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Everything posted by DUCati855

  1. 10-2 feels about right. A loss to UG and one of the Utah schools. All close games.
  2. Thanks to all the administrators/editors/and writers. Your hard work is what makes this site so incredible. We ALL appreciate it very much. DNC another great article of one of our many talented young men. Hoping Bennett can compete for the whole season and show us just how great he is. This defense will own the PAC.
  3. Ever since his National Signing Day interview I have been VERY interested and excited about Coach Dilly. Thank you DazedNconfused for all this background info about him. I knew some of it. But, I too, am surprised as to how many limbs are on his coaching tree. I am really trying not to become overly optimistic about this season. I know realistically it will take 2-3 years for this team will peak. But, something about this whole staff feels special.
  4. I just lost another 10 IQ points just by reading that article. I don't have many left.
  5. 1) Agreed! 2) Agreed!!! 3) They got most of what they deserved!! They blatantly cheated. Accept the discipline and learn. Stop whining you spoiled children.
  6. Darren, Really enjoyed your article and I agree that USC will be much more competitive in a few years. I will have to hold off from anointing them part of "The Big 2". That feels like quite the stretch from anything they have shown this century. I foresee them being very, very similar to Michigan, Penn State, and Wisconsin. They will have their good years here and there. But, nothing close to the consistency that OSU does. Here are a few reasons why: 1) USC is located in LA where it is very difficult to keep 18-24 year old's focused on one task. Far too many distractions. 2) USC fans. They love to hype things up. These kids feel they are the greatest before ever hitting the field. Work ethic will always be an issue for them. 3) USC boosters have ZERO patience. 9-3 will never be good enough. Lincoln Riley will not last more than 4-5 years. Now, on a personal level. I hope USC never even gets that 9-3 record. But, realistically I believe they will always be in the 8-4 to 9-3 range.
  7. They must bring additional value or your just getting a smaller piece of the pie.
  8. GeoteckDuck... I think we were typing at the same time!
  9. I believe SDSU to be a great candidate for addition. FSU I question. I tend to lean towards UNLV over FSU. Here is comparison: TV viewership: UNLV= 757,000 FSU= 573,00 Students: UNLV= 31,000 FSU= 25,000 Academic Rating: UNLV= #249 FSU= #213 Financial Stability (endowments): UNLV= $305,000,000 FSU= $170,000,000 Other personal opinions/thoughts. I feel Las Vegas has better prep sports than Fresno (in revenue sports). Both schools roughly 4 hours from LA. I'd rather travel to LV than Fresno... For these reasons I question why FSU keeps being brought up. UNLVs football program would surpass FSU within two years of getting into the Pac10/12/14/16...
  10. A couple days before USC and UCLA dropped the bomb I posted that "Oregon needs to look out for Oregon." I still feel this way. Unfortunately, Mullens and Schill were a little to late to the party. Their job got a lot harder by procrastinating.
  11. I have the body of an adult...… Unfortunately, in my heart I'm still an unrestrained child!
  12. Growing up in San Diego and being a Chargers fan... I LOVE this!!! Just the fact that Justin and the current Chargers can even be considered close to Dan Fouts, Kellen Winslow, Charlie Joiner, Johnny Jefferson, Wes Chandler and the rest of Air Coryell is impressive. I hope they can take it a step farther than my childhood heroes did! Go Justin!!!
  13. The Regents will have to re-write many of their existing statutes to allow any state employee's (this includes any team personnel) to travel to many of the states in the B1G. If (and it's a large IF) they do re-write those statutes... you may have a point. I feel UCLA may be told "You are not going anywhere near the B1G" and if that is the case.... I say leave them to hang!
  14. Canzano: Fired up? Anxious? Awkward? What I've learned on the Pac-12 front WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM Silence is good... but so is the anger of stakeholders.
  15. Feels like PURPLE (UW) had a baby with CARDINAL (U$C)… It is definitely some kind of ugly!
  16. Canzano at times may say a lot of things that we don't want to hear. But, in general I find that he tries to back most of his statements with actual research. His "sources" at times do feel questionable. But, he has proven to be spot on many times. The whole west coast appreciates his criticism and research of Larry Scott. This piece on ESPN and the Pac12 feels well researched and likely on point.
  17. It's obvious USC and UCLA are running from the Ducks.... I'm thinking OSU (not just the beavs.) are also afraid!
  18. Hate the Huskies. Pity the Beavers. Just a few memorable plays in Ducks history: 1) 1994- Kenny Wheaton's pick. As pointed out changed trajectories for both the Duck's and the purple team from up north. 2) 2007- Dennis Dixon's knee injury with the Duck's ranked #2. 3) 2011- Auburn NCG... Dryer's knee was down! 4) 2014- Kansas State fans jaw drop as De"Anthony returns opening kick. 5) 2015- Florida State (playoff game) Jamis Winston's fumble for touch down. Couldn't happened to a more deserving player.
  19. No matter where Oregon ends up... I hope the Pac? bans USC/UCLA from all other sports!
  20. Utah (as many schools) has many delusional fans. They were the big fish in a little pond for many years. Then they came to the Pac and got pounced for awhile. The last two years, with the help of the transfer portal, they made large strides to become more competitive. Now, the LA schools drop a dirty bomb. Utah fans realize they likely have not done enough to stay relevant. I can understand their disappointment and fear.
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