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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Pull Bo and let TT play the rest of the way. Huge opportunities no one saw coming in a Q and a half. 300+ yards passing 5 tds for Nix. Thats plenty of style for Bo Heisman campain
  2. That was way too easy. Great to see lineman lead the way all the way to the goal line
  3. Go Ducks! Hoping TT gets in with the ones and Lanning lets him use the whole play book. Dilly of all people will understand.
  4. Buffs won 4 games. They should be celebrating. Dude has a Bentley though. So thats cool. Haha!
  5. I do also. I don't always agree with others takes and often others don't agree with mine. But the conversations have real substance regardless of opposing views. It just makes for a better season experience to have the depth and insights you find here.
  6. True, but if they can get it out of the way today, that would be preferred. What would be great is if T beat the Dawgs and AU beat Bama at Auburn. Then Bama beats UGA in conf game. Knock the SEC out completely. SEC is so weak the Conf title participants have already been decided with 2 games left on the schedule.
  7. I don't think coaches see it this way. Who has Oregon attracted in the past few coaching hires? Lets see... a relative no name Chip Kelly, Willie Taggart and Mario Cristobal. All of them unknowns at the time of their hires. Now they have first time head coach Dan Lanning. Appears to be a great hire but coming in unproven. Oregon hasn't attracted big name coaches, they have made a few though.
  8. Ducks need Tenn to beat UGA today. That should guarantee a 1 SEC playoff. Ducks need to win. Beavs beating Fusky is inconsequential in my opinion. Need Texas to beat Iowa State and keep Bama behind them.
  9. I love it when Buffs get their a#*$ handed to them. The early season hype over this team was asinine. I hope they lose every game they play.
  10. Right. I think this validates the questions. If I was Oregon I would hold off on paying the guy top dollar. Also, if I was aTm I would be very selective on coaching hires. Perhaps not amongst us fans but A&M is a coveted job in the coaching circles. Another year at Oregon without Nix will tell both schools exactly who Stein is as an OC. A year is a small price to pay for such an important job. Lanning is conviced Stein is the real deal. And maybe thats true enough. Lanning has a pretty good record with evaluating coaching talent. After a year aTm will have a lot more information, but so will Oregon. If Stein has the chops, another year is also a small price for a possible bidding war for his services. Play this right and he could add digits to his income and still go home to his dream (?) Job in a short time. Dudes super young, he has the time to do this right.
  11. Is WS a top OC in the country to justify top pay? Can that be concluded in less than a season played? Would it be an emotional response to just open the check book to keep him from leaving? Lannings actions show clearly that money isn't always the key/only motivation. But it is near the top of the list. A&M is a top 15 job, so is Oregon. Both have great facilities and deep pockets. Both are great progr'ms. If WS is offered the OC job at aTm, wouldn't it come down to more personal reasons to take the job or not for WS? I have the opinion that Stein is better off at Oregon in the long term. But I am not Will Stein. He and his family will decide what they think is best. Hope he stays for next year. It will show whether he has the chops or just had inherited talent in players and outstanding coaches around him.
  12. Chips Duck teams were a blast to watch. Probably the funnest and most exciting era of Duck football to date. There is no doubt that Chip Kelly put Oregon in the national conversation on a consistent basis. But that glass ceiling was broken by Bellotti and Joey Heisman. Kelly's use of the spread option was brilliantly executed. He would also adjust to the play action and defenses were on their heels often. In my mind, the gimmicky part was the tempo and speed Kelly offenses would operate at. Maybe gimmicky is the wrong word. He exploited the ability to catch/trap defenses on the field. He could gas a defense seemingly on the first drive of the game with tempo and speed. The tempo ushered in rule changes to level the playing field for defenses. Offenses already have the advantage and Kelly's use of tempo gave It what many believed to be an unfair advantage. You started to see injury rules expoited by defenses. Anything to wrestle back an advantage for the defense. Heck, T Furg used this defensive tactic this year. After the rule changes to take away substitution advantages for the offense, Kelly became a middle of the road coach. Kelly went 46-7 at Oregon in 4 years. Since then he has been below .500 at UCLA and NFL combined. He is still the same X's and O's coach. Defenses caught up to defend the spread option Kelly employed The only thing that changed were the rules at the college level. At the pro level players pushed back on the tempo. Take away the Oregon years and Chip probably isn't coaching at the power 5 level. His "jam" no longer works, is no longer an advantage. He isn't a very good coach today and will be fired because of it. He rode the success at Oregon as long as he could (it's the only reason he got ucla job) but that has run its course. As I said, it's an unpopular opinion. Lots of pushback, which I love. Lots of great points made in opposition of my opinion, which I also love. By the way, Lanning is on pace for a similar record as Kelly over a 4 year span. Sweet!
  13. I think Jackson and Florence should start and play as needed until Ducks get a comfortable lead. All hands on deck. I don't think you come in with a game plane of rest at this point under these circumstances. Title on the line. Lanning has rested these guys all year. This is the payoff. The way Lanning has played his men has been great. If Ducks get a comfortable lead and we see Pleasant, it wouldn't surprise me if he balls out. This team seems to be well prepared. A ton of guys have made plays for the Ducks this year. Seeing a true freshman make play is not unfamiliar to the 23' Ducks. The future is looking good. Life is great for Duck fans. This team is going to be nationally relevant for the foreseeable future.
  14. Dion is waiting for the cougs job to open up.
  15. Great post with two exceptions. Chip Kelly never won a championship and defenses still win championships. UGA just won two and working on a three-peat. They did it primarily with defense. If the opposite were true, USC would be playing for a title The rest of what you said is great and a good reminder of the years chip was at Oregon. Thanks.
  16. I think Stein will lean heavily on the opinions of his boss. I don't know what Lanning opinion is on this. But I can look at his track taken to get to Oregon. What Dan did was become an elite DC first. As a result he was offered a top 10 job. I hope that is considered before he pulls a Dilly.
  17. Gotta beat Washington and Oregon State to even be considered. WS is 0-1 with a shot at OSU in a week. Imo, it's just to early to tell where WS is in OC historical rankings on the Ducks. That said, man the Ducks offense looks great. Recruiting is through the roof. The transfer portal, something these other OCs didn't have access to, is being worked masterfully. WS has an elite OL, RB room, WR room and one of the best players in the game at QB. Also something these other OCs didn't have. If WS continues to work the recruiting and TP at an elite level and dominates B1G defenses. Develops an elite QB then yea, he will be the best OC in UofO history.
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