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Coach Lanning: “Judge us by What we DO” (What was THAT About?)

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In Coach Dan Lanning‘s introductory press conference, he twice made mention of something that really stood out to many Oregon fans, because we did not know the context of it. He said, “judge us by what we do, not by what we say.” On one hand it was reassuring, but we did not need reassuring yet. If fans were not ...


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I would say it was a statement about what was said by the last few coaches, and trying to speak to everyone not just the fans. We have heard about Oregon being a dream job from the past three coaches, with results we haven't always enjoyed watching. Every coach has come away much better off, whether just financially or with their supposed real dream job. The main focus has to return to what we see happening.


Too often we hear words that are meaningless in our society. Without difficult actions we are often distracted by words and promises. Those promises are often a distraction to what we really should focus on, want to focus on, what is actually going on. It may not be as entertaining to watch for what is happening when we have been trained to listen to words, and just have faith, keep believing in what is said.


Watching what is going on also means looking at the nuances of what is being done. On FishDuck we have been discussing this at length through the short Lanning era. Instead of discussing the 'power offense,' with 'explosive plays' we have been trying to figure out the culture, and what the offense may turn out to look like. We are also looking at the havoc rate on defense, but there hasn't been any grandiose promises.


I think what Coach Lanning is talking about is the Oregon Football Program to again focus on what is happening on the field and even off the field instead of in the press conferences. The curiosity needs to return to subtleties of what is happening, not just the bluster and big moments. There will be plenty of big moments, but the refinements which got us there is where the focus should return too. 


I look forward to again focusing on what happened with greater curiosity than what is said. College football will be better too when they are focused on just how did Oregon turn another questionable coach into a wunderkind. What is happening on offense, defense and off the field to create such amazing outcomes. We already see the shift here on FishDuck, but I have a feeling it will spread as our curiosity with what is going on becomes larger as what is happening creates an amazing story, without all the words.

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On 3/16/2022 at 5:56 AM, Wrathis said:

While I understand (to some degree) the vitriol directed at Mario, I still remain grateful for what he accomplished here. Essentially he proved that you could recruit to Eugene and that the expectation can be consistent top 15 recruiting classes. Granted, I do say that he "accomplished less with more" than Chip did, but he DID help change the recruiting culture here and for that I'm thankful. He was the only real substantive coach since Chip, as Helfrich and Taggert were absolute flops.




I respectfully disagree that Mario proved Oregon was a recruiting destination.  The SNAKE said it and proved it-twice ( until he, like MC took some of those recruits with him).


Furthermore, there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that Taggert made a fool out of himself because he certainly would have  reached the playoffs with a healthy Justin Herbert the year he coached and had he been astute enough to stay. 


Thus, in my mind, that FIFTY POINTS A GAME (which might as well been fifty thousand pounds a game compared to MC), with a pretty good defense to boot cost the Snake ANY opportunity to return to the P5 as a HC.  It was obvious to anyone as ambitious as the Snake was, that he should have stayed in Eugene.


Might I also remind you Helfrich had a playoff victory Chip does not have, as well a Natty appearance.  Helfrich didn't sustain what Chip started, but he actually led the team to the Natty directly ( he personally motivated the defense to ramp up and play to their level of talent after that fiasco loss to Arizona).  Helfrich stepped up, and he deserves credit for it.  


MC blew an opportunity the Snake would not have duplicated, and Helfrich did not commit: inheriting so much talent it was a crime he didn't lead OBD to the playoffs ( three times at that).


We seem to judge MH and WT on personality more than  their actual contributions to the program. Chip was (and still is to some degree) pretty damn arrogant ( I still like the guy, I think he's a football genius).  


So, while MC left the school stocked with talent, he had little choice but to leave because he certainly would have soiled his reputation had he stayed this year.  


I actually hope MC succeeds.  I fear MC will crash and burn just like Taggart, because his ego was rewarded despite his B minus performance here in Eugene. (Rich Brooks left the program in great shape, Mike Belotti built on it, and Chip started a standard that designated that grade an automatic fail. 


Taggart is where he belongs, and we will have to wait in order to determine if MC can handle  a power P5 program.  


I personally believe we have been very fortunate to be in the hunt for a title for so long, and I am very grateful for that- frustrations and all.  It is difficult to win a National Championship. That is why the journey is just as important as the destination.

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Thanks Charles for this and the other fine articles on what to expect out of Coach Lanning. Going to UGA fans for their opinion was a great example of going the extra mile.


Culture? IMO one of the most over-used and oblique references heard today in CFB. What matters is Ws and Ls. Lots of nice guys with teams with solid APRs, excellent graduation rates and a roster full of 'good citizens' are routinely fired.


Your record is what you are. I believe Lanning knows this and also knows that it matters far less what he says than the results on the field.


Except when it came to recruiting, Mario talked the talk but could not walk the walk. Mario's high water point was winning a Rose Bowl with the NFL Rookie of the Year by 1 point over a 3L Wisconsin team. Of course, the win in Columbus in 2021 was terrific, but it was also a tease based upon the team regressing the rest of the season; not being competitive in 3 of its last 4 games.


I'll judge Lanning by what he accomplishes on the field. In 2022 with the schedule he faces I plan on having to be patient. I think 10-3 in 2022 would be a very, very good record and set the team up for a final 4 run in 2023, when the schedule will be far more manageable. And of course, in 2023 the head coach, his assistants and the players will have had a year of play together.


