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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Oregon knows that answer from last year--ouch, ouch, ouch! Congrats so much to the Utes, and the great Utah fans who come to OBD forum. You deserve it!
  2. Some aren't unless the Ducks win enough. A ton of people will not read about the Ducks anymore because of how two games went. How loyal is that?
  3. It goes to show how it was all lined up for Oregon to make the Playoff, but for a few decisions. (or one)
  4. The first time Oregon ran it against Washington was wide open for a 10 yard touchdown. But is a third time a smart call? How many times did Chip run it again that game...I wonder? And yes, if you are a dynamic OC...you should not have to run your QB between the tackles ever, except for QB sneaks, IMHO. Too much risk, as Oregon proved my point. Let's not malign people for a difference of opinion; in fact you or anyone are welcome to write articles...we need more writers!
  5. Another interesting take on being an Oregon fan.... Oregon Fan Loyalty: "Is Our Way the BEST WAY?" FISHDUCK.COM In this off-season I am pondering the Oregon fan more than I am the Oregon football team. In order to build a forum (which will be released in the next month)...
  6. With what I've seen posted in the last week or so...pondering the existence of a "real" Oregon fan is worth contemplating....right? FishDuck Ponders the Loyalty of Oregon Fans ... FISHDUCK.COM Charles Fischer presents an plausible alternate reality that challenges Oregon fans over their loyalty to the team under all conditions. And this was four years ago?
  7. He's 48...isn't that way too old? (Tongue-in-Cheek)
  8. Remember...Dilly is not here anymore. (Rule No. 26) If Utah can beat USC... Lanning Plays With Fire, Duck Fans Get Burned FISHDUCK.COM I should have written this article a month ago when I first felt strongly about it, but at the time I did not want to be a buzz-kill for Oregon fans.
  9. For crying out loud...you write a thread about a game without the score and when?
  10. Perhaps you missed what I wrote; they have already decided, and are STAYING.
  11. The best OC Dilly could hire who is young, but needs more tempering is himself... Wouldn't it be a hoot if the ASU offense was "iffy" under a head coach who was known for offense? (Is this a hire that Mike Bellotti would make? NO.)
  12. It was published on a pay-site over a day ago, so after waiting a respectable 26 hours...I will share that Dilly was trying to entice Adrian Klemm, Demetrice Martin, Tony Tuioti and Joe Lorig to Tempe. But they all have decided to stay at Oregon! Whew! Lanning and Lorig exult at the end of the UCLA game...
  13. Taking a quick lunch break at work to write this and dash... I will admit that I am not into Volleyball, and the Women at Oregon started out slow, but caught fire. They have won 13 straight matches, and if they win two this weekend in the first round of the NCAA Volleyball Tournament at Matt Knight Arena--they would tie the longest winning streak in program history. They are ranked No. 9 in one poll, and No. 13 in another and are a No. 3 seed in their bracket. The Ducks are an impressive 23-5 and went 17-3 in the always-tough Pac-12 for a program record for most conference wins. In fact the winning percentage of 86.2% is the best since the 2012 team that played for the National title. Oregon hosts the first two rounds with the first match tonight at 7:00 PM vs. Loyola Marymount with the winner playing Saturday at 4:00 PM against the winner of the No. 6 seed Arkansas or Utah State. Let's go Ducks!
  14. Dazed and I covered this a long time ago. We were not putting pressure rushing five and six on Eastern Washington, and I believe at that point is when Lanning decided to go with higher percentage with simulated pressures and primarily Cover-2. You can rush, but if you don't have the talent, then you get eaten alive in explosion plays. Lanning looked better when he had Georgia talent...right? But hey...we'll go over again a few times. Circa 2012: Lanning Replicates Bend-But-Don’t-Break Defense FISHDUCK.COM Duck fans, sometimes two heads are better than one, and amazing minds tend to think alike. It appears Oregon’s head coach Dan Lanning has concluded that the...
  15. He regressed in the last year, and saw the numbers of edge rushers verbally committed to Oregon, and yet Lanning is pursuing some more big names yet. Not a surprise to me; we tried a 3-Star who did not work out, so now we take that scholarship and see if someone else does. It is a numbers game.... Oh my...or maybe Oregon is going into the crapper? (Tongue-in-cheek)
  16. What an incredible article from a great Oregon fan. Thanks so much Drex.
  17. Good gosh, I did not know about a few of these guys, and great research! Pretty great candidates!
  18. This is a great candidate. At minimum, he is great for our photographers with his hair... Wait a minute....doesn't he look like....
  19. His Gulf Coast Offense was scoring nearly 50 points a game when Herbert was upright.... Would Willie Taggart Have Outperformed Mario Cristobal? FISHDUCK.COM These are not two of your favorite people to contemplate right now, but I would ask for your indulgence and fantasizing along with me. I understand how people...
  20. The sage, savvy coach knows when he has more experience to acquire, and considering how ASU has been a coaches graveyard...he knows he can catch the Sun Devils at the next coaching change! It isn't going to end...
  21. This is not throwing shade on him, but my own personal observation. In my view, he is not ready. He thinks he is, just as he thought he could make a number of 4th downs starting in the Cal game. Yet I feel that at times his game-plans and play-calling were brilliant--I really do. I was going to do an analysis series on them in the off-season...so much for that! But in the end at the crunch moments--his youthful inexperience as an OC almost lost a game or two, and actually did lose two for us. This is why they call it risk, and thus why I truly believe he needed more experience, more seasoning. But then, that would mean it would be at our expense again. Can we find an OC who has already learned this stuff the hard way? Fantastic article today by DazeNconfused with OC candidates and I love three in there....love them. Tomorrow Coach Boles is throwing his OC ideas our way to let us chew further on it. My FishDuck Friends, we are lucky to have the volunteer writers who put in such amazing time, and share their skills. I am always grateful. And that is based on learning the hard way, and now being thankful.
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