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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. IDK, 77 highly recruited freshman on this team. Yea, UO lost a few heavy hitters but there is more talent on this team than ever has been. Injury riddled and poorly coached, they still won 10 games. I wouldn't be surprised if they won 11 and made the CFP. I also wouldn't be surprised if they only won 8 games. What I do know for sure is that I am really interested in Duck football right now, more so than the past 3 or 4 years.
  2. Justin is probably grateful, moved him back in the draft. He might have been a Bengal.
  3. The more I research Love, the more I like this hire. Lanning just might have knocked it out of the park with this dude. IMO, this is one of the most important hires Lanning will make. Well done coach.
  4. Wilson Love hired as S&G from Ole' Miss. Another young coach. Looks like he has been around a lot of winning football. https://olemisssports.com/staff-directory/wilson-love/635 https://www.google.com/search?q=wilson+love&oq=&aqs=chrome.3.69i177j35i39i362l5j46i39i199i291i362j35i39i362l6j46i39i362l2.-1j0j7&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:21b2757d,vid:io8f9ORI1II,st:0
  5. Get three teams playing at a high level and the Pac is just as competitive as any, including the SEC. Was hoping Fusky could raise their play but after today they are a mess.
  6. Utes just took tOSU to the wire. QB stays healthy and they beat bucky.
  7. The Pac is one of the most storied conference's in collegiate athletics. It will never happen. Football is one of many sports involved in the conference. Impossible thought imo.
  8. Coach these kids up and if the stick around to Sr year, they can be just as fatal as what UGA fielded this year. Thats a ton of young talent. It will be fun to watch
  9. Nobody had to worry about Oregon's deep ball all year. It's what makes the 2nd half of the Okie game so frustrating. Again though, poor coaching.
  10. Poorly coached, talent is there. Poor coaching can be fixed.
  11. Don't see how Taki can go back to Seattle. Don't know if he will be a Duck but guaranteed he ain't going to be a Fusky.
  12. Utah is clearly a great football team. Well done KW
  13. I debated whether to put link up due to it containing phrases I will not mention, on OBDF. It contains excellent info but still feels wrong.
  14. Great hire. Exceptional resume. Cooper Kupp is one of the best receivers in the league.
  15. It's usually Alabama +1 that is dominant in football year after year. The rest are usually distant 3rd... 4th... Alabama has players that have never seen the field that would beat 98% of the starting units in the CFB. Saban gets these kids to buy into the process and have patience. Most other teams lose these kids to portal if not on the field second year. Sabins kids wait for their opportunity and then shine when called. MC lacked the coaching skill to coach up these kids early in the process. Failed to get them to buy into the process, and ultimately failed to put these kids in position to succeed on the field at a high level. I know, 10 wins. I watched every game... pfft!
  16. Every single starter on the defensive side of the ball are Jr or Sr. Every one. On the offensive side of the ball, 5. With the covid year, that's an old unit that has been coached up by some of the best coaches in college football. In college, old means good. These coaches and players have given themselves the advantage of age and maturity to succeed at the highest level of CFB. In a time where players jump into the draft prematurely, they have shown patience and focus to better prepare for the League. Although not guaranteed, they have put themselves in position for opportunity, success and longevity at the next level. Maybe KT should take note.
  17. UGA is known for this destructive defense. But the offense, atleast this game so far, have matched them in game performance. M has the 4th best D in the nation? Dogs are taking them apart.
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