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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Thank you for that, as I love the savvy community on FishDuck, people like you.
  2. So do we when he lied about continuing the offense that made Oregon known because "it’s a brand of football they love to see and support." I was at that press conference and stayed afterward 15 minutes after everyone left and he spoke to me privately about the Oregon offense, and what to expect. The feelings you think he had? They should have been shame, for his management decisions, and how he deceived the Duck faithful. He deserved the boos...
  3. Well...look here for the offers. D-1 yes, but big time?
  4. Well, UCLA and USC are among the top three in the entire NCAA for National Championships in all sports.
  5. What if UCLA has to stay in the Pac because of legal issues, and Notre Dame joins the B1G and invites Oregon...and we accept? How would you feel about Oregon leaving the conference being the final nail on the Pac-12 coffin?
  6. This sucks, but it is important information to know. Notre Dame may be final puzzle piece before Oregon can join Big Ten DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM It looks like Notre Dame is the next team to make a decision on joining the Big Ten. After they decide, Oregon steps up to the plate…
  7. Groan. So true, and if they don't get their way--they have the mic and can shout down everyone else. Not only is what Axel wrote true, but he is actually nicer to the Suck-Up media than I would be. They are despicable. (Another EPIC post Axel!)
  8. If the B1G or SEC does not want us...of which is probable...we have hard decisions.
  9. I really want the money of the B1G, but not the travel or playing Iowa, Wisconsin, and Purdue instead of Washington State, Cal and Oregon State. Raid the Big-12 and take eight teams; create the Big-Pac, and have two nine team divisions with eight conference games like the SEC does. We would NOT generate the same revenue, but to retain the Pac we have to cut sports...a lot of them. That means my beloved Baseball team would be on the chopping block. If we have to do it to retain the Pac...then I say "yes." What about you?
  10. No. In the end thousands of athletes will lose an opportunity for a college education, and it will be a disproportionate number of minorities and women. IMHO...if Oregon does not go to the B1G, then our revenues will drop and we will have to discontinue a number of sports. From 19 down to...?? Minority football players want to be paid, and women want an equal number of scholarships, and there is not enough money for all. So we'll lose more money arguing it in court... There is our attorney...
  11. You are throwing shade at people who know more of the facts. Did you see the recent analysis article that put Oregon's fan base nationally at 5.5 Million? We have a larger fan base than anyone in the Pac-12 including USC, and have a larger fan base than Alabama! This is not about 200K in Eugene/Springfield....the astute OBD members here (those that have been posting here in the last six months) know it is about eyeballs across the nation that deliver a big television contract. Where are the Oregon Ducks in study of largest college football fan bases? | Ducks Wire DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM The Ducks have one of the biggest fan bases in the nation. But where do they stack up among the most beloved teams in college football?
  12. Do they add to the revenue? Adding teams that reduces the slice that their current conference teams receive, will not work. All these people are brutal, as it is only about the money.
  13. It takes years to build relationships, and Cristebal had built one with Williams. Meanwhile Lanning was only on the job a few months, and so we will not win them all. We will get ours.
  14. I don't like how this is shaping up for half the conference either...Cal being one of them. I LIKE our conference as it was... Teams like Oregon State will eventually have to cut sports, and Cal may cut sports they've won National Championships in with less revenue due to the loss of the LA market. If Oregon does not join the B1G, then I predict we will have to cut most of our sports as well. We'll end up with Football, M&W Basketball and Track. Time to hit some tasty Oregon Craft Beer IPAs...
  15. And the revenue would be so low that we would have to drop the majority of our sports. (My opinion)
  16. I agree Log-Haulin...I am going to lock the thread. People can read the article, but this could turn ugly in a heartbeat. Sometimes you don't always see all the consequences at first...
  17. There are tons of ways to mix it in with letters and spelled out pronunciation. We are letting a few words slip in provided you use symbols and don't make an a** out of yourself by breaking our "keeping it clean" rules. But there is no reason to make reference in any way to the "F" word and we've had three of them in one day! We're adults, we are not prudes, but let's not set a new low bar? My thanks.
  18. That might be the best way for all to survive if we cannot be in the B1G, and I love the graphic. And do chime in when you have thoughts, as we invite reasonable fans from all schools. WELCOME! (BTW...always loved your offense!)
  19. I understand your logic, but emotionally it makes me ...
  20. I really like this, although I would prefer eight conference games in my division as the SEC does! And great to see you Buckeye, as reasonable fans of all schools are welcome here.
  21. If they don't want 20 teams, but 18, (and they have 16 now) they wait on ND. If ND joins, they need one more and we are among the candidates. If ND stays independent, (which is what I would guess) then B1G stands pat and we're out?
  22. Yep. But as long as Oregon has sports teams--I will be a fan and have these sites up for those who want to take part. Even if we are in the Mountain West with half the sports we have now. My loyalty runs deep...
  23. That, to me is the question. And the answer will determine if we climb or fade in being relevant.
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