nobody was saying"They are who we thought they were, and we let em off the hook!!!!"


    I can still say Playoffs without saying " Playoffs, don't talk about Playoffs.  I just hope we win a damn game".


    These guys can be real good...if they want to be.  We'll just have to wait and see.  

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