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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I am quite sure that this will happen often in future years with B1G fans, as it won't be for 4-5 years until we have the additional seating built. If B1G fans can help sell-out Autzen at regular pricing? Feels good to me...
  2. Imagine if we'd stayed to "help" Oregon State? Oregon would be on outside looking in with half the funding going forward. The Ducks probably would have lost Lanning to Alabama, and we'd be... ...headed to the bottom.
  3. Fun stuff Ryan, and boy are you right about what Lanning has done for developing the players to where they could be drafted. At this time last year, we worried about whether we could replace Alex Forsyth at center....and then we get Oregon's first "Top-Center" award ever. Great recruiting fodder, to point to our draft as Oregon players are respected by NFL teams.
  4. Tremendous performances for Our Beloved Ducks to come from a 5-0 deficit to beat the Rat-Bastards at PK Park 9-5. More will come later at the end of the thread, but the pro-OSU announcers made me want to hurl a number of times. You would hear a smug air of superiority when they had the lead after the first inning, but after that...it was excuses for OSU, and numerous "shine-overs" of what Oregon would do. (Backhanded compliments) As an newly christened GROUP-OF-FIVE program, you KNOW they are thinking... So the final year ends with the team Civil War Series at two games a piece.
  5. To be more precise... 11.7 scholarships Under NCAA rules, a Division 1 baseball team's 11.7 scholarships can be divided between a maximum of 27 players on a 39-player roster, with all players on athletic scholarship having to receive a minimum of a 25 percent scholarship. That leaves room for eight walk-ons.
  6. The Pig-2 have realized that prior games and clips have value, thus they intend to share Pac-12 footage for fees. It is a new revenue source they just discovered, and one created by all the rest of us, the actual P-5 schools.
  7. After two-three years....possible. But after only a season? Two of them a decade ago? Lanning has built such depth already? Incredible...
  8. My brain is so wired about Our Beloved Ducks these days, that I am really pondering some off-the-wall stuff. What if we had a B1G away game, and they wanted to start put us in the noon or 12:30 PM EST slot. It would be on TV, and because of the attractive time and because it is Oregon...it might be an option someday. I recall in 2014, when we played Wyoming at home, and the start time was actually 10:00 AM, and people tailgated with Breakfast Burritos and Cinnamon Rolls. But again, my question is an away game on TV that starts at 9:00 AM or 9:30 AM PST....are you in?
  9. In Canzano's mailbag today--this was disclosed about the crappy network we have been a part of. Even reruns will end June 30th... On one hand, I am wistful thinking of all the games on it in the past, yet thinking about being on FIVE TV stations and streaming with the B1G? Sorry Beavis, you are LEFT BEHIND...
  10. As if I don't have enough tech issues, my conversion software is now acting up...and I cannot pass along a digital copy until next week. But I can give you links to YouTube Highlights and the full game. (I would click on "Watch on YouTube" as the view will be much better.)
  11. Amen, and thanks for the article giving us perspective and how many seasons have been lost due to the lack of an adequate backup QB. AJ Feeley gets hurt in 1999, and the backup comes in and never gives up the starting position. That's what you want! AJ Feeley, WR Coach Chris Peterson and Joey Harrington
  12. For those who watched the beginning of the Oregon Spring Game telecast, the interview with Nick Aliotti was quite interesting. Keep in mind that he was our Defensive Coordinator for 15 years, and ran things through our glory years and the 2010 Natty appearance. He recruited the Buckners and the Armsteads to Oregon, and since then as a Pac-12 Analyst--he has a close eye on the Ducks and has inside access that few do. He told us that "this is the biggest Oregon team I've ever seen." These are powerful words, as he was not just mentioning the starters, but the depth stacked up behind them in the trenches, as well as the height and length of the wide receivers and defensive backs. This took me back hearing this, as this was not an idle comment and he knew he was being listened to by thousands. What we are feeling is being confirmed; Lanning is creating something never seen at Oregon. If not a 'Natty, then we are headed to a perpetual presence in the elite of college football, although I would like to think the final prize is within Dan's reach. Did I read too much into that, or are my Green-Colored Bifocals trying to look too deep?
  13. When you consider that it was raining Saturday morning--which would discourage some from coming, and we still had around 40,000 for a Spring Game? The groundswell of interest might be bigger than we thought, as the season tickets selling out was a surprise too. Autzen will be ROCKING this fall!
  14. I do not think he has MLB potential, but then--I did not expect this jump in improvement this year. But at least with Baseball he is a starter who has made many Sportscenter-escue plays in center field.
  15. The announcer of the game, Rich Burk, dropped how he talked to a coach who believes Boettcher may just play baseball now. Bryce made a big jump on the diamond this year, and hit another homer yesterday. He is a starter for Coach Waz, while would be a back-up for football. Note also he did not go back-and-forth between the Spring Game and the Baseball series in Corvallis; he was all Baseball. Well, it would free up a football scholarship!
  16. And because that was a fun spring game for the 40,000 fans in so many ways--they'll come back next year and help continue a great recruiting environment. Lanning is killing it! Come to Oregon...
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