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Everything posted by NJDuck

  1. Here is the thread on the questions and answers from McClendon and Stoops: It seems McClendon is playing down the amount of missing players.
  2. I guess what was alarming is seeing some using the transfer portal and seeing the recruits pulling away. Such bad timing MC leaving having no time to hold on to the recruits before signing day. Plus we are losing so many of the coaches that could have helped kept this recruiting class together. Frustrating. Will need one heck of a coaching staff that can recruit like MC did, but better Xs and Os with good game management. According to what Canzano it seems Rob has a wider group of donors involved in the next hiring. Here is the article:
  3. Maybe what we should have done was create a respectful petition for all Oregon fans to put their name on with a list of coaches we think they should consider. Maybe this is unrealistic to even produce.
  4. Not happy with those selection. What is going on in the minds of those in charge finding a coach? This can't be happening that they would settle on these three. This is not the way to go. Talk about aiming too low. If this is what Mullens and the like are thinking, it's time to get a new AD.
  5. We are losing recruits as well as players thru the transfer portal. He is wasting time interviewing Sitake, Wilcox and asking permission to interview Kelly. Seriously! As far as I am concern these are not the coaches to go after. This can't be the best Oregon can do attracting coaches.
  6. I do not understand this list or where they got this list from. I am not sure why they would even consider the coaches on this list as the top choices. There are better choices out there. In my opinion this will not go well for the future of the Oregon program with these choices.
  7. I think Rhule is a good candidate. But, how long can we wait before our whole recruiting class blows up. Understand MC leaving, but bad timing for Oregon.
  8. Lane Kiffin would be my choice. Don't go Chip Kelly, Justin Wilcox, or Kilani Sitake. We need someone who can recruit and with great Xs and Os, game management. Rob Mullens better not mess this up. There are other coaches out there that would be a great fit.
  9. Surely Oregon can do better then this. The only one that might be someone to possibly consider on that list would be Joe Brady.
  10. This is where I am greatly disappointed in MC leaving with only what, a week left for signing day? This is going to be a mess. Thanks MC for the timing of your departure. This is going to hurt Oregon badly in recruiting. How is Oregon going to be able to hold this recruiting class when the recruits don't even know who the next coach and staff will be? Sorry, I do have to get over my disappointment and hope those in charge makes the next search correctly. Go Ducks!
  11. I agree with Charles on this. Wilcox is not the answer as far as I am concern.
  12. My main concern, losing recruits and or existing players to the transfer portal. How many of the coaching staff will be going with him?
  13. Interesting... their thoughts in response to the playoff committee's decisions and ultimately what the committee is doing as a whole. Around the 34 minute mark they speak on where they, the committee and the The text group thinks Oregon should be at in the rankings. Their shadow ranking has Oregon at number 3 as does the PO committee. The text group has Oregon at number 2. https://www.oregonlive.com/ducks/2021/11/the-college-football-playoff-committee-is-losing-credibility-with-its-michigan-michigan-state-ranking-the-college-football-playoff-show.html Go Ducks!! Win Out!
  14. Maybe will be in luck. Sometimes FOX crew does their BIG Noon Kickoff at the same game as Game Day, of course different location on campus.
  15. Oh great not them again! Listening to the Stanford Duo is like finger nails scraping across the chalk board!
  16. By James Crepea | The Oregonian/OregonLive EUGENE — Oregon was attempting to score until the final whistle against rival Washington. The No. 4 Ducks beat the Huskies, 26-16, on Saturday and were originally ruled to have scored on an 11-yard touchdown run by Byron Cardwell Jr. with 10 seconds to play. The score was overturned upon review and the ball was spotted at the 1. Oregon’s offense took the field but the clock ran out before a play got off and the game was declared over. “We weren’t trying to run the clock out at all,” offensive coordinator Joe Moorhead said. “We were trying to punch the ball in. (Anthony Brown Jr.) was waiting for Alex Forsyth to make his line calls there, for the blocks to be made. Unfortunately we didn’t have an opportunity to snap it. We were attempting to snap the ball and score, but the clock ran out before we could get it snapped.”
