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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Got it I said a lot, I am a little defective that way. I was just going off what mike said. But yea. Deion saw some big success at JSU.
  2. This argument is being introduced a lot. Ok, maybe not an argument but more just a statement. Ducks, starting in the 90's, began to build Oregon from the bottom. Starting with Brooks hiring Mike Bellotti. This led to MB becoming head coach and the Ducks started to rise. Brooks was Oregons coach for 17 years and Bellotti 12. Bellotti and Harrington should have played Miami in the NC. Notre Dame... pfft. During this time Oregon stopped bad mouthing Phil Knight, they kissed and made up and knight started pumping revenue into Oregon athletics. This was a huge factor in Oregons success. Bellotti hired Chip then passed the head coaching job to Kelly. The rest is history. But the foundation was layed over the course of RB and MBs tenure with a huge dose of Nike and PK. Pretty condensed version I know. Kelly changed the way college football was played. And espn loved him for it. Kelly changed the trajectory of this sport that will ripple through for years to come. Colorado hired a huge personality. They hired a man that is a top 5 athlete of all time. Sanders and Bo Jackson are arguably the two best athletes to ever play sport. Like Oregon is today, Colorado used to be a quasi blue blood school. They aren't becoming "something else". At best they are trying to regain something they once were. Sanders hasn't tranformed college football and changed the way the game is played like Oregon did. Will he? Perhaps, but I doubt it. What Deion has done is win three games. He has used his GOAT status and huge personality to bring recognition to Colorado. And it has been very entertaining. They are a fun team to watch and have captivated the common fan. Sanders was incredibly successful at JSU. But just as Mike West said, he failed to change the game at the HBCU level. Mike said he tried his damndest, but was not successful. Gotta give Sanders credit for trying. So I don't understand the comparison to Oregon. Greater things might be to come for Sanders, he ain't done yet. But they have yet to come. Colorado is not Oregon, nobody is. Oregon is Oregon and much like Sanders the man, cannot be replicated. With that said... a week from Saturday... Go Buffs! Every week... Go Ducks!
  3. Coach Sanders is an excellent leader. His players respond at a hight level for him. As coach "Prime" goes, so does his team. That said, Sanders knows he doesn't have the dogs Oregon has. He also knows Ducks have and excellent staff headed by Dan Lanning. No matter how much Deion tries to hid it, he knows. And as a result, his players know. As goes Deion so go the Buffaloes
  4. There will be times that this specific play will be executed to perfection. Hat on hat. When, not if, that happens it will be 6. I am sure when JPJ got back to the sideline he was coached up. The less plays you run, the less the ball is in jeopardy. I hope this play or similar looks will be run often. Pretty good chunk even though there were slight mistakes made. Playing the interior is a tuff place to play, especially stunts. There is a ton of moving pieces and it gets pretty hectic. Guys get lost in the crowd easy. All in all, it was successful. With a newly formed O line and it being fairlycomplex, 8 yards is a good gain.
  5. That is well designed. I am not sure it was blocked correctly but i will take 8 yrds all day long. Looks like JPJ kinda wiffed in this play. He never really got a block on this example. If the left side of the line holds up for a split second and JPJ recognized the LB in the cut back, thats a touchdown. Just a well designed play but also shows that the interior line needs just a little more work. Great example Charles, for more than one reason. Like I said, 8 yards. The rest is just me being greedy
  6. Agree, when your corner doesn't get mentioned, thats a good thing.
  7. Yea but the other half+ of the battle is in the trenches. Tech smokes Buffs at LOS. Ducks cover.
  8. It's to bad Buffs interior line play is so horrendous. I am looking for Popo to have a career day. Derrick Henry called, said his ACL still hurts coach!
  9. I think most of the country has it wrong about strength of Colorado. They are far better than they were last season but in my hunble opinion, they are not top 25. But this game will be about perceptions. And the higher the perception of CU, the better for the Ducks. So I am good with it. If Oregon wins by 3 or 30, how the rest of the country views Oregon rises imo. Its only if Oregon loses (not happening) do the Ducks get hurt. That makes this game very valuable for bringing in future recruits. What a great opportunity for Lanning and the Ducks to solidify themselves in the minds of recruits. Go Ducks
  10. Lanning had big things to say about Florence this week. When asked about Jahlil, his whole face lit up. You could see him struggle to contain his excitement. Lanning talked about JF stepping up to a high level and that Lanning believes Florence has the ability to reach another level. Thats how I remember it anyhow. I expect Jahlil Florence to be lockdown by end of season.
