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Everything posted by jrw

  1. For an old guy, he's pretty good at trolling.
  2. So much for subject matter knowledge, proofreading and accuracy... "The Ducks are losing a ton at the position with the departures of start Jeffrey Bassa and Bryce Boettcher..."
  3. Gee, wonder where that money came from? Oregon State athletics reports record revenue, first surplus since 2013 WWW.OREGONLIVE.COM The school, able to use remodeled Reser Stadium for the first time, shows significant revenue...
  4. Maybe we're seeing the "if Oregon wants him, he must be better than we thought" effect starting to take hold. The sign of a respected program.
  5. The three most important things. Way to go, coach!
  6. Where did you find an image of Finebaum smiling?
  7. Seton Hall at #44? I didn't know there were Seton Hall fans.
  8. Props for the research; great work!
  9. Maybe he’s planning a vacation in Neskowin.
  10. I'm starting to tune out when I read those three words. Too bad, I used to find Herbstreit worth listening to. But, now he seems to have become a shill for the interests of his network.
  11. Don’t know if there’s much more left to say after that article. To the future!
  12. These Ducks Wire 2025 position takes are very sunny, very optimistic. They could happen, maybe, possibly...but I take them with a grain or two of salt.
  13. I'm at the acceptance stage. It's over and done with, and we'll never know why it happened. We all saw how it happened, but why is way too metaphysical a question for me. Time to flush it, move on and look to the future.
  14. No way I'm buying this rumor without additional confirmation. It's just way too convenient.
  15. Kudos to you, Charles, for the concept of the site, and for the effort involved in keeping it a civil place. Every fan base is mostly nice, rational people; there are always exceptions, in the Ducks' case too, obviously.
  16. Excellent point. Nothing changed since he signed. Did he even get a locker assignment?
  17. Overreaction? I'm not so sure. As Wolken said, fortunes will ebb and flow and the SEC will be tops again at some point. But, the game has really changed for good, and some programs like Oregon are running with the changes and making the best of them, while other programs struggle with the new landscape. It will be interesting to watch what happens over the next few years.
  18. I'll never forget the four weeks of the Sagapolutele era.
  19. That's a little over the top, respectfully. I was just asking if people thought the problems stemmed from coaching, that's all. Not calling for heads to roll, simply asking a question that seems to me at least, to be legitimate.
  20. Is Lupoi the DC the Ducks want? I fully believe in the Jimmys and Joes argument; OSU yesterday was simply bigger, faster and stronger than Oregon. But, being bigger, faster and stronger wasn’t what made defensive backs and linebackers consistently confused and/or out of position. Giving up 78 points and 1,023 yards in the last two games is not good. And neither are the full-season defensive stats. Is Lupoi doing the best he can with the players he has, or are there more fundamental problems?
  21. Yeah, it’s full speed ahead, then over the cliff. Kinda like Wiley Coyote when he looks down.
  22. Totally disagree with that. The Ducks’s season was better than almost every other team in the country; one loss,, B1G champion, great for fans. Sometimes you lose, and OSU was just way better.
  23. So, some fan bases, and some message boards (I'm looking at you, Ohio State), would right now be calling for the firing of the defensive coordinator. And, I know this is post-defeat bitterness, but might there be a case to be made for the Ducks? Last two games the Oregon defense has given up 78 points and 1,023 yards, albeit both to very good teams. Today, they looked unprepared and confused. Firing the DC seems to be what would often happen in many other programs. I don't think I have the evaluative skills to have an opinion, but what about the more knowledgeable fellow commenters here?
  24. Ducks have done it to me once again: PTDS, Post Traumatic Ducks Syndrome, a nasty, lasting affliction.
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