As to 'fooling' Mullens? I totally agree that what we repeatedly heard out of Mario did not translate to the field of play. Losing to ASU in 2019 and missing the playoff, losing to CAL and Oregon State in 2020 before being trounced by Iowa State in the Fiesta Bowl and repeatedly playing down to the competition in 2021, is and fortunately was, Mario's 'culture' in Eugene.


BTW, I would have loved to have been 2 games over .500 in my career and be paid $9M per annum.

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Just win, baby.  Win the Pac, a bowl, get 11 or 12 wins...those 5 stars see the improvements in scheme and player development, Top 5 or better class this fall.  Next fall, win it all.  If the QB situation pans out that's not a dream.

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MC was pretty good at telling everyone what they want to hear. My impression is that Lanning knows that every introductory coach’s speech is filled with promises of a brighter tomorrow.

He knows that he is willing to put in the time and effort to be successful, and is confident that it will show up on game day. 

He relates well to his players, and I think they will play hard for this coach. 

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I do think it is time to put to bed the idea you can't recruit to Eugene and the facilities, experience at the Oregon Athletic Department. This isn't the hard part of building a program at Oregon. It is done across multiple programs and maybe just needs to be better understood, but it isn't some magic slick created, nor Mario licensed. 


What is difficult is to create a winning culture, even Dana struggled with that this year. This is something we will watch a first time coach create. We may want to be be patient as all the parts come together.


The other part is the whole scheme and game day coaching. We have struggled through many years of watching that be something extremely difficult to do. In the past we were lucky to see that be something pretty easy. We saw a genius on the sideline, and hope to see that again. 

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Tomorrow I will have an article published about another aspect of the Georgia program that has both good and negative impacts....

Mr. FishDuck

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On 3/16/2022 at 10:35 AM, cartm25 said:

I hope it was a "shot across the bow" from DL to MC.

I really don't think it was, but I do think he was responding to "the talk" that fans heard from the prior coach.  In a recent interview, a sportswriter asked him, "that since Oregon IS a big gig, and he had no head coaching experience....doesn't this put him at quite a disadvantage?"  (In other words...could you be in-over-your-head?)


At that moment he had the perfect opportunity to tell us all he was going to do, to tell us his lofty goals, to effectively feed us a ton of what we wanted to hear.  He decided to NOT write checks on accounts that were yet known...and his answer was...


"Just watch.  Just watch us."  


He was telling everyone to forget the hype and look at the results, as our friend Jon Joseph would suggest.  I LOVE this, as it conveys a confidence that is even more attractive than any hype he could have blown our direction.

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Mr. FishDuck

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There are so many great comments above that I can not possibly quote them all. Yet, there is not one that I fully agree with... and that's fine.


First, my thought on this article: I agree with Charles. Coach Lanning simply wants to be judged on his results not empty promises yet to be proven.


Now my thoughts on previous coaches:


Rich Brooks- He started it all. Worked hard and improved the program to a respectable level. Much respect.


Mike Bellotti- Improved on that program and took it to something to be proud of. He understood when it was time to pass on the program for its benefit instead of holding it back. Much appreciated.


Chip Kelly- Made Oregon the most exciting team to watch in the nation. Forever grateful for this. But, had discipline and judgement issue. Left before everything was fully exposed.


Mark Helfrich- Great guy, great coach. Sustained Chips success for awhile. But, his nice guy personality, punishment for Chips errors, and his inability to come to the ages were his downfall. I appreciate that he did his best. But, it was not enough. I think he would still make a great OC somewhere.


Willie Taggart- He was able to recruit. But, he was a deceitful liar and he is now paying for it... and I'm glad of it.


Mario Cristobal- Great guy, great recruiter. He created a clean program with high quality young men. But, failed to realize his coaching limitations. Wish him well and hope he continues to grow.


Dan Lanning- Seems like a great guy. Wants to be judged by results. I look forward to his success.

Edited by DUCati855
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My belief is that it's simply a philosophy of life he has. It's mine also and has been effective in helping me deal with the ups and downs of our human existence.


It's a way to communicate to others that talk is cheap it's what you do not what you say you're going to do. I believe it's his foundation and the culture he wants create with his players, staff and community.

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On 3/16/2022 at 10:29 AM, Wrathis said:


In regards to the "SNAKE", I have nothing positive to say and I'll join you in celebrating his downfall. In regards to MH, I respectfully disagree. I believe he was a likable guy, an intra-organization promote and was handed the keys to the Ferrari Chip built that he promptly wrecked. Granted, I wouldn't have wanted to follow the Chip Kelly act either but he most certainly wasn't up to the task. 


Time will tell if MC has what it takes to be a head coach instead of just a great recruiter (I'm inclined to think not), but under his term we were brought back from the 4-8 fiasco of MH's final season and the disaster the Snake left. Did we underachieve based on the talent we had? Sure. Did he get the talent here so DL can succeed? I believe so and will give him credit for doing so... 

 I understand your sentiment when it comes to the Snake.  But did MC really end things much better?


In addition, no Snake, no MC.  No narrative about recruiting top talent to Eugene.  You don't have to give WT props, but it is pretty difficult to deny he catapulted OBD into a recruiting powerhouse.  


My opinion of course 

Edited by Mike West
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