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Everything posted by DUCati855

  1. Whoa whoa whoa.... that makes entirely to much sense. We can not expect our coaches to do anything that makes sense!
  2. Oh you could.... and it will get you more clicks! But, thank you for putting a bit more effort into your articles. Substance over quantity.
  3. Exactly! Kind of like when Chip took over from Bellotti who had things progressing... Chip has found it much harder to build a team from scratch. I feel Riley will as well.
  4. I would say we tied the knot and we're traveling to the honeymoon. Now we need to cross that threshold and see if we're getting what we were dreaming of!
  5. It's been a few years since I've seen Autzen at capacity. I hope that changes this year. Conerly coming would sure help! But, either way it will be much closer than the Coliseum usually is.
  6. This sure seems to be the case. I was enthralled during his interview on signing day. It made me want to run through a wall for him..... and that's coming from a 52 year old with a titanium spine!
  7. I like the looks of that! I just hope he looks this fast against Pac12/Power 5 defenses.
  8. Jon, I pretty much agree with all of this. I just feel you are a bit optimistic against BYU than I. I hope you are correct!
  9. Like him or not... Canzano gets some great interviews and asks the right questions. Who better (or more believable) than Nate Costa to ask these questions. Nate bleeds green. No reason to question anything he said. From Ty's interview the other day it sounds like the game is finally slowing down for him. I still have high hopes. Butterfield makes a perfect backup as a coaches son. If we can keep them both for next year we will be in great shape for the future.
  10. Darren, this line definitely grabbed my attention....."it is very well possible that he was spot-on in naming Anthony Brown the starter throughout all of last season." I have to say that could be the scary truth! Recruiting hype doesn't always transfer to the field. I really hope it does in this case.
  11. There are so many great comments above that I can not possibly quote them all. Yet, there is not one that I fully agree with... and that's fine. First, my thought on this article: I agree with Charles. Coach Lanning simply wants to be judged on his results not empty promises yet to be proven. Now my thoughts on previous coaches: Rich Brooks- He started it all. Worked hard and improved the program to a respectable level. Much respect. Mike Bellotti- Improved on that program and took it to something to be proud of. He understood when it was time to pass on the program for its benefit instead of holding it back. Much appreciated. Chip Kelly- Made Oregon the most exciting team to watch in the nation. Forever grateful for this. But, had discipline and judgement issue. Left before everything was fully exposed. Mark Helfrich- Great guy, great coach. Sustained Chips success for awhile. But, his nice guy personality, punishment for Chips errors, and his inability to come to the ages were his downfall. I appreciate that he did his best. But, it was not enough. I think he would still make a great OC somewhere. Willie Taggart- He was able to recruit. But, he was a deceitful liar and he is now paying for it... and I'm glad of it. Mario Cristobal- Great guy, great recruiter. He created a clean program with high quality young men. But, failed to realize his coaching limitations. Wish him well and hope he continues to grow. Dan Lanning- Seems like a great guy. Wants to be judged by results. I look forward to his success.
  12. Great article Charles. Thank you for all your research into DL. He is young. But, I can not help to be excited to watch this team bond and learn under his guidance.
  13. Enjoy your Kool Aide Mike! I really hope you are right. But, this is one year I wish our OOC games were in November.
  14. Agreed. I have heard many comparisons to DAT. But, I have yet to see anything that backs up those comparisons. I really hope he proves my doubts wrong.
  15. Three solid choices Charles! I'll raise my glass as I enjoy my Old 99 Half Hazzard mask free.
  16. This sums up my thoughts very well. Coach Lanning understands the growth this team needs to make. He feels he can get them there eventually. But, it will take quite awhile to get everything ironed out and gelled together. This years schedule is brutal. Patience for players and fans will be a must.
  17. After reviewing a list of current bowl games (to me) there are maybe 8-10 bowl games that mean anything. I feel it makes since to create an expanded playoff using these bowls on dates in Dec. that currently are not used in CFB. The rest of the bowls can be used, as the linked article stated, as some sort of NIT tournament. But, there are so many hands in the pot I do not feel it will ever happen under the current conference/bowl ties. It likely will take some sort of complete refresh of CFB in order for this an expanded playoff. Something like... Two super conferences comprised of two divisions each.... Maybe we could call the league Minor League Football and the championship could be called the Mega Bowl!
  18. My thoughts exactly! AB was great at dumping the ball off to his RBs as they slid out of the backfield. But, not so great at anything past the LOS.
  19. I saw the same thing and 100% agree. Mario/Mastro taught to "trust the gap". I'm so looking forward to "find the gap" coaching. The Pistol can work fine if the RBs are taught to keep their eyes on a swivel. I'm pretty sure Mastro told them to close their eyes and pray for Mario's OL to do their job.
  20. This would be HUGE!! Would love to see both brothers at UO.
  21. Thanks you for the well written and informative article. 80 plays is a great goal. But, I just want to see sustained effort and exciting football. I'm very optimistic this coaching staff will succeed in putting this on the field. If that ends up with 80 plays... all the better!
  22. Also, Riley flat out lied to media and recruits the previous day....... Much like Willie Taggart did on his departure.. Mario may have avoided answering questions. But, he did not lie. Huge difference.
  23. Have to say I believe Riley was far dirty to OU than Mario was to UO.
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