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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Aliotti was a pretty good DC. As a head coach, Lanning did none of what Aliotti would have done. Lanning is the head coach of the Oregon Ducks. He was a pretty good DC too. If I remember right he got one of these He is pretty new at this Head coaching thing. Hope he can get another one of those with a big green emerald O on it
  2. Utes offense is averaging 25 ppg. The most they have put up all year is 34 twice v. a weak USC and a weak Cal. The most a team has scored on Ducks is 33 to the fusky and it took late game heroics by Penix to do so. Ducks are giving up on avg 16ish ppg. So you are saying that Utes broken offense is going to double ppg avg v. A healthy and hungry top 10 Duck defense? I get you can argue that Utes have a good running game. But the passing game is weak. I also get that the Ducks biggest struggle is rush defense. I will argue that a healthy dose of JJ will fix some of those problems. Rice Eccles is no joke for sure. Its a tough place to play. Ducks hang 30 on Utes minimum, utes will be luck if they drop 20 on Oregon.
  3. Great keys Alex. Oregon got sloppy of penalties last week v. Cougs. As said in the article, the Franklin TD got erased. There was also the T Furg play (amazing effort) that got called back. Not a lot of penalty yard surrendered but timing is everything. Ducks have to play a clean game. On an individual note, I am looking to see some better play out of Conerly in pass pro. Trice manhandled him a bit. Utes have a strong front 7 and JCJ will be tested again. Conerly is moving bodies in the run game but getting a little beat up on passing downs. Going to be a great game
  4. Some great spit-balling here as Charles said. One thing for sure is something is noticeably different. Not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing. It doesn't have to be either. Lanning preaches the 1%. Maybe, as said in different ways here, it's self-reflection after the fusky game and the process is noticeably visible. Either way, it will be something to watch. Should be interesting to watch the man grow ( if that is what this is) in real time. Just hope he doesn't over correct.
  5. And maybe they should be. I don't claim to know the right answer, it was just an observation backed by how the game was called the following week. I don't know, if true, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. Who knows, at the end of the day this could be a pivotal point in Lanning becoming a better coach
  6. This has been bothering me all day. Something seems off. Seems there has been a shift in the ethos of Oregon Ducks football. I can't say for sure but it feels something has changed and I am not sure it's for the better. I noticed it in Lannings 2 press conferences since the WSU game. He seems more subdued, less confident and sure. One thing I always saw in Lanning was the fire in his eyes and the confidence in his voice. It was noticeably tempered in his last two pressers as far as I could tell. I usually have a pretty good read on these types of things. Its what made me good at poker back when I used to play. Did the Husky game play a roll? Was that loss a catalyst for change in the way Lanning coaches and makes game time decisions from the sideline? I don't know the answer. But I picked up on it pretty quick and will definitely be paying attention to how the Utes game is called. I looked at some stats for the season and found that Lanning has went for it on 4th down every game but one. You guessed it, the Coug game. Lanning knew Camdens head wasn't right and that he has been struggling with accuracies from distance. Yet he ran him out there and the result was a missed FG. Lanning knew. No fake punts, no going for it on 4th down, no 2 pt conversions, no onside kicks. Was there any out of the box plays v. Cougs? Can't remember any trick plays, nothing. I sure hope I am wrong. Gunna rely on you guys to poke holes in my sprouting theory. I really don't want to be right about this. Its not in my nature. I am a "rah rah" homer. I am not an Eyore. But man... did Lanning get his wings clipped?
  7. This is why I love college football. Every game matters. Take a loss and you no longer control your own destiny, you start cheering for other teams to give so e help. College football is, in most cases, single elimination. From Portland State to Fusky to Beavs, every game is equally inmportant to get a win. That goes away when playoffs expand
  8. I see your UW and OSU loss and I raise you Utes, ASU, Cal and Trojan loss. Sheesh...
  9. Oregon visit is "eye-opening" for No. 1 OL Jordan Seaton N.RIVALS.COM Oregon visit is "eye-opening" for No. 1 OL Jordan Seaton Not much here being its behind the paywall. But the headline looks promising.
  10. I dont know that it was a slow start. Oregon moved the ball down the field pretty easy first two drives. The first half went like this. Missed fg Fg Punt Td (no 2pt attempt) Td (no 2pt attempt) End of half Lanning went for the FG's and punts this week instead of being aggressive on 4th down. So the negative narrative now changes? Last week it was "take the damn points". This week it is "slow starts". One punt was a pooch by Nix from similar field position as one of the 4th attempts v. Fusky. Lanning toned down the aggression this week. It's what many argued for. Ducks 0/0 on 4th down and kicked fg's or punted. For me, I hope he gets aggresive again. Much more fun to watch. If Ducks settle for fg attempts with an unstable kicker v. Utes, could be a long day. But... clean up the penalties in the red zone and eliminate the need for aggressive 4th downs and missed fg's.
