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Everything posted by EastBayDuckDad

  1. That ORU team is solid offensively, led by CF'er J. Cox. The middle of the lineup is a murderers row of hitters. Only one of the starters has a BA under .300. The eight run inning last night was no fluke. They will jump on and exploit iffy pitching. To call them a 4th seed in the regionals is almost a joke, based on Summit conference weakness more than anything else. They are a top 20 team and deserve to be where they are as much as anyone. I expect they will come out tonight with a big fat chip on their shoulder and get on it. They have the respect of Coach Waz and every player on the Oregon roster. That said, first blood has been drawn and losing like that in game one has to be a gut punch. They're not in Oklahoma any more. They gave Oregon all they had and still let one slip away. Last night you could see their confidence slowly seep out as the Ducks fought back and the PK crowd got to them. Their second reliever, Patten was solid in the 8th but got rattled by the crowd and threw 8 straight balls putting Grant and Nishida on with BBs to lead off the 9th. To get the game winning walk off hit on their All-American closer Denton has to be a confidence crusher. The Ducks need to bring that same sense of urgency and fight tonight. On to Omaha!
  2. Oregon Baseball: Coach Mark Wasikowski credits fan electricity for win DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM “Our fans wouldn’t let us lose,” Coach Wasikowski said. “Our fans were amazing, and I don’t think PK Park... So gracious of Coach Waz to celebrate the PK crowd. After the stunned silence that followed the eight run 3rd inning shellacking that Oral Robert's laid on the Ducks, the only thing that could be heard was their fans chanting "ORU...ORU!" behind the visitors dugout. With a few turning around and taunting (in moderation) the green and yellow faithful behind them. As the Ducks clawed their way back into the game, the crowd came alive, starting with the back to back dingers by Walsh and Thompson to start the bottom of that same inning. When the crowd exploded into "Shout", the game was tied and Duck fans behind the ORU section were yelling back "Who RU..Who RU?". Like the great philosopher Yogi Berra once said, "It ain't over 'till it's over, even when it looks like it's over". I was standing behind home plate when ORU brought in their All-American closer Denton, to shut down the Ducks in the bottom of the 9th. He was throwing 95mph heaters, then a bit of an offspeed pitch that it looked like Cowley had been coached to know was coming. Then boom, walk off base hit, Rishida crosses the plate, the fat lady sings and pandemonium in PK. What impressed me was the support from the rest of the Oregon sports firmament. I walked by Kelly Graves, Dana Altman, Pat Kilkenny and Bo Nix, all standing in line for food and beverage, chatting folks up and enjoying the PK atmosphere. Dana looked to be with a granddaughter, and Bo with his wife. It reminds one of what a great place this is and why we are so proud to be Ducks. One more W and it's Omaha bound. Don't let up. Pack PK again tonight. Give ESPN more highlight footage and.... Go Ducks!
  3. Answering 7 burning Super Regional questions 247SPORTS.COM The NCAA Super Regionals begin Friday, with Omaha on the line. This guy is a SEC tool, specifically Vanderbilt as the article admits. He has Alabama knocking off #1 seed Wake Forest. Both Stanford and Oregon lose at home to Texas and ORU. Two worst pitching staffs left in the tournament? You guessed it, both PAC12 teams. With Oregon dead last. Not a peep about staff injuries and how the Duck freshman arms have stepped up big time. He had Vandy winning their regional in straight games instead of what transpired. And Stanford was supposed to lose to TA$M in their regional. Sour grapes, especially after Vandy got bested at home. Oregon needs to prove it to the rest of the nation on the field at a sold out PK this weekend and get to Omaha. Go Ducks!
  4. As much as it grieves to say it, the NCAA got most of the regional selections, and it's SEC bias, right. Granted the home fields were heavily SEC, and that probably made a difference in some of the outcomes. No BIG teams. Had hoped that there would be more PAC teams, especially OSU. Like Mr. Fishduck noted yesterday, the Beavs ran out of rested and healthy arms to finish off LSU. The breakdown for teams in the supers by conference: SEC. 6 ACC. 3 PAC. 2 B12. 2 Missouri Valley, Sunbelt, Summit. 1 each Getting stoked to watch the Oregon v Oral Roberts match-ups starting Friday. Go Ducks!
