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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. All on the defense side of the ball. Thats a good sign Ducks D should be much improved. On paper anyway. If Popo hadn't missed last year, he would be top 25 on the list. Dude was all P12 the year before I think. Popo is going to surprise a lot of folks.
  2. Oh snap, we forgot to ask mommy dearest what sandbox we can play in.
  3. Good article. Lays out where much of the breakdown occurred. Then this tweet followed by this quote happened. Poor form!
  4. Great room. Hope the next chapter brings a ton of joy. The good news it everything tags along but the paint. Paint is cheap and an easy application. All those things and ideas you would have done differently in the man cave... opportunity knocks! Have a great time creating. Going to be a blast!
  5. I didn't want the Pac to disolve but I also didn't want the Ducks to remain in the gutted Pac. The conference was already viewd as soft before the LA schools left. That always bothered me. When the LA schools left, I commented here that Ducks would be B1G within a year. It was obvious. I never doubted it through all the realignment talk the past 12 months. There is plenty of blame to go around but the Ducks aren't it. Those that blame the Ducks are either dishonest (Zano) or lack strength to take an honest look at their own progr'm. Ducks did look out for themselves, they were right to do so. But more than that, they did what is right for west coast football, the state of Oregon and college football as a whole. The landscape is changing and the Ducks took the responsible action under the circumstances. I don't necessarily agree that you can trust no one. Yes, you gotta look out for self for sure. Some times hurting others is a by product of that. Ducks did not make decisions and act with the thought of hurting others as a motivation. Trojan was, in part, motivated by the desire to bury Oregon. To inflict as much pain on Oregon as possible. Epic backfire. Shocker. One of the "great" ironies in the annals of world history. Trojan will feel the wrath of those they fear for years to come. Ultimately College football is better for everyone because the Ducks chose to solidify their future in the B1G instead of playing in the B league. Staying in the Pac because you want to save the conference seems honerable and virtuous. I argue it is selfish and self serving. Staying in the Pac because its an easier path to a playoff has been argued. Ultimately it leaves Oregon soft and weak with an empty trophy case for, perhaps, ever. Ultimatly slipping into being a distant memory. Oregon took the honorable path even though there are casualties. College football is better with a strong secure Oregon. Better for fans and bitter rivals alike. And better for every college football fan in between.
  6. Every once in awhile Bevus gets good. More of a blind squirrel thing than a progr'm turning a corner thing. Ducks are a progr'm turned a corner thing. Maybe the corner was a long sweeping bend over a few decades. The history of the rise of Oregon is a great story. A few bumps in the road as you mentioned. "Blount force trauma" game at Boise State. The Ducks are on the cusp of turning that corner and becoming a true BlueBlood progr'm. We will always be "new money" in the eyes of traditional BlueBloods. Ducks are here to stay. Bevus will have a nice season now and again.
  7. B1G number one motivation for conference expansion out west. Party in Vegas! Ducks will be first to play Vegas venue. You heard it hear first
  8. https://www.si.com/college/nebraska/football/report-future-big-ten-football-championships-heading-to-las-vegas Looks like the B1G title game could change venues some years.
  9. Cheer up Beavus. It's friday, try and find some joy in Your day. There is beauty everywhere. My day started on a mountain 8 miles behind Detroit Dam. Mt Jefferson at sunrise behind Detroit Lake.
  10. Every one of the Pac President's should be held accountable as well. And anyone else that had a part to play. GK will be the lone fall guy but I imagine his wasn't the only incompetence in the room. Everyone involved in the implosion of a century old institution should be held accountable. But they won't. Only George will fall.
  11. I think 2 conferences divided north and south would work. 4 divisions within those conferences. Win your division you are in the playoff. Conference champs play for the title. KISS It would make it much easier for NCAA to take power back from the networks. Heck, the NCAA could create their own network. Seeded by the bloated endowments across this nation. They could sell games to networks and set up a NFL sunday ticket type of service that could go both streaming and linear. Student bodies could play a huge roll to keep cost down and provide academic opportunities to college kids. I am sure there are a ton of ways to make college athletic a better product without greedy network having all the power.