  11. Oregon Football: Where Ducks’ defense ranks nationally after Week 3 DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM Where Oregons’ defense ranks nationally in key statistics after non-conference play These numbers are looking much better from last years numbers. Rushing is a major concern as is special teams, but all in all Ducks sit ranked 30th in the country. I believe most of the sting on the ground comes from lack of containment of mobile QBs. Get that under control and the rushing numbers should inprove drastically. This weekend is going to challenge these numbers. A fat WOW on the passing D. The DBs have really performed well so far. One thing that sticks out in my mind is the intermediate passes between the hash. Doesn't feel like the Ducks have been hurt as they were last year in that area of the D. The competition will get much better from here on out. So the numbers are going to change. My hope is that they can keep total D somewhere in the mid 30's. Going to be a huge task. Go Ducks.
  12. Penalties played a big roll in why Tech was even in the game 2 weeks ago. 124 yrds surrendered would usually result in a loss. Late game heroics saved Ducks bacon. Last week was a little better but still a major concern.gotta get that under control and soon. I can't say Buffs are a better team than Tech, I don't think they are at this point, but if you spot CU 124 yards they can beat you. One thing I see in Oregon that we haven't really seen... ever! It is their ability to come at you in waves. the depth of Oregon is a huge advantage, especially as the season progresses. I don't think any team in the Pac-12 can match Oregon when it comes to highly talented depth. Those fresh bodies will be a dagger for so many in this conference. It runs through several position groups and thats a big problem for Pac-12 opposition. Colorado has a couple excellent skill position players that can work some magic. But as argued here on OBDF a million times, football games are won in the trenches. Colorado just doesn't compete with Oregon in talent at the line of scrimmage. There is a reason Vegas has this at -20. I don't know much about sports betting but those that set these numbers get it right most of the time. That said, TCU happened so Ducks better come to play. Buffs can/will hurt you if you don't.
  13. Smith is a legit coach. He has the Beavs in position to be a serious contender for the Pac title and a playoff appearance. With everyones focus on USC, Fusky and the Ducks as the probables, Smith and the Beavs are a true dark horse to spoil the party. My hope is Beavs play their way into the power 4. I don't know that they can afford Smith without power 4 revenue. Smith is at 4.8 mil on first year of a 6 yr 30 mil contract. Mtn west teams are guaranteed 4 mil per team in media revenues. I think its dirty whats happening to OSU and WSU. Will they get a golden parachute? I don't think they do. But I think Smith stays mum until after the season. He won't do his Beavs dirty like that. He is tied in to deep with OSU. He will wait till the last minute. So I don't think MSU gets JS. Timing is off and that buys OSU time to work some magic. I too would love to see JS in Corvallis for a long time.
  14. What a clever way to catch the culprit of foot stink in the locker room.
  15. I have been very vocal about my dislike for Deion Sanders. I have my reasons and those reasons are valid. A couple people on this forum are aware of why and how I got to this place and my reasoning behind it. That said... I also believe that Sanders is genuine. That he truly loves (as a verb) his players and the game of football. I believe, if he could have, he would have taken that hit so Travis Hunter would not have had to. That brings me to this article. This is actually the first time I have been able to recognize any sense of humility from Deion Sanders. Not saying it was not already there, just saying I couldn't see it. I am not going to say that the things I find detestable about the man and my reactions to it will wane. But I might be able to recognize the assets he brings to the table as a man. As with most men, we are a mixed bag. Especially those with enormous personalities. Many here know the dialog I had with another gentleman over the weekend. Many feel the same way I do/did about Sanders. But it brought me to atleast ponder about my thoughts of Sanders. It forced me to open my eyes a bit where Deion is concerned. That back and forth is proving to be extreamly valuable. I do not regret it happened. Quite the opposite, I am glad it happend. I probably have a lot of "Rod Tidwell" attributes. I don't like the mans style, I detest it. But at this moment I have a huge admiration of his love for others. It became clear through the events of this weekend and the way Deion Sanders has carried himself in regards to Travis Hunter. Who knows, maybe I will root for the guy someday.
