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Everything posted by jrw

  1. We’re gonna lose this one. Didn’t think that would happen.
  2. I’m starting to think we’ve way overestimated how good the Ducks are.
  3. Somebody tell me why the Shough run cannot be defended.
  4. Sorry about the paywall. It is about ProKick...61 of 133 FBS schools currently have an Aussie punter on the roster, including 12 o 14 is the SEC. Coaches say playing Aussie rules football teaches players how to kick quickly and accurately amidst chaos while barely glancing at the ball.
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/07/sports/football/australian-punters-football.html
  6. Don't know Lanning's reasoning, but it explains all the hand-wringing about Oregon's defense on PSU's touchdown drive.
  7. If Ty Thompson plays against Texas Tech, what is TT going to stand for?
  8. Exactly! Who was it who said, after a while, you're as good as your record says you are?
  9. Another take: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2023/09/04/deion-sanders-colorado-footbal/
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