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Everything posted by DrJacksPlaidPants

  1. Now that The U has an established AD, their fan boys on their message boards are pumping the brakes on Mario. They want the new AD to do an exhaustive search to get “a real head coach”. Their words, not mine. I think last night’s game has made them change their tune.
  2. Chip was good when the spread was new and innovative. Now, he might as well be coaching while wearing a powdered wig, knee-high socks and buckled shoes.
  3. Yeah. Give him some reps. Brown is flustered.
  4. Now that their big name QB is staying for his Sr. Year I don’t know if Rattler is up for another QB competition.
  5. I think now that SoFi and Allegiant have been built they’re planning on having some of those big pre-season match-ups out West. I wouldn’t count on a SEC coming out, though. Especially, after LSU came out and lost this year.
  6. After years of taking a beating from the college football world I think Kiffin likes being adored. A believe me, those Ole Miss fans love him. If he wins the SEC West then it will be gravy, but he’s not under the same pressure that Saban and Harsin feel. I just don’t see him leaving for a place that plays in front of 20K fans and has mediocre facilities. Leaving after 2 seasons would not help repair his reputation any. He’ll always be looked at as the coach with one foot out the door.
  7. He was on Florida’s short list. Oklahoma won’t hire him because they want to run a pass-first offense. Notre Dame won’t hire somebody from “The U”. Too much bad blood.
  8. Having full control over the entire operation isn’t something that’s normal unless the coach has earned that right. Saban, Dabo and maybe Smart are a few who can call their own shots. I would imagine that Bohn will even keep the reigns on Riley until he fully trusts him. I think the leadership in the Oregon athletic department is the reason why their coaches have been successful. As opposed to programs like Texas and Florida who look to coaches to be the reason they succeed. All the while not giving them the support they need or micromanaging them.
  9. Why has Moorhead accepted the job at Akron already? Unless he has been told that there is zero chance of him getting the HC job at Oregon, I would think he would wait around to see if he would be considered. After all, Oregon likes to promote from within. This program has only done one external hire in the last 40 years and it was a disaster. Mario may have looked at the situation and realized that every coach since Coker has failed. Diaz and Richt are great recruiters and successful coaches, so it’s likely not the coaches. It all depends on what he wants to do. Miami can’t pay him more than Oregon if PK wants to keep him.
  10. Seeing as how MC likes to poach coaches from within the Pac 12 (Mastro, DeRuyter), don’t be surprised if he goes after Andy Ludwig at Utah. He would make more money at Oregon and he runs an offense that would make MC giddy. Moorhead is currently making about $250K more than he is.
  11. The grass in those indoor stadiums is really nice. It’s a hybrid of Kentucky bluegrass and Northern California Sinsemilla. The good thing about this stuff is you can play 60 minutes of football on and then take some home and…..well…….just ask Carl Spackler.
  12. I read SDS and MC was all over UF’s radar. So was Kiffin, Campbell, Mark Stoops and Aranda. I didn’t hear about them getting an off either. Most likely because UF was shut down. The Gators are a lot like that lady who has been divorced 3 times and claims the reason is because she only attracts terrible men. However, the one common denominator in all her failed marriages is her. Smart men see this and run the other way, but there is always one guy who thinks it will be different with him. Napier is that guy.
  13. Oklahoma isn’t even considering MC. He doesn’t have the offensive mindset they desire. Regarding MC’s pay raise. If Oregon or PK plans on keeping him around then they will have to pay up. If not, it’s back to square one and Oregon will always be thought of as a stepping-stone school. PK has put a lot of $$$ into the facilities. It would only make sense that he invests the same in the coaching staff. Oregon will not attract top talent at $5M/year when other places are paying twice that. If they happen to find a high performer at $5M/year then he will get poached in short order. Eight figures is the new standard.
  14. Looks like it’s official. Yahoo Sports apparently just reported his hiring.
  15. Rumor has it that LSU is making Brian Kelley a priority. We’ll see how it goes.
  16. Yes. They scored 28 points against the Beavs and they needed it because the defense gave up 4 TD’s in the 2nd half.
  17. My guess is he’ll go to Ole Miss or ASU unless they (ASU) get hit with sanctions. Ole Miss makes the most sense for him, though. Their starter is leaving and he’ll have Kiffin as his personal QB guru. That is, unless Kiffin leaves for a better job.
  18. That was his best team and the year Stoops handed him the keys to the sports car.
  19. Yup. And his eyes were up, so no crown of the helmet. On your screen shot he was still a foot or so away from the WR.
  20. Riley will more than likely get the recruits that took off to Clemson, Bama, etc. because USC wasn’t good. If MC stays he’ll still get the same great recruits he has always gotten. His replacement for Moorhead will be a big factor, though.
  21. Riley likes being the top guy in his conference. He would be middle-of-the-road if he went with OU into the SEC.
  22. Not even close. That’s why the refs came back so quick with their decision. He hit the receiver in the shoulder. He didn’t use the crown of his helmet nor did he make forcible contact to the head or neck of a defenseless player. Watch the replay again.
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