  16. BB is a tackling machine. He has some of the best techniques we have seen in a long time. His fundamentals are solid and it's to the ground. He is the third leading tackler on the team with 13 and 5 solo. Add in a sack, forced fumble and a recovery. This Duck D has been impressive in how they uped the tackling. It will be intersting to see how BB does v. better talent in the future. He had 3 tackles and a sack for -8 v. Tech. Would like to see more but the sack makes up for it. Hopefully Oregons tackling woes from last year have been fixed. To the ground gentlemen.
  17. This is going to be a great look if they can pull it off. Hope every ticket holder gets the memo.
  18. Lanning has always preached "Main Thing". This presser he masterfully kept the main thing the main thing. They tried to bait him. Some really dumb questions asked. DL seems locked in and focused. Doesn't seem caught up in outside noise. Well done coach.
  19. Ty is a tough read. Atleast least in the early part of this season. Previous years it was clear his struggles were in the mental game. Dude has an impressive set of physical talent, that has never been in question. This year it seems Ty has been poised, but as Mike said, he hasn't been pressed. It will be interesting to see how he responds when it tightens up around him. It is easy to forget that these are 17 and 18 year olds when they show up on campus freshman year. Some come ready, are battle hardened for differnt reasons and as a result have matured. Some need time. Maturity levels vary widely with young men. Especialy when put under pressure. If Ty has finally come to that place where he can handle the intense pressure that comes with being a college QB at a big league progr'm like Oregon. A few people deserve some credit. First and foremost, Ty deserves the lyons share. Dude has never wavered from being an Oregon Duck. Things weren't going well, there has been a barrage of outside noise from media and fans. Ty pushed through that and soldered on. That in itself takes maturity and grit. The last two QB coaches should get some acknowledgement as well. As should Dan Lanning. Lanning more than Dilly or Stein. But aside from Ty himself, I think Nix has been a huge diffence maker for Ty. We laud Nix for his on feild performance. But Nix is a different Dude with a ton of experiences. Bo has seen it all. Bo is a peer. An equal on paper. Ty's turn around correlates with the arrival of Bo nix. A peer can reach places authority cannot. Nix is the type that will set aside self and lift another man up. Bo is much more than just a quarterback. I have new hope Ty will become the next great Duck QB. He has persevered to this point when many would have bounced. Respect. I hope he continues to take the next step up. And when he can't, just take a page out of Buckys playbook and fall forward.
  20. Everyone seems shocked about this. There is no room for dirty play. Nobody who is a true fan of football is ok with this. You could see an incident like this coming a mile away though. Football is a mutual combat sport. If you spend a week lathering guys up, don't be surprised when this stuff happens. Us older guys remember mutual combat laws in Society. Not saying they were right but a lot less people ran their mouths. So unfortunate and unnecessary. Hope hunter heals up and can coninue his career. Good luck young man. Hope the adults in the room learned their lesson. Two coaches lathered up their player to max pressure. Shame on the both of them.
  21. Nix's mobility definitely favors a pass heavy ( blasphemy) offense. As does Irving and Whittingtons ability to catch the ball out of the backfield. Ducks pass blocking has been solid. Better than expected considering it's a new unit. The competition has been light with the excetion of TTU. TTU had a solid front and Ducks did well in pass protection. I noticed in Hawaii game, Nix got the ball out quick. I remember thinking "man, that was quick" even on some of the longer pass attempts. You might be on to something Charles. The passing game is starting to emerge nicely. Holden(?) had two scores with a long of 60y and is a legit threat every down. Tez and Franklin are at 3 scores and Franklin has a long of 72y. Bryant is 2nd leading reciever. Bucky and Whittington are avg 7.9 and 9.2 yds per catch out of the backfield. These numbers are with essentially only 2 games played being they all pretty much sat 2nd half of 2 games. This could be a top 10 passing team when all is said and done.
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