  5. Reserved seats all sold out, GA still available. So PK will be packed and rocking!
  6. I have a lot of optimism about the O-line. Harper (if healthy), Jones, JPJ and Conerly all have experience at Oregon, Jones and Harper as starters. Cornelius brings tons of snaps into the mix, Angilau as well. With a bunch of up and comers in the room like Iuli and Laloulu. The experienced D-line along with Burch and Dorlus will push them to get better, and fast. The major IDK factors will be the loss of experience and leadership of last year's guys that played next to each other for 4 years, and the savvy of Forsythe calling formations and assignments from the center. I think the 2023 version may not be as experienced, but they have more talent and will gel into a formidable crew.
  7. I received that same UO athletic department notice. I suppose it's possible that the powers that be stick the super regional in Tulsa, but Oregon was the #2 seed and Oral Roberts the #3 in the regionals. That should give Oregon the nod, in spite of the W-L records. The Summit Conference teams aren't exactly the Pac12 in quality, but cred to Oral R, they knocked off Washington and host Okie St to move on. A formidable opponent for the Ducks regardless of where they play. Since UO controls PK, I'll bet there are stipulations in place for hosting games if there is a conflict with the Ems and NWL games. Hopefully it won't factor in negatively.
  8. No dilemma, Charles. Even in baseball the SEC gets nod nationally. I would love to see Oregon v Washington in the super regional, but it's looking much more likely that the Fuskies will get eliminated by Dallas Baptist (who are those guys?) today and Oregon will move on. 8db1b0cb-8d48-4450-8fbf-93efcf1789dd_text.mp4
  9. Xavier on the brink of ousting Vandy 2-1 in the top of the 9th. Then lightning hits close enough to Nashville that they've delayed the last inning! Oregon will play (if the bad weather holds off) one or the other tonight, but I love the idea of only needing to win one of two against Xavier.
  10. Maybe a super regional for Oregon at PK? Just win one more!
  11. Hoo-wee, they sure tried to give it away with that HR in the bottom of the 9th, but hung on. After being up 8-4 in the 7th. Like Yogi said, "It ain't over till it's over, no matter how over it looks".
  12. Ditto here. Thanks Charles, for the video highlights. I had to miss the game and didn't tape it. ".@ColbyShade goes high off the left-field wall to tie the game. #GoDucks" Watch that one again and see Shade wait on that high hanging inside breaking ball. Woulda been a dinger twenty feet to the right. As one who always had trouble with that pitch in high school, I greatly appreciate the eye and patience of the hitter who can send it for a big ride. On to the winner's round for the Ducks!
  13. As Charles notes, it will come down to healthy arms and if the Ducks can hit really good pitching, particularly from Vandy. I'm hoping they still have some magic left in the bats and we get either Stoffal (optimal) or Ayton back for enough innings to make a difference. The PAC tournament showed it can be done even without those starters. Coach Waz and crew have been coaching their fannys off and managing games well. They've got a decent punchers chance to make the super regional. Go Ducks!
  14. Awesome game! Pac12 champion Oregon Ducks. Let's hope they get a regional NCAA berth at PK.
  15. Ducks up 4-3 bottom of 7. Great game, really good pitching, inside the park homer by Romero of Arizona and a towering HR by Walsh over the R centerfield wall. 6 outs to go. Go Ducks!
  16. Ducks won 12-7. 20 hits, so the bats were blazing. Ceballos with a dinger and 6 ribbies. Tanner Smith was big with his bat and glove. Grinsell is the new closer, just shut Washington down last 3 innings. 5 strikeouts, I think. Sweet revenge for that abysmal home series a few weeks back. Great team victory. Gloat amongst yourselves!
