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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. The biggest winner of the western 4 is Oregon. Biggest loser is UCLA with SC a close second. Husky has to be able to recruit. I think the are 52nd in the 24 class. Thats not going to get it done in the B1G. DeBore can coach, can he recruit. Mariø could recruit but couldn't coach a lick. Need both if you want to compete for B1G title and a shot at NC. Oregon has a good, perhaps great one day, coach locked in for the long term. And the guy can recruit his backside off. I truely believe this event will catapult Ducks into true Blue Blood status. Ducks will always be "new money". All the more sweeter. Go Ducks
  2. I said it before. If Ducks were joining the B1G twelve months ago, Moore would be a Duck. I fully expect 5* recruits choosing the Ducks at a much higher rate. 3, 4, 5 a class will become the norm. USC knew it. Watching them melt over this realization has been a wonderful blessing.
  3. It will backfire on the B1G. Sure Ducks will keep Trojan at bay. What they don't see coming is Oregon winning the B1G. This is going to be fun. SC fan getting that sucked up is epic! Only been in the B1G 48 hrs and SC fan is losing their minds.
  4. Traditional Blue Bloods are not going to like it. But nothing they can do about it. Ducks are here to stay. USC knew what many other Blue Bloods are going to learn. Its why they did all they could to black list UO from the B1G. The P12 leg irons have been removed. Ducks true potential will finally be realized now that the p12 is no longer a drag. Great post JJ. Release the Quakin!
  5. The "Pac is weak" narrative was seeded years ago. Imo, it was seeded for this day specifically. It was echoed over and over. Words mean something. They have tremendous power. Truth be damned. They say "the pen is mightier than the sword" for a reason. "Restraint of tongue and pen" is some of the best advice I have ever gotten. Many can be blamed, many played a roll. But small seeds often grow into giants and provide coverge and shelter for vermin with ill intentions. Narrative seeding is powerful. It seems to be a cultural norm in todays world. It has the power to bring nations to their knees. Just my theory. Tin hat? Perhaps. It can be seen as the first shot across the bow. The Pac is now sunk. The narrative that Oregon sunk it started a few days ago with Zano article implying the future of Pac is in Oregons hands. Blame? Plenty to go around. Blame Ducks if you want. Doesn't matter. The Pac as we know it... dead. For "better or worse" will be debated for a long time. In the end... lets play some football!!!
  6. Didn't even think about that. Good riddance.
  7. Ducks have won in the Big House and the Shoe. Beat Whisky a couple time. Rosebowl victories and have played for 2 NCs. You will have fun learning about Orygun. Ducks had one of the best , if not the best O line in the country last year. Ducks will win the B1G before the current tv deal expires. Blue bloods ain't going to like it. Rutger fan might applaude though.
  8. Utes have got to be incredibly frustrated. They jumped to the Pac out of MW and won 2 conference titles. Utes aren't heading back to MW. B12 will swoop them up. 5 years or less and Utes win the B12. It would be great to meet Utes or Beavs in a playoff game. Epic!
  9. Beavs have their coach. JS is going to be a good one. Upgraded facilities. B12 should jump on the opportunity. Beavs would go cheap. Well below market value. Beaves are going to be a good football team as long as JS is running the show. Beavs baseball is super attractive. Be a good buy for B12
  10. Being independent is super risky. BYU jumped into Big12, ND will be in B1G in 2y max. That would leave Stanford. Probably not going to happen.
  11. I remember the sadness and loss I felt when Weyerhaeuser gobbled up Willamette Industries. Now the FOX and ESPN take the Pac. The Pac has been around since before I became a fan of CF. A lot has changed since then. Some good, some bad, some meh. One thing that has definitely changed. I am more of a rabid Duck fan today than I was 40 years ago. Every year I seem to be a little more fanatical than the previous. I dont see that changing being in the B1G. Love being a Duck fan. Now I have Wash, USC, tOSU, Wisky, Mich, PSU to look forward to. Going to be a blast game week of all of these match-ups. Life and football got better today IMO. Recruiting will be more exciting as well. Go Ducks!
