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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I agree with both, as they shout big things for 2022...
  2. Sure, and it is OK to have something "OT" or off-topic from Oregon Sports. Speaking of the off-season...I am finishing an article for tomorrow about the off-season for both Oregon fans and FishDuck...
  3. Great article and great points; for all the competition we will have with USC....if both schools keep the West Coast talent home--Oregon and USC will prosper and the conference will benefit. Thanks Joshua!
  4. WolfDuck....that is a GREAT post. Glad to have you posting often and your thoughts about the trenches in 2022 are right-on!
  5. And the heck of it is....I thought they made a good return, did-in a bad guy and now a whole new bunch of plot directions with Harrison in it. I agree with Jon...can't really do this without Dexter.
  6. So, the kid is messed up and now shooting his father isn't going to impact him any for the rest of his life? The whole ending revolved on the death the wrestling coach...once Harrison found out--Dexter did not say it was an accident, or not planned, or didn't want this to happen, but..."it had to be that way." ?? That doesn't sound like Dex, that sounds like writers finding a way to end this. I was disappointed with how lame that was, and how apparently they did not want to continue Dexter, when it would have done well. Thanks for posting Jon, as it bugged me!
  7. This makes me wonder if he "knows" that Verdell or Dye or both are returning, and thus after seeing Cardwell run this last year--he knows he won't see the field much this next year?
  8. If the total upside to Oregon is realized next year, then that could be an accurate ranking. I do like it...
  9. Yes, I noticed and thought I was the only one--thanks for mentioning it. So many times the OC or DC are bigger than life, and there is reference often to them. Wouldn't you think that the DC of one of the best defenses ever in college football would be singled out? BTW...you did not miss anything in the article. He states the obvious that is in the title...
  10. I really wanted this to go on much longer, with upcoming series against new villains. I was shocked and disappointed at the conclusion...and actually thought it was a little lame.
  11. There was an article recently that stated that 80% of all NFL players are broke when they leave the league. The pension, (for those who qualify) is all they have. So we are giving large amounts of money to 18 year olds; what could possibly go wrong?
  12. Saban had a massive rebuilding year, lost his top two receivers to injury and if you are going to lose a NC....losing to your protégé' is the best. Nick is happy for Kirby, and happy for the future of his team. He will get one more and be the all-time greatest...
  13. Fun article, especially after what we saw a defense can do last night. A defense 70% as good would shut-down the Pac-12 in games, and give us more than enough slack to outscore the other team. While I think your 11-1 is plausible, it is still too early for me to give my prediction yet. But I am feeling a lot better about it than I did a few weeks ago!
  14. And the TD was not on a long drive, but a gimme start on the 15 yard line... Amazing defense.
  15. Boo-Hoo. Nobody felt the least bit sorry for us in 2014 when two of our top two receiving playmakers, (Allen and Carrington) were out, and the one NOBODY knows is how a RS Freshman LB had to fill in and was awful. He personally gave up two long "Ike" touchdowns.
  16. Results and Spread: UA Rushing UA Passing UA Turnovers UA Sacked? Actual: Georgia 33-18, 15 points 30 369 2 Unknown florida duck: Georgia 31-14, 17 points 185 305 2 3 FGLumber: Georgia 35-21, 14 points Not Listed 275 0 2 The official box scores out thus far do not have the sacks listed yet, and as you all know--I am a stickler about following directions, and thus unfortunately FGLumber's entry is not valid anyway. Thanks for playing, and hopefully I can get some sponsors next football season to put up some prizes!
  17. That's pretty harsh, IMHO. What was the money, all this "profit" from football used for? Funding 17 other sports at Oregon and giving athletes of both genders a chance at a college education. That is not quite as you suggested, but we can agree to see it differently. My point is--a ton of women would not have scholarships if all the football money went to football players. And we may see them in the courtroom against universities over enforcing Title IX before it is over. (The other sport is Mens Basketball that supports itself and makes a little)
  18. It does look grim at the moment, but human nature is to get up to the edge of the canyon and before stepping over the ledge....deciding to do something about the problem. (Even though the "medicine" would have been much easier years before.) That both NC coaches are saying things need to be corrected is a good first sign... And we never know how Oregon will come out of it. We may still be fans, but "holding-our-nose" at some of the things we read and hear. Or not. In the case that it gets truly broken and disgusting? I am simply going to soak up as much of Oregon football over the next three years as I can and Banter-with-my-Buddies here on the Our Beloved Ducks forum!
  19. After Oregon winning 15 of the last 17 games....the color has become benign. No biggie. I have to think that green cars don't sell well in Seattle?
  20. This is from ten years ago, but it is quite helpful in understanding his background and drive... About Recruiting: "For me, it's exciting. My nature and character is to feed off the competitive environment of recruiting." From the De La Salle HC: "He's just incredible. He's going to go far. He loves the game, so this was a perfect place for him. Our guys lived in a surreal atmosphere when they were here. It's kind of strange. But the way we approach football at De La Salle, he took it to another level." From Former Cal teammate: “Hunter and Lupoi played at Cal alongside quarterback Aaron Rodgers and running back J.J. Arrington. No one commanded more respect than Lupoi, though, according to Hunter.” A Grandfather's Legacy by Mitch Sherman of ESPN
  21. This is an excerpt from "The Athletic" and I cannot post a subscription article, but this tells us a ton about our new DC... Taki Taimani: "Oregon came into the picture at the beginning of the portal. I had offers from Michigan, LSU, Nebraska, Baylor. I was talking to Nebraska ... Oregon came into the picture with Tony going over there, and then we talked a little bit more, and I just talked about 'I’m a Husky,' you know? I was taught to hate Oregon. So it was hard for me. I told him that. Coaching-wise, there has to be something that pulls me there. I had a good talk with (new Oregon coach Dan) Lanning and his whole scheme and what he wanted to do, and it really impressed me." "He had told me who the DC would be, Tosh (Lupoi), and I have a really good relationship with Tosh...me and Tosh sat down and talked, and he told me he was a Husky, too, and he understands what it’s going to be like to do that. He went through his phase of not liking Oregon, too, and he said, 'I promise you, (the criticism) will be bad, but I’ll be right here with you. You won’t just take the heat by yourself. It’s going to be me and you.' And I was like, well, yep, then let’s do it." "Going to Oregon, I see people talk about them throwing me money, but to be real, there was no money thrown at me. I went there because of Tosh, the coaching aspect and Lanning — what they have to provide."
  22. So, that means that Caleb from Oklahoma is a given to USC?
  23. His resume' above is pretty impressive as just a coach, let alone as a recruiter besides. And note that he is not a "Co-Defensive Coordinator," but simply "Defensive Coordinator."
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