  12. When I "need to know", OBDF is my first go to. From the writers to the members, this is where i usually rely on breaking info first. So many of OBDF members are dug in on everthing Ducks. One stop shopping for sure. Then there is the conversations. Every avg member (avg isn't really a thing here) gets me thinking outside the box. I am a better fan because of the fans on OBDF.
  13. My point was that UGA strength is it's D. "Pretty good" was in jest. If UGA pulls a 3peat, it will be credited mostly to defense again. To do it, the O will have to be well above average. But D will get lions share of the credit
  14. The last 2 years defensive team won the title. The Georgia offense was pretty good though.
  15. Pleasantly surprised a I scrolled through the list. Well done Ducks. List like this are like debating who the best guitarist of all time is (SRV incase you were wondering). Compleatly subjective but fun to debate.
  16. Return of Popo Aumavae gives Ducks a 'very complete defensive line', DL coach says 247SPORTS.COM Oregon defensive line coach Tony Tuioti raved about the player Popo Aumavae looks... Popo Aumavae is an absolute beast. Losing him last year was a huge lose. He seems to almost be forgotten in this years ramp up to the 23 season. Popos addition to the DLine will be one of the biggest factors of a much improved position group. Dude is big, fast, violent and mean. Flat out nasty dude. It's why I am most excited about his return. The defensive front is going to wreak opposing O lines. I can't wait. Let the carnage begin.
  17. Coach made a coment that 3rd down efficiency looked much better starting summer camp. Getting better at the simulated pressure will improve the horrible 3rd down numbers from last year. Corner play is also going to be vital. I think the secondary takes a huge step up this season. Partly because line play and LB play will be vastly improved. Looking for a low 30's rated defense. Fix 3rd down and that alone gets us there imo. Going to the a challenge in the Pac this year. Some really good offenses. Defense has to step up.
  18. My bet... USC gets their pee pees slaped long before Oregon. B1G ain't going to like dealing with USC. This is going to be fun
  19. Boo... Beavs deserved better. Was hoping B12 would swoop them up. In the end Beavs only have themselves to blame. They should have upgraded a lot sooner. Bad timing for sure.
  20. College football has been nationalized for years. It was just a matter of time before conference realignment took down more regional splits. With the advent of espn and later FOX sports, coupled with the NCAA abdicated their responsibilities to college athletics. A North and south split was inevitable. When It's all said and done, only two conferences will be left in major college sports. All driven by the money generated by football and a lesser extent BB. New smaller leagues will emerge. I hope they become gems in American culture. Not all great products have to have "Amazon" bloat. Ultimately we will have Northern football and southern football. I think it will still be a great product once the bugs get worked out. The NCAA would be wise to wrestle back some of the power Fox and espn have userped from college athletics. Doubt they have the stomach for it though. In the end it seems to be going the direction many wanted. NIL, transfer portal, expanded playoff and big media have all played a collective roll in bringing us... NFL LIGHT Stay tuned, this is far from over.
  21. Would love getting USC every year. Trojan tried to black list Oregon. Tried to kill Oregons ability to compeat at the highest level. USC hatred makes Fusky hatred look like a play date. In November, Ducks the to break the Trojan. The standard needs to set. USC needs to know what is coming year after yaer after year. USC played dirty. The games are going to be violent. I have deep anger ove the shenanigans trojan pulled. The B1G knows it. Rocky v. Creed.
  22. 3 of the 4 west coast schools will finish in the top 7 or 8 most years. It's a good bet one of the three will finish top three most years. Ducks need to be that team. Finish 2nd, some years 3rd, and you are in a playoff for the NC. B1G schedules by performance and we get tOSU, Mich or PSU every year. Love it. I want the Ducks to play the best. Iron sharpens Iron. I think its a requirement to become Champion. UGA had to go through Bama Friday was a turning point for the Ducks. Compleate game changer for UofO. Recruiting is going to ratchet up. I think of the four west teams, Fusky and UCLA the the most likely to join Nebraska in the "also ran" category. Ducks golden ticket will be capitolized on by UO leadership. That leaves USC, tOSU, Mich, PSU and MSU. Bring it on!
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