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Everything posted by shawnski

  1. Travis Dye only needs 42 rushing yards to pass 3000 yards for a career and becoming only the 5th Duck to do so joining: 1) Loville, Derek 2) LaMichael James 3) Kenyon Barner 4) Royce Freeman Pretty rarefied air for the "little brother"
  2. Holland has been phenomenal, and underrated... Just like his Duck career
  3. Sometimes you just have to accept that it is what it is. 10-3, win at the shoe, King of the North, vanquished the Fuskies and the Nutria. Lots of injuries, lots of youth, coaching turnover, covid hangover in the west. Phenomenal play by Sewell, McKinley, Dye, rotating/shifting lineman, Dorlus, Popo. Brown hit a PR in 2021. Never quit, never complained, stayed classy, and always a warrior. What more could you ask for? It's been pretty dang good year, all things...
  4. I also take offense! They can get a whole lot WORSE And the bottom can't be seen with binoculars
  5. My personal ones (rough chronological order) 1) THE PICK - watched the highlight from Guantanomo Bay, Cuba. Introduced a young Midwesterner to Oregon, attended the ASU game that year when we came back, and enrolled at UofO winter 1996. 2) 1996 - 2001 seasons - Ducks increased their win totals every year culminating in a 12-1 record in 2001, Fiesta Bowl victory, and getting screwed over by the BCS. 3) ABSOLUTE DOMINATION OF THE FUSKIES - unprecedented run, crushing them by a double digit average. Fuskies finished 0-12 in 2008. 4) Chip Kelley taking over as HC, and taking over. 3 conference championships, national title game appearance, and a Rose Bowl win. Amazing 5) Marcus Mariota wins the Heisman - great player, better person. Oregon is now a destination for great players. 6) Just continuing to be a top Pac-12 contender EVERY year. They really haven't been out of the race (since 2008) except 2016 and 2017. Sustaining that level has been really awesome and provides hope for whatever these wacky times throw at us. Go Ducks
  6. I just finished this book and it was really quite excellent, especially if you're a college football fan and watched College Football Game Day: Loved it
  7. Wow Never thought I'd see the day Times sure have changed
  8. Unless I missed it, don't they usually announce the team player awards after the banquet which usually takes place right after the season is over? Sad if they didn't do it, those kids deserve recognition. Here's mine: MVP: Travis Dye - heart and soul of the team O MVP: Anthony Brown - played like a warrior D MVP: Verone McKinley & Noah Sewell - tie MOST IMPROVED: Cam Lewis K - great job O LINE: TJ Bass D LINE: Brandon Dorlus LBs: Noah Sewell DBs: Verone McKinley RBs: Dye WRs: Devon Williams TEs: both Freshman FRESHMAN OTY: Jeffrey Bassa COACH OTY: vacant PLAYER TO OVERCOME THE MOST ADVERSITY: The Fishduck fans What did I miss?
  9. Yes! This! Two big time stadiums in Vegas and LA. There should ALWAYS have been a big west coast early season game out here. The bogus "neutral site" games at Jerry World and Atlanta have gotten old. Bring on the "Western Classic"
  10. One reason could be, due to injuries, that Sewell could never leave the field? Plus, he seemed to battle some injuries near the end.
  11. Season ticket holder/attendee since the 1996 season. For me, this year was the lowest of lows as far as being treated as a paying fan. I'm not sure we even crack the top 10 anymore. My wife and I are out. Can't keep paying for people who clearly don't value you at all. I'll just watch on TV (unless it gets pre-empted by NACAR dirt track truck racing) Go Ducks I guess
  12. Wright has long been one of my favorite players. Aggressive, tackles well, always sticking his nose in there. Plus he is an excellent return man. He's been victimized by horrible Pac12 officials. He'll be a regular starter in the NFL Good luck young man!
  13. Don't know if it was mentioned yet, but all of these guys are highly rated DEFENSIVE players, with 3 LBS. Does my heart good
  14. Great article, loved the "building" analogy of the former coaches. Time to take the next step Go Ducks
  15. Football is a team game. Playing 4th or 5th string walkons as starters is going to hurt. No amount of "coaching" is going to make up the talent difference.
  16. Like a Boss He just goes out there and slings it Great kid
  17. I'm going to bet with the new coach he comes back!!
  18. I read that as "I drank my first six pack coming home from the office..." Ha!
  19. Outstanding performance by these young men. As an aside, I'm dumbfounded to see the LB/DE from Alabama (Anderson?) has 32.5 TFLs! To compare what the competition is doing
  20. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had this reaction. Truly a dumb idea the two head coaches would come together for one job? Geez No offense
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