  11. USC is way overrated and Utes are pretty beat up and just lost their star LB for the season. This is a tough read. Rice Eccles is a tough environment and KW is a great coach. Ducks better come ready to play. I think Beavs are going to be a tougher out. They are qissed. And they are going to be out to hammer the Ducks. Autzen or not.
  12. Yea, thats what I said when I said he would "grow and adapt". I wasn't specific to one play on purpose. Helps if your kicker isn't struggling to kick the ball for 3 weeks when looking at options against a play clock. In losses it's easy to point. But the aggression is the same, win or lose. I don't think he tempers his aggressiveness regardless of opponent. Maybe its a result of week 7 (my awareness) but I noticed a lot of coaches being aggressive on fourth down in the several games I watched in week 8. Seems to be a trend. In the end it's about growth for coaches and players. Not putting the ball in the air on iffy pass routs is about player growth. Giving the QB mutiple options in that situation is OC growth. The thing that is hopeful is that growth has been seen at every level from last season to this and from game to game. Ducks look good, even in their one loss.
  13. Lanning has built this team and hired his coaches to implement a style that he believes is a formula to win at an elite level. There will be minor adjustments in game plan and in game adjustments. But these will be relatively slight. Lanning is who he is as a coach. He will grow and adapt but at the core not a lot will change. Win or lose, Lanning will impose his will on other teams and make them adjust to Oregon, not the other way around. Lanning will dictate terms. I don't think its in his dna to do it any other way. If the Oregon brass think they are going to get Lanning to do it different (4th down aggression), they should tread lightly. Lanning, if pushed to hard to adjust to their liking, will probably say thanks but no thanks. And find another place to win football games. Lanning is different. A new breed of coach that is emerging on the sceen same way CK did 15 years ago. And he is at Oregon. I hope the alpha dogs at Oregon leave him alone and let him do his thing.
  14. I am sure Lanning and Dilly had a good chat last week.
  15. I am pretty sure the first 10-15 plays are scripted. Not positive. It tackes a series of plays to figure out what the defense is keying up on and what they are giving. Scripts help do that. If they are scripted, it seems the opposition has the script. But once the D shows their hand and adjustment are made, Oregon stacks TD drives and pulls out in front. What we call slow starts could be setting the board to take the queen. As long as Ducks D keeps coming out fast and hard as they have been, Ducks will keep winning.
  16. It's great that Ducks could get CGD maybe 3 times this year. The exposure is vastly important regardless of what I think of the show. At the start of the year it was all Trojan and Buffs for days on end. But we knew... we all knew it was fake news.
  17. Penix only threw for 300ish. Well below his avg. Washington rushing attack produced above season avg. There were a handful of things outside of Penix arm that did in the Ducks. It's been discussed here over and over.
  18. Facts! Makes me think of where Jestin Jacobs fits now that he has a game under his belt to knock some rust off. Jacobs strength is in the run game and rushing the QB. Timing could be perfect for Jacobs return. He could be a missing link in Ducks rush defense.
  19. Bryson Barns is a warrior and has Utes keeping pace. Dude played his heart out yesterday. He looked beat up and exhausted late in that game and still broke off a run to put Utes in FG range to seal a win. With or without Rising, Utes are a dangerous team. They have, arguably the best coach in college football and a strong defense. Next week is going to be a big challenge for Oregon. I can't wait to see it play out.
  20. Oregon had 6 sacks v. Cougs. That 1/3 of the sacks given up by cougs this season. Oregon held cougs to their lowest point total of the season. And if it wasn't for a garbage time TD by cougs, Ducks would have held them below avg in points given up by Ducks. Cam Ward is one of the best at backyard broken play football. It's actually fun to watch when he isn't playing the Duck. As I said, 6 sacks. And it's in those 6 sacks that shows truely how dangerous Ward is with his legs. Stat line has Cam rushung for 30 yards on 11 carries with a long of 18 yards. That leaves 12 yards on 10 carries with 6 being sacks. Don't know the exact math but that puts those sacks somewhere around the LOS. Thats Cams skill and shows how elusive the man is. And he still couldn't find a down field play. I thought the D played decent, not great. And Saturday was a day of questioning for many top teams across the nation. Just one of those weeks. D will be fine. Just one more game that moves the needle a little more right in terms of getting to the peak needed at the end of the season.
  21. Huskies play dirty pool and the pac12 officials are accomplices. But everyone should know what they are up against now.
  22. ASU kicking game is horrible. Maybe go for it on 4th.
  23. Fusky fan thought Washington was the better team than Ducks. Now they know what everyone else knew last week.
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