  17. Ok, Oregon didn't look their best in this game, but it was in a hostile environment, heaving rain with wind through most of the game. Oregon held Washington to 166 total yards (111 passing, and 55 rushing) and only 7 first downs compare to Oregon's 427 total yards (only 98 of those yards passing) and 22 first downs. That was Washington's lowest total yards that any team held them at in spite of still having injuries and having to shift defensive players around due to those injuries. I have to admit, wishing the Ducks punched it in for more points at the end of the game when they had the chance. Yesterday's games, other than Georgia, had struggles. Cincy struggled with Tulane, MSU lost to Purdue, Alabama did not look all that great against LSU and neither did Ohio St. against Nebraska. We are the ones that had to deal with terrible weather. I do not understand this predictor at all. Doesn't make sense. If Oregon wins out as well as Pac12 championship should show higher percentage on the predictor. Again, do not understand how they come to this prediction. Wish we did not have that blemish of a lost with Stanford, but the only thing we can do is take care of business and win all our remaining games and conference championship. Hopefully will be able to be one of the top 4 teams invited to the invitational playoffs. In my thinking Oregon should move up to the 3rd spot, but who knows how this committee will place us. Go Ducks!!!
  18. lol, love the dancing duck Haywarduck. I am thrilled seeing progress with the schemes on the football field. Hoping to see the Ducks continue to peek at the right time moving forward, especially with Utah on our schedule. Thanks For the article!
  19. Fun read below. There is a podcast as well. Rivalry week with Washington. https://www.oregonlive.com/sports/john_canzano/2021/11/softy-from-kjr-sounds-off-on-oregon-vs-washington-we-hate-you-you-hate-us.html Dave “Softy” Mahler hosts a radio show for KJR in Seattle. He joined me on Wednesday for a 1-on-1 interview about the upcoming Oregon vs. Washington football game. It didn’t disappoint. On Jimmy Lake’s slap at Oregon this week: “They’re absolutely a recruiting rival. I think Jimmy got kind of caught a little bit. I think he was trying to take a fun little shot at Oregon and their lack of academic prowess if you will compared to places like UW and Stanford and Cal and Notre Dame and it just didn’t land right. I got no problem with that. I got no problem with coaches taking shots at schools. I thought what Michael Schill told you was brilliant. I love that stuff. I think we need more of that in this rivalry. I am so sick and tired of the political correctness that has snuck into rivalries. The best thing we can do is governors and mayors betting salmon and cheese the week before a game. Forget that stuff. We hate you. You hate us.” On whether Oregon vs. Washington is a rivalry when the Ducks have won 16 of the last 20: “You tweeted out the record between Oregon and UW in the last 20 years. Do you do that before the Ducks play Arizona? Do you do that before they play Stanford? Do you do that before they play UCLA? Or Washington State? Of course you don’t. Why? Because you don’t give a damn. That’s why. This is the greatest thing that has happened to Oregon football in the past 30 years and don’t even try to say something different. Never mind the BCS national championship game, the Final Four, the Rose Bowls, Mariota’s Heisman trophy, blah, blah, blah. All of that, you know it and your listeners know all that is secondary to the dominance that Oregon has established over Washington in the last 20 years. That is the absolute No. 1 thing. That is your favorite thing if you’re an Oregon fan that has happened in the last 25 years... nothing else is a close second.” The interview was entertaining, informative and worth your time.
  20. Wow, surprisingly shocked. Glad, but shocked. I was hoping Oregon would be ahead of Ohio St., but was thinking they would be at number 5. So glad they are in the top 4!! Come on Oregon, win the rest of your games convincingly including Pac12 championship. I am encouraged with the last two games Oregon has played offensively, especially how the front line has played. Hoping the defense with getting more players back will play strong through out all 4 quarters the rest of the way. I have to admit, was surprised where Oklahoma landed.
  21. By Jon Wilner | Bay Area News Group It’s right there, in the first sentence of the College Football Playoff’s founding document: “Establish a committee that will be instructed to place an emphasis on winning conference championships, strength of schedule and head‐to‐head competition when comparing teams with similar records and pedigree.” From Jon Wilner above about the debate between Oregon and Ohio St (as we all been saying). We will see how the committee will vote. Someone on this blog, can't remember now, said this is not a playoff, but an invitation. I personally feel they should not call this a playoff, but an invitational. Maybe down the road the other conference not named SEC/ESPN will revolt and pull away from this invitational and form a real playoff system. Just my opinion that most likely will never come true. All Oregon can do is win every game that is left on the schedule! Go Ducks!
  22. I do despise Pac12 after dark. That has got to change when contract is up. On the East coast time for this game.....thank goodness for recording! These night time games are never good for Pac12 teams.
  23. This is why I never cared for how college playoff system operates. it would be great if there could ever be a true playoff system, but alas not sure if that will ever happen. Too much corruption.
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