  17. With the post talent Oregon has coming back, that is exactly the type of guard the Ducks need. Kudos to KG.
  18. Duck Dive: Utah Football 2023 Preview WWW.ADDICTEDTOQUACK.COM Going deep with the Utes’ scheme, returning personnel, and unknowns For a bit less fluffing and a bit more stuffing, here is Hytholday1's in depth review of the Utes. Weekly he looks at each of Oregon's future opponents from an analytics, scheme and personnel perspective that is pretty comprehensive. Worth a read.
  19. It may be apostasy to some Oregon fans, but having bounced to different locations in the PAC and UC system for my education (Cal to UCSF to UCD to Arizona), then Oregon for my career and kids' education, I'm a PAC/west coast homer.. So when I root, it's: OREGON!!! Then: Cal, OSU, Stanfurd (wife's alma mater) Then: The rest of the PAC, and even UCLA (for another year). And heaven help me, the cur leg lifters when the pride of the conference is on the line and there is no alternative Maybe once or twice several years ago, but never again: U$C
  20. Dang. Walk off grand slam by Carlson in the bottom of 5th to run rule Arkansas 14-4 in their house. On to the super regionals. Lombardi has this team churning on offense.
  21. If this all comes to fruition, college sports will become indistinguishable from the workplace, an amalgam of public-private spheres of labor management. Think AFSCME and NFLPA/NBPA all wrapped into one. Players will unionize and collective bargaining will become standard. Strikes and walkouts will occur. Coaches will not be able to bench kids for labor conflicts but will be able to 'terminate contracts' if a position group needs an off season 'modification'. The portal will become free agency for the best players and a graveyard for the rest (I guess it's like that already). 'Student-Athletes' will be a quiant old saying from the history books. Ditto the NCAA. As such, scholarships should be paid full freight by the now employed players. Wages will be wages. The 4-5☆s will get the NIL deals. If they want to spend it on tats, face jewelry and sick rides instead of tuition, that's on them. They can apply for grants and loans at usurious interest rates to cover expenses like every other shlub student that can't run a 10.5 sec 100m or dribble two basketballs simultaneously while balancing another on their head. Title IX will protect some, but not all, women's sports. Low revenue sports will get dropped or severely reduced. ADs will become true GMs. Figure bake sales to support baseball, softball, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, gymnastics and water polo. Also anticipate higher ticket prices for football and hoops to fund this juggernaut. This is just a starting point for the changes that will occur. I'm certain I'm leaving out a million other factors. What started as a legitimate effort to reimburse college athletes for their efforts and bankablility has morphed into something else. Some positives will likely come of this but right now it sure looks like there will be significant negative unintended consequences and the end of college sports as we know them. Don't forget that since the suit is being brought by the NLRB, the government will have it's bureaucratic sticky fingers in every aspect of the process. All in the interest of fairness, transparency and accountability. How could that not work out for the best?
  22. Went to the game last night. The freshman (Jackson Pace) pitcher for the Ducks got shellacked in the 1st for 9 runs without an out before he was pulled. His FB hovered around 85-90mph but hung in the zone with no wiggle and the Fuskie batters were able to tee off on it. Kid got rattled and popped one batter then walked another. I feel bad for that young man and hopefully he'll grow from it, but jeez, I never saw a college game get so out of control so fast. Oregon's pitching staff has been decimated by injuries and they'll be fortunate to win a regional match-up with the current group of underclassmen. It's a shame considering how well they were doing earlier in the season when they had good pitching, sharp bats and defensive play.
  23. Word is, they were betting on cow tipping and trying to fix the corn commodity markets.
  24. He will be a solid option for Rising and the Ute offense this year. He honestly wasn't particularly missed by Oregon last year (neither was Dye for that matter, nor will Thornton be this year). The current WR room with Franklin, Johnson, Holden and Hutson is largely an upgrade. Wish Pittman well at Utah. Except against Oregon, where I hope he spends the game picking chunks of the Rice Eccles synthetic field turf out of his face mask after smack talking our DBs and LBs
  25. It is a bit of tradition for us native west coast folks, particularly if you attended a Pac 8-10-12 college. It's also how the new 12 team playoffs will shake out if Oregon stays as a top dog in the revamped PAC as opposed to joining the BIG.
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