  12. That was 5 hrs ago. Gotta move faster than that today.
  13. Nice to see Ducks are bowing up to get best deal they can. Can't see how Oregon would want to stay in a glorified MW.
  14. Zano has always been a hack when it comes to the Ducks. His favoritism towards Beavus is no secret. Let the rest of the Pac blame UO. Doesn't matter. Ducks have gotten no love from any of them for years. Including JC. Most of the Pac rooted against the Ducks in the NC games. Yet there they were with their hands out to collect their share of the NC game cash. I could care less about any of these teams. Oregon has carried the water for the rest of them for way to long. Bunch of ingrates.
  15. Why would the B1G pay more to someone in desperation? Ducks are in a bad spot. We can point the finger but Oregon plays a part in their situation. Hope Ducks learn where they went wrong.
  16. 35-40 mil for a few years, where do I sign? Press hard, 3 copies. All while winning a B1G conference title. There is a reason Trojan wanted Ducks black listed. They know what is happening in Eugene
  17. Pac schools have bashed Oregon for years. Now they are trying to set up Oregon for the blame. Shocker! Good bye Pac, hope your demise is swift and Oregon moves on to bigger, greener pastures
  18. Not sure on the accuracy but a good conversation.
  19. Thanks USC, by trying to get the B1G to ensure Ducks wouldn't almost guarantees a Duck invite. Why wouldn't the B1G capitalize on this hatred? I hope USC gets destroyed. At this point, on the field or off. I don't care at this point. They are the worst with Fusky being a close second. I am not the morality police. I say let them rot at every level.
  20. My statement really has nothing to do with beating a rival off the field. I wish the best for the beavs but I don't feel sorry for them. I was at the war of the roses game with my son. It was a blast. But it doesn't change the fact that the beavs put themselves in this situation. Corvallis isn't much different than Eugene geographically. Eugene is a little bigger. Both are small college towns tucked away in the middle of nowhere. Oregon had a vision and built their brand that is desirable in the market conditions of todays college football landscape. Got some luck along the way in ways you mentioned. But it wasn't all PK and CK. It took all of us and a few decades. Everyone from Phil Knight to the guy that drives the truck, from the guy that sells the ticket to the guy that buys the ticket. It took all of us. Rutgers or Vandy aren't in the position Beavs and cougs are in. Don't really see how that comparison is valid. Beavers and Ducks are in the position each is in for various reasons. Some of those reasons are because of choices and decisions each school made. Who knows, Beavs move to G5 and they might make the playoff long before Ducks return to playoff. I am a fan of the Ducks. Full stop. What happens to the rest of the pac doesn't concern me. Pac cut its own throat. There are some casualties from that. I am super grateful for the decisions and actions the Ducks have taken along the way. It took all of us. Moving on to the B1G is a huge win for Oregon. But Oregon put themselves in position. They should be celebrated for that.
  21. Cougs and Beavs put themselves in this position. They only have themselves to blame. Ducks raised their status over 30 years of hard work. Beavs should have done the same. They didn't.
  22. Ducks will be B1G by end of month. Prob end of week
  23. I think an opinion is easy to form. In The wake of Pac12 network fiasco, Willie Tagart, Mariø and rhe poor leadership of the Pac over the past several years... Oregon needs to take care of Oregon. Keep leading with the chin your gunna get put down. It's time Oregon gets aggressive and looks out for themselves. Nobody in the Pac likes Oregon, so why care about them? What Ducks do is the Ducks business. It's time to push the envelope and close the deal with the B1G. I know, B1G is seemingly in the driver seat. More than one way to skin a cat. Sell it Ducks, not that difficult. Ducks are an elite product. If Oregon stays in the Pac they are fools imo. B1G or drift into obscurity. Go Ducks.
  24. How many Bars in the PNW will have Bass fishing the lakes of Arkansas on at 7:30 Saturday eves because they don't want to pay for apple tv?
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