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  1. Today was a good day for Duck fans everywhere! men’s Basketball thumped USuC, Men’s baseball took 2 from Columbia, Women’s softball took both games in a double header, and both men and women took the B1G titles in Indoor Track & Field.
  2. Keep up the good fight Sir Charles! You are much appreciated.
  3. FIRE THE COACH! How’s that for a knee-jerk reaction! Seems to be the way to fix all problems lately.
  4. OMG! Almost as bad as the Rosebowl! Should the Chiefs fire Reid? Replace Mahomes? Can the OC and DC both? The sky is falling! Go Green!
  5. I think it makes as much sense as playing Montana State, Portland and Idaho, and it a pretty easy travel day. You would get good crowds and it would be a good test. Yes, it would suck to lose, but I can see the rivalry Y column growing exponentially for OBD!
  6. Wow, that Rose Bowl is really seared into some of our consciousness! I too hate the loss and the way the season ended, but WS didn’t lose that game, OBD lost that game. All of them. The jimmies and the joes as much as the staff. Sometimes we gotta let it go and move on! Not meaning to jump on anyone, and correct me if I am wrong, but OBD lost fewer games than anyone in the CFP. It was a pretty darn good year all in all. I for one am absolutely fine with WS as long as DL wants him as OC. I think we lucky fans are about to witness a sustained dominating greatness we have been waiting so long to see. Also, love the Star Trek reference and clip!
  7. https://247sports.com/college/oregon/article/oregon-ducks-football-senior-bowl-pff-top-performers-dillon-gabriel-tez-johnson-245023681/ Top performers DG & TB! Go Ducks!
  8. IMHO, the Chipster had his best years coaching while at Oregon. He was never fan friendly, and often threw barbed one-liners at fans, press, and players as well. The CK coached teams were exciting and fun to watch. Scores came by boatloads and explosion plays were commonplace. He was at the helm when Oregon changed how college football was played and perceived. His Winning percentage with OBD has to put him in the top 2, but I really don’t think he holds a candle to Dan the Man Lanning. I do give him credit for what he did while he was here, but I also note that he was one of many coaches who left OBD and did not pan out where he went. His 12 man statement was nothing more than a lame excuse for getting beat by DL and the Ducks.
  9. Oregon Ducks Bryce Boettcher makes decision on Astros spring training DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM Oregon Ducks linebacker Bryce Boettcher will reportedly skip Houston Astros spring training... It appears the additional year of eligibility was for football only.
  10. Does anyone know if Bryce Boettcher gets another year of baseball eligibility or is that just for football?
  11. Thank you for posting David. I too, appreciate your insight and ability to put into words what many of us think. IMHO the B1G defenses overall were bigger faster and better than what we faced in the PAC12. The Vandals, Broncos, and Beavers were not B1G, and the only one of those we ran out of the stadium went on to be the PAC 2 Champion.
  12. Interesting how once it became legal for other teams to do what the SEC has been doing for years, suddenly they are no longer on top. Their keening and wailing is starting to overshadow that of the trojans and huskies!
  13. It would have been nice if the osu2 team that beat Texas had showed up in Pasadena on 1/1. I think there would have been a far different outcome. I was surprised that osu2 let the horns stay in it as long as they did. Hope a more efficient team shows up against the golden domers.
  14. Totally agree Charles! We played our worst game of the season on the same day they played their best game of the season. 1/1/25 could have been vastly different if #4 had been limited to 1 catch for 3 yards that day. I don’t want to take anything away from osu2, but I think OBD would have had the horn fans crying in their beer tonight.
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