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Jon Sousa

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Everything posted by Jon Sousa

  1. It's both. It's the U of O... and something else.
  2. Ah!!!! I didn't take a look at that... Let me see..... Just inside the numbers to about 2 yards inside the numbers on a pro field. a2 + b2 = c2 552 + 202 = c2 3025 + 400 = c2 58.52 = c So, yeah, he threw it about 60 yards. Good catch.
  3. Sewell is playing as good as expected (and hoped) after a freshman all-American year. ...and he's still a FRESHMAN!
  4. Actually, this was a 55 yard pass in the air. He threw it at the 25... 25 to the 50 is 25 yards. It was caught on the 20.... 50 to the 20 is 30 more. 25+30=55 No matter. He's got a cannon. He can probably throw it 70 if his feet get set right.
  5. I think Jonathan Smith is staying a long time in Corvallis. Of course, I could be wrong.
  6. YUP! Good things happening. It is interesting that, even with the #1 projected class, Graves' recruits are #7, then #13, #36, and #59. This means that a lot of great recruits were spread around to a lot of other teams. Graves has the best class for the second time in three years! What is significant to me is that the PAC 12 has 5 of the top 6 recruiting classes nationally. Is the PAC 12 the SEC (football) of women's hoops????
  7. Maybe MC is getting the message... we need to win bigger than one score games. Is that why the Ducks were trying to score one more TD as time ran out???? I think maybe so. If so, this means that they will try to do the same from here on out. Try to win by more than a touchdown.
  8. Notice he did not say, "We threw the ball pretty well too." MC said, "We throw the ball pretty well too." If he used the past tense it would mean that he was talking about the game that just ended, but he wasn't. He used the present tense "throw" because he was talking about the last few games in general. We "throw" the ball well is a general statement. We "threw" the ball well is a specific statement about a specific circumstance. His statement was correct. The previous three games, the passing game was improving each week... over 80% completion rate the week before... That's throwing the ball pretty well.
  9. The O-line is sure looking better every week. With everyone cross training and becoming good across the line, one would think that playing for Oregon would help one's chances at a higher draft pick. That and MC being an O-line guy... I think we have a good chance of keeping Banks in the flock.
  10. The first thing I noted last Tuesday, is that, for the first time it seemed, the Playoff Committee did not play lap dog to the AP. Seems like every year the committee just follows the AP's lead. This year they bucked the crowd and put Oregon in front of tOSU while the AP had the Ducks two spots behind them. This week, it looks like the roles are reversed. The AP followed the committee's lead and put Oregon in front of the Buckeyes, ...a refreshing turn of events.
  11. A LOT! you can see it in the way he continued to innovate after CK left... always putting in a new twist. If he didn't change anything, other teams would have figured out how to defend it. Offense was NOT the problem under Helf... and he LOVES Oregon.
  12. One thing I noticed was TT's eyes... they were not scanning the defense over and over like you see every other QB's eyes. I thought right away that this was not good. Maybe he was looking a lot more at the defense when the cameras were not on him, I was surprised at the time. He didn't look at all like he looked against SB. He had a little "deer in the headlights" look to him. He very much looked like a frosh.
  13. I totally agree with the time element that running out the clock was easier than scoring a touchdown to win the game. Just want to make one comment to the contrary. Fans here and everywhere have been criticizing MC for four years about his lack of keeping the "pedal to the metal"... playing not to lose instead of playing to win. Above you see comments of surprise that MC wanted to score?!?!?!?! I'll take this as a positive development in MC's thinking. After the game last week MC mentioned the need to play a whole game and put teams away. So.... maybe today the Ducks will win by more than a touchdown. We will see.
  14. Somehow I doubt that Mario Christobal obsesses about uniforms. It is part of the national brand... and the athletes like it.
  15. I think what we saw last Saturday was MC doing just that. He allowed Moorhead to go a pass heavy offense. It was a masterfully planned and executed game. MC also let DeRuyter plan and call the defense. Again, a great defensive plan that was well executed. MC is growing.
  16. You could add that whether or not he redshirts, he will probably spend the same amount of time at Oregon. Why not give him an extra year actually pulling the trigger?
  17. I hope that the top guy will be a four headed monster with eight very sticky hands. We have the talent to spread it around and keep the defense from putting their one best corner on our four best guys.
  18. If the men play like they did against OSU, the party is over. IF they play like they did in the previous 3 games, they will survive